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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    Very typical Japanese tv but it annoy me how much they play on him being a bandman. I think everyone got it the first time lol.
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    Thanks Will check it out Edit: The song I was reffering to earlier is called "heroes" btw
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    Never listened that much to him, but my ex loved a song by him (can't remember the name of that particular song atm). So I checked out "The rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust" which is a brilliant album. That's basically all i've heard by him :v should probably listen more.
  4. Takadanobabaalien

    Yes, but Yuuga said in a tweet that the Devil Kitty that he formed now is a *different* band from the old Devil Kitty
  5. Takadanobabaalien

    Oh by the way, I just realised the one-man live they had now was 結成記念 live (formation anniversary). However, the "new" devil kitty formed in July this year? Looking at VKDB the old DEViL KiTTY formed in 2002/10/xx. So... I wonder if it was for old DK? If so, is the new DK actually not a new band (like Yuuga previously said it was)?
  6. Takadanobabaalien

    Is he singing "suck suck suck my dick"? lol
  7. Takadanobabaalien

    Can you post the pv/song?
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    The new release was sold at their one-man yesterday. Here's the cover art. Besides a female pig, mesubuta is also used similar to the word "bitch". So I guess it's a play on words.
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    Welcome to MH, nice to see your here as well \(^o^)/
  10. german shouldnt be so fucking difficult, its similar to my native tongue, yet i have trouble learning it

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Nice :D how do you like it?

    2. yakihiko


      I'm mainly doing it to learn new cultures and new languages. I have done english classes, I'm trying to learn japanese. I had french and spanish but they are in hiatus (too difficult) xD

      And you, why doing? :)

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  11. Takadanobabaalien

    Only interested in Inner village because of Yuuga tbh. Wonder what songs they will perform?
  12. Takadanobabaalien

    listened to berry from macabre for the first time in like... 5 years? man, that song is great
  13. this is also just a rumor... or well, a friend who worked backstage for girugamesh during a EU-tour(he played in a vk inspired band in sweden) found a joint the guys left behind after leaving the hall. i dont see any reason to why he would lie about that to me, so i believe him. although I obviously dont have any real sources to prove my statement, so you can choose to believe it or not : p
  14. crazy cool joe from dead end. you simply cant look like that without having done your fair share of drugs/alcohol
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    This :v My japanese friends always think its fun that I don't give a flying fuck about chekis, but I love to buy merch (clothes) and releases lol
  16. Takadanobabaalien

    Won't but it as long as kiwamu has something to do with it
  17. YOHIO and disreign are moving to Japan next year and plan on having all of their activities there (both YOHIO solo and DISREIGN). Source. http://ameblo.jp/yohio/entry-12081733610.html
  18. hisame and kyouki looks best (sry biased)
  19. Hisame looks so cool in their new outfits and yes, preview sounds great. just wish they would release more than one song...
  20. Will they fucking stop with their live dist bullshit. Put the 2 coming live dists in tokyo scandal and you have a mini album instead, jesus christ.
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    don't worry, we all do that
  22. Takadanobabaalien

    I was just thinking if this was a topic about realistic costumes/outfits or basically "I want to be this person" ^.-
  23. Takadanobabaalien

    Are these just things one would like to go as or what??? I don't get it lol
  24. ドライブしようよ、僕は無免許しかもスピード狂な危ない奴さ♪ 君を乗せる夢を見てる僕は居眠り運転・・・事故って死亡!!! (死ぬ訳ないじゃんアッハッハ~~) Let's go for a ride! I'm a speed maniac. A dangerous guy without a drivers license. Looking at you who's carried away with your dreams, I fall asleep while driving and die in an accident!! (There's no chance I'd die, ahaha~) 夜中にこっそり隣のオヤジの車を盗んで乗り回してる(あ~ら~窃盗罪!) イカシタ演歌を口ずさんでたら知らない間に(雪が降ってる北海道!) せっかく来たのにお金がないからススキノ行けない(風俗街がイッパイだぁ~) 変わりに店から出てくる女をナンパしたら(どんな子どんな子引っ掛けた~?) 笑顔が可愛い女ヲ引っ掛けてウハウハノリノリの僕 彼氏はいるの?僕は彼女いないの良ければ僕と(おつきあいシマセンカ?) Secretly during the night, we steal the car from the old man next door and drive around (Hey~ That's theft!) We make the best out of the situation, enka comes on and we hum along. While being unaware (It's snowing in Hokkaido!) Although we came all the way here, we have no money so we can't go to Susukino* (There's alot of prostitution here~) There's women coming out of the store instead, if we hit on them (I wonder who would follow us~?) I'm all smiling and high in spirits because a woman with a cute smile followed us Does she have a boyfriend? I don't have a girlfriend so (Wouldn't you want to go out with me?) ドライブしようよ、君の好きな場所へ行くから何処に行くか決めてね? 何処でも好きな所へ連れて行くよ、僕は君の事が好きだから・・・照 Let's go for a ride. We can go to places you like. So decide where we should go okay? I'll follow you along to your favorite places, where ever they are, because I like you 初めて会ったバッカリなのに君とは何か・・・(すっごい気が合うね~) こんなに笑ったのは久しぶり君に感謝(感謝感謝アリガトウ!) 最初はただの下心だったのに今では君が好きだよ。 君は僕の事、好きになってくれるかな?不安だけど・・・。 Although I just met, you and me... (We go well along together~) It's been so long since I've laughed like this so I'm grateful to you (Grateful, grateful thank you!) From the start I had hidden intentions but now I really like you Do you like me? I'm a bit anxious about it これからも僕は、君の事を好きでいるから、君も僕だけ見てて。 出会いはナンパだけど、今の僕は君しか瞳に映らないから。 イツマデモ・・・ コレカラモ・・・ 君とドライブして、仲良く暮らしたいな。それが僕の夢! その前に、この車を隣のオヤジの家に返しに行かなきゃネ♪ From now on I'll like you, so please look at me only We met by me hitting on you but all my eyes can reflect now is you Forever... From now on... Driving with you, living with you. That's my dream! But before that we have to go back to the old man and give him back his car♪ * Red light district in Hokkaido, similar to Kabukichou in Tokyo. Any improvements are welcome, both on the japanese and english parts.
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