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Everything posted by VanillaLover

  1. VanillaLover

    But are they fucking spicy?
  2. VanillaLover

    You got me. I woke up hungover and had totally forgotten it's even April 1st.
  3. VanillaLover

    Gravure Metal, when?
  4. I was holding onto the faint hope it wouldn't be so, but it is. It's not like the singles will be new album versions either. Even RETURNER~闇の終焉~ managed to make the cut and there's been an album since that got released, which was incidentally 100% singles. Such an anti-climax, considering this will more than likely be his last "studio album."
  5. VanillaLover

    According to his Facebook post, Syu will be releasing the music he made with her at some point in the future. So sad and so sudden. She was posting on Twitter not a week before. May she rest in peace.
  6. VanillaLover

    It's sold out on Amazon Japan at the moment, is that the only way of getting it?
  7. VanillaLover

    They might now be shit. But we'll always have this to remember them by. GIRUGAMESH!
  8. VanillaLover

    A Malice Mizer length hiatus? Nice.
  9. VanillaLover

    He trains/trained Jujitsu though didn't he. Well I enjoy MMA, there's alot more variety then Boxing, PRIDE was great while it lasted.
  10. VanillaLover

    According to some, Mana 2010:
  11. VanillaLover

    Homophobic? Hello kitty, ur speaking from closet? Not even to mention that gay fashion police hq's would burn Jasmine You alive for the explicitly vulgar style and clothing. (that may explain the fact he was cremated though.) what People with Bad Aids get cremated.
  12. VanillaLover

    Are you Pedobear?
  13. VanillaLover

    None of those samples excite me. Too similar to what they've already done. Was hoping they'd release something with a bit of variety.
  14. VanillaLover

    Please him in the heavens? So OTT. He probably heard the latest Linkin Park album, sent him over the edge.
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