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Status Updates posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. lol apparently yohio is releasing a book (selfbiography of some sort) entitled "Drömmen som blev sann" (The dream that became truth). I don't even know lol

    1. Takadanobabaalien
    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat


    3. Number Girl
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  2. Last paperwork going to be sent in to the japanese embassy tommorow. 16 days till we're leaving. @o@

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      If they happen at the same time, Japan will implode and get consumed by the ocean.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      As a matter of fact, I will try to check out GOKIBURI though. I hope the rumours aren't true because I don't want to get shit from him :v

    3. sai


      My biggest dream is to get a chair thrown at me by Kiwamu - you should ask if he could sign it for you before he throws it. A signed chair is the best

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  3. Have anybody heard anything from ?逆的??制noize「ロゼロ??? They look pretty awesome but I can't find any music

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      except some live clips~~

    2. Gaz


      also waiting for first release

  4. Time to play League of legends :u

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


      I've been wanting to play more ranked, but I never have time.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      I don't play ranked :u not good enough yet.

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      Well, I do manage to get by in Bronze League. But I want to get better lol

  5. the live of NIGHTMARE at the Kurofuku gentei gig is basically the best thing ever

  6. Payed booking fee, yayayayaya. 30 days left!

  7. It's pretty awesome that Kyary pamyu pamyu will have a free gig at the Harajuku Kawaii Festival the same weekend I arrive in Japan 8D

  8. please give me an answer to why luna sea basically is the best band ever

    1. Gaz


      what is luna see? :o

  9. So yeah, me and my gf is going to live in a share house in Meguro for a year while studying \o/

    1. nick


      Awesome! I wish I could live with someone in Japan either.

  10. Ahh, MILKY EMILY is having a gig at Ikebukuro Black hole 2 weeks after I arrive to Tokyo :3 going to try to catch them simply because of Rinne

  11. Less than 2 months 'till we fly of to Japan... Still so much to fix D:

  12. Finding Yayoi (ex la miss fairy etc) on Facebook today was kinda weird

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Also, if Yuuga has a facebook profile I'm sure you'd be able to find it through Yayoi's friends... If you have time and bother look through his friendlist that is. I don't know his real name though but I'm assuming you do, ahah. :v

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I don't, but I'm sure he has one. I feel like he'd be less likely to accept random foreigners though.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Great now I'm stalking bandmen on facebook

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  13. Booked flights to Tokyo with my gf today, yay. Was pretty cheap too, 1050 euro~ for both of us (1400$)

  14. 憧憬破綻世界 is such a great song by La:sadie's

  15. Just saw someone using the term "デスコア系" is this a thing in Japan? lol

    1. Shmilly


      lolwut? sense not does make~

    2. Biopanda


      Using 系 doesn't instantly mean it's visual-kei, so they're probably talking about deathcore :v

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      If you google it, you get pictures of death-core bands. And Nocturnal Bloodlust.

      I've seen 'kei' used in a few different performance styles that have nothing to do with vkei.

  16. I guess it always fun to get a new fee at 50,000 JPY to get my Visa in time before I travel to Japan. Oh well, guess we'll have to post-pone buying planetickets till august☆

    1. lenji


      i'm still so jealous :< but i'm so happy for you :3 and for me :33 cause i'm totally selling a kidney and giving you all the money to buy goatbed stuff for me and send it back to europe. :333

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