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Posts posted by seikun

  1. I think the experience in the US is not the same as that outside the US when it comes to Japanese music. I feel the US came late to the boom Visual Kei experienced in other places around the world such as Latin America and Europe. For exmple, for US citizens Japanese may be too much of a foreign language and may be less willing to give it a chance while in other countries listening to other language in music may not be that much of  a problem. I don't want to sound prejudiced but I feel the US is very ethnocentric.


    But anyway, the Japanese make music to satisfy their own taste and, while it is not hypnotising every single person in the world it has managed to found a place in the west.





  2. 10 minutes ago, suji said:

    They did sell a DVD there, but I forget what it was of.

    I wonder what the content of that DVD is considering they haven't done anything together for 10 years.


    But any hopes they may DVDise their reunion?

  3. I wish some people who know the band more could tell us interesting things about Madeth gray'll and their impact in the Visual Kei scene. There are always people who know more.

  4. 7 hours ago, cvltic said:

    i'm like 8000 years late but this dude is the inventor of the "air instore" AKA the instore you keep on the store's calendar to save face even though no one is attending so you don't actually hold the event at all.
    it's not that he's just unpopular, it's that he's complete despised.


    Why despised?

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