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Everything posted by kurenaishineek

  1. kurenaishineek

    Now this one was a piece of cake , its Sugizo - No More Machineguns Play the Guitar . BTW will you be the only one posting the solos ? Or the one who guesses correctly will post the next one ?
  2. kurenaishineek

    L'arc en Ciel as Punk en Ciel has a good way to do re-recordings , Tetsu's voice is awesome , maybe not as good as Hyde's but it certainly is something i would love to hear more . Also the songs are heavier and more punkish thats also good cause its nice to hear a heavier side of them . On the other hand i dont really view them much as re-recordings more like self cover .
  3. kurenaishineek

    Im checking Youtube daily for two months now waiting for some preview , or some PV . Damn it seems gonna need to wait for this to come out .
  4. kurenaishineek

    I dont mind re-recordings but if they are really something new , like Galneryus re-recording their song with new vocalist and with new lyrics , and also they had a new sound . The same goes for other bands , but re-recordings that dont bring anything new are kinda boring . Like in Seikima II case , their older versions sound better , i like the 80's and 90's sound style better the drums and bass lines where sounding a lot more better , also in Seikima case their re-recorded songs like Jack The Ripper had their solos changed , and not to the better but rather to the worse . So in my case it will depend on how the re-recording relates to the original , is it just a re-recorded old song with no changes or a self cover with sound change , maybe on a total different genre , being lighter song , or maybe with new lyrics or new vocals . Here are the examples first Galneryus (This is what i like and expect from re-recordings , both versions are great) : Old version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zU_p1UWnj4 Re-Recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqz1u9SzW5w Second example Seikima II (Original wins by far) : Original Re-recording
  5. kurenaishineek

    @Hiroki : there are a lot more of ballads from ZARD you could post , Izumi wrote so many beautiful and memorable ballads , the one ive posted was the first song from the first album that was also the first song ive heard from ZARD and made me fall in love with that band . Also from what ive read the suicide part is more like a theory with no solid evidence . No matter i miss her anyway , only the complete collection of all her works is whats left and the sadness and emptiness of something thats gone now .
  6. kurenaishineek

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KH6RsqMQlE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_bpOyzyeBM
  7. kurenaishineek

    Okay guys lets keep this simple , post the best ballads of japanese music relesed in the 90's be it rock , pop or whatever you have there . Post the links to youtube or other places where you can listen to that particular song . Keep it clean and dont post more than 2-3 songs at a time . Also feel free to say why do you like that song . Here is my contribution ZARD - Good-bye my loneliness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMGhRP_cL2U Why i like it ? Well , cause its ZARD . Izumi Sakai's voice is just so beautiful and fits ballads so good . So end of story .
  8. kurenaishineek

    Yeah im interested in this new single as well , i dont really mind if they will sound the same as on Apocalyze or will try something new again , as long as its Crossfaith im in it .
  9. kurenaishineek

    If you dont like using genres than dont use them but dont tell others how they should view or describe the bands they like , the genres where made for something not just out of boredom . For now as i see im always the bad guy here when you all always do the same stuff telling me how should i describe a band and what to say and what not . Seriously this is the only forum about music im on that is that close minded and trys jumps always on the ones who use genres to label music , thanks im seriously thinking lately of going back into the shadows and just leeching the music .
  10. kurenaishineek

    I think Apocalyze is as good as every album they make , they are a band that moves around and cant stand still in one place doing the same stuff over and over again , their first ep was one of the best melodic deathcore released , for their first full album they tried something different by mixing Industrial and Melodic Metalcore , Zion was what a lot ppl call Trancecore , a mix of Metalcore and Trance , well Trancecore is in reality Freeform Hardcore a subgenre of techno and what they mean is Electronicore , but only now with Apocalyze they encompass what true Electronicore is . I hope theyre next release will also be in a new direction cause thats what i love from them , also Koie is the best shouting(grownling , shouting is what most ppl call growling , growling in reality is heard in death metal and it sounds lower) vocalist in japan , but he has an amazing clean voice as well so hope they do something that would show this part more as well .
  11. kurenaishineek

    I was a radio dj for almost 3 years some time ago and i know a lot about how somthing like that works , altough the issue will always be with the licences , i know we all share music here already and all , but a radio would be different especially with and outside server . It will be easier to find and make MH potential target for Anti Piracy Groups . So it is a good idea , but i dont know if the admins of this site want to take the higher risks and make a radio . A good alternative would be making podcasts and posting them here by use of filehosting sites , that would not be any riskier than what we already do . Also what i should mention from experience and its not only from my country but it happens everywhere is that sharing music , and doing radio broadcasts are treated as two different things with the later being seen as a bigger crime when you dont have a license . If you want to make a radio or go with the alternative i can help in any way i can . Equipment details , software and other stuff . Well for software there are some good one but you need to pay like SamBroadcaster , and there are some free ways like the shoutcast plugin to winamp but you need to have a good audio card with a well working stero mix , most integrated sound cards and cheap one either dont have it at all , or have it but it would be unusable for this , the sound would be very bad . For equipment i can tell you from my experience that an expensive microphone is not always the best , my first was a stage micro , and the second was a cheapone build in headhones for players , the second one was better . For what to do on auditions there is a ton of what you cant do , from live requests and live talks with listeners on skype to a audition about a band or a genre , a report from a concert you where on or some big event ralated to music to news from japanese music scene . But thats only some of the stuff you can do it all depends on the dj . I could as well take on the role of dj and make some auditions but my english accent is not too good and i might sound like engrish sometimes (maybe cause i listen to so many japanese bands with engrish , so i cant learn proper accent?) , and it seems on this forum some ppl hate me for not holding it in when i hear or see something i dont like and say it .
  12. kurenaishineek

    You know japan is an ever changin enviorment , and one of my favorite music critics said that japan is a weird country with one of the most commercial and sweet music scene , but also as the other side of the medallion they have one of the most brutal and heaviest metal scene out there .In the older days visual kei was popular more cause it was mostly the heaviest music you get , now VK is reaching too much for commercialization making more melodic and easy "metal" than the real deal so ppl dont reall get to like this that much . Also the VK artist are getting greedier more and more , and most of them see youtube as another "Legal" piracy platform .
  13. kurenaishineek

    WOW what ? There is a quota for likes ? Did not know this . They new stuff is great but my favs are the older albums , especially the one based on Edogawa Ranpo works . I'll try and upload their new album for ya later on so check the general section of the download forums .
  14. kurenaishineek

    Yeah , i think i have one more thinkg you might want to check out , they called ningen isu and it will depend on the cd but they some of them will fit what your looking for , they include a variety of styles like doom metal , heavy metal , stoner rock , hard rock , psychodelic rock and progressive rock . For the more traditional folkish stuff check older albums for more refined but less folkish stuff their newest stuff . Also they released a CD this year , i dont see anything from them posted here so if you gonna like them i can post some stuff from them . Older stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE1ndqXbdUY New Stuff from newest album Also maybe older songs from HeavensDust? They songs are heavy and Dark with Samurai-ish elemets made by koto , wadaiko and shakuhachi . Similar in this regard to Wagakki Band , but Wagakki are not too dark and not really heavy . HeavensDust on the other hand can be even very brutal . Shin is good with both clean and agressive shouty vocals .
  15. kurenaishineek

    For Jpop i suggest something from my old favs , like Mai Kuraki or Hana*Hana (they had some of the most beautiful pop ballads ever) . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiffbwALZcc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBBPBOzTESc Also older songs of Utada Hikaru her new stuff just does not work for me anymore . And maybe something from Rina Aiuchi older songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXeox9skKNs
  16. kurenaishineek

    Than maybe stop comparing melodic metalcore with metalcore , even in modern metalcore bands you still can hear the hardcore influence very easy . Melodic Metalcore is some scraps of metalcore added to melodic death metal , and it turned into its own genre that cant be compared to any of them , its like two white ppl somehow giving birth to black child . Also read something more about this band , they created they own unique sound that is even uncomparable to other melodic metalcore bands . Howard Jones did and awesome song with Within Temptation and i highly recommend that song , also hes in a new band that some time ago released they first CD , a little change of sound did him good , Groove Metal and Melodic Metalcore . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHAKpMboJng
  17. kurenaishineek

    Well i really have a hard time overlooking that robot screams , but this is too popular with visual kei metal wannabies , they cant do skilled shouting and growling so they go and get some weird effects . Thats bad and thats what made me hate visual kei . Still i gave them a listen and i have to say this album is good , better than their last one , had less deja vu feelings listening to this , the songs had better compositions , and where less repeatable than last album where i thougt its one extremely long and the same song . So Enigma is not a recommended album and will not even reach my top 100 of this years releases , but still its worth a listen and is a big leap for this band .
  18. Well i doubt that MH will make a rule to stop posting anything from this band and i doubt this will stop ppl from doing so . First of all , our human nature makes us this way that the more we cant get something the more we want it , the more something is forbidden the more interesting it is . It will backfire on them , its like a time bomb that will explode on them , cause the ppl will want even more to download they stuff . On the other hand one of my friends said this might be a reverse psychology advertising , they know that it will go the wrong way , and thats why they do it , cause thanks to that statement from them now they number one talk on a LOT of forums . Well does not matter to me , i already know the outcome of this , history will repeat , this is not the first band that is trying something like this and i doubt that it would be the first that would succed .
  19. You guys still miss one vital point , that is not only my opinion but a lot of well known music criticists and reportes often talk about this . A bands main income should never be CD's , they are just a medium and means for promoting the band nothing else , a bands main income shoule be live performances , tours , festival appearances and other such stuff . To many bands in this day and age forget about it or are to lazy , they release a CD do a short tour and expect to get milions by sitting on their asses doing nothing more . Look at bands like Crossfaith , they playing concerts nonstop , they last album was even released when they where in the middle of a tour . What about Supe that was a band for 6 years before releasing first CD and they still got around very good . There are so many bands that dont release anything , yet they get a lot of cash from live shows and can live a good live from that .
  20. 1st the answer is , i cant afford CDs i just said how much would i need . Also the expensive shops are the only ones who sell doujin CDs that are not even appearing on CDJapan , not even Itunes Shop has them so they can hog how much money they want , cause theyre the only ones that sell them , also the more rare japanese bands are also hard to get and if you find it you need to pay a lot to get their CD . 2nd , VK is poor , yeah seriously then get a job , i know many ppl who have a band and still have a normal work cause they cant afford to live from music . If you start to make music for cash you are not better than a prostitute , a lot of ppl do it for fun and the money making stuff is just as a side effect of it . Also if they are so poor , why are some VK bands making an account on bandcamp and offering their music as "pay as much as you want from 1 dollar" ? No matter how you look it its being greedy . If you dont see it its okay , it seems we live in the same country , but in different worlds . Its like with ppl who still belive that our politics will start to care .
  21. kurenaishineek

    Seriously cause the post part is important cause they are two different genres , did you ever compare any britpop to post britpop? probably not thats cause you do your shittalk like all the trolls , if you dont know anything bout genres and dont have any thing helpful top say than shut up . of course you want do this , cause this is another topic you can spam and up your post counter to show how awesome you are . But you are that bunch of troll kids who find it amusing to just go to youtube open a song of an artist they hate and spam with flame . BTW @ Tokage , yeah see if you would not get here to shit talk but with some brain you would be more useful , i found one band myself , they are called weaver and play post-britpop and piano rock . Sorry i forgot the general forum part on this forum is dominated with troll kid answers with shit talk and unreleated crap . Lets close this topic before it turns into spam flame war , it seems asking on this forum for any music related help is like saying "Hey troll come and get me" .
  22. kurenaishineek

    Arctic Monkeys where more of a post punk revival band with psychodelic and indie rock influences . But The Bohemians and The Cigavettes are a good pick cause both play Britpop , but im still looking for post-britpop .
  23. 1st Doujin republic , the cd would cost from 90 to 120 PLN for one CD + the shipping cost is almost the same as the cost of the CD (around 100 PLN) . In most cases it would get up to 4-5 times the cost of a CD here in Poland , so as long as the CD's are not released here im not intending to buy them cause they are just tooo freakin expensive . And yeah 5 days would be enough , for only the CDs but you are not living only from CDs you need to pay the billss and buy at least some food . Thats why ive said 10 days . 2nd Lan internet , fast and cheap im paying less than 50 PLN , also ive read of cheaper and faster internet from other providers for less than 30 PLN for LTE . But only in bigger cities . 3rd yep they signed ACTA , but they where hit badly with the protests and like most countrys they are hesitating to bring it in , they just signed that they are ready for ACTA , not that they are gonna start using it . 4th Poland is country where if you work you have to stick to it as long as you can , cause finding new workplace takes a long time and its very hard , and there are so many ppl without work , that on each persons place are 10 others waiting in line , so no one will hesitate from firing someone . And thats another thing to add to the expenses , cause you need to save up some cash as well . Bands like Nocturnal Bloodlust make me wanna puke , they are fukin selfish greedy bastards thinkin only about stuffing theyre pockets with cash on expenses of others not caring for them , they are like those fukin shitty politics in my country . THIS BAND IS DEAD FOR ME NOW .
  24. kurenaishineek

    Are you making fun of me ? Jinkaku Radio is as far from post-britpop as britney spears from death metal , plastic tree play alternative rock and experiment with shoegaze a lot . The studs and Schmelz Cure , no comment . Well at least with plastic tree you where closer if you would post some of their lighter songs . Visual Kei bands where a bad choice to post , the older ones liked to experiment more with genres and had some distinct 80's sound like lastier , new ones tend to either mix alternative metal with metalcore and play it heavy or play a mixture of pop rock and alternative rock that is rather far away from what im looking for . Here is an example of some japanese britpop http://thinkfwrd.typepad.com/inspiration/2012/10/taffy-so-long-britpop-from-japan.html
  25. I live in Poland and im being paid the lowest legal pay , recalculating this to dollars its 2,50 dollar per hour . THe monthly pay is barely enough to pay the rent and other bills like electicity , water and so on , and almost nothing is left for living . The only thing cheap in this fukin dumb country is the internet , and its the only good thing in a life worth totally nothing .
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