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Everything posted by LIDL

  1. This is so exciting skskksks Hope they are doing sold out shows
  2. 3rd one was 2017, fam. It was pretty fun tbh. It was mindless action flicks as per usualz the 2nd one was in 2005, and got Ice Cube, cos Vin Diesel doesn't want to do it, as the star so it is always forgotten sksksks
  3. HYde soudns good in ZIpang. *shrugs* Also, personally, I hope I look that good when I am 50 like him.
  4. LIDL

    There should be a tribute to DEG album at this point. They have been around for a long time now. I really enjoyed the cover songs that was done on those Crush! 90s V-Rock albums. Merry, Mejibray, and R-Shitei did something on DEG songs. They need to do it some times, maybe in their 25th anniv or something. Also, hope they would release some kind of boxset for Gauze this year, since it will be 20th anniv of the album release.
  5. Honey, he still had sex with you even when he knew you're drunk? And y'all not even official, on top of that? Red flag. He is not a good man. Let him go. And call the police. Like, even after married, people still need to ask for their spouse's consent to have sex. Let alone someone who's on dating phase, and always seems so ambigious about his feeling for you. He might just taking advantage of you.
  6. LIDL

    Intrigued with Chiitan anime 😂😂
  7. So long it is not sad piano music, since xXx is action flick, I will try to check it out. N33d something like Blue Blood and Orgasm.
  8. LIDL

    I need longer preview tho 😭
  9. Not too sure. Probably quick project for a quick buck and they get to chanel their musicality that they may not able to do with their main unit, and can't or won't leave the band, if they are member of some other bands, too while getting paid. 🤷‍♂️
  10. ^ are those Gaki no Tsukai show? Cos I spotted Tanaka and Endo They have been using BUCK TICK song too before on one of their skit. on topic, yeah, I am guessing there are more to that, especially based on how the 3 others members expressing themselves there.
  11. LIDL

    Nice cover art. I want it in A3 size for my dining room. Also, Expecting this wil cost $200 new
  12. LIDL

    I am not surprised at the victim blaming. This is really sad reality in Japan. They also do the same to people who struggle with depression. Very frowned upon. They'd take them as an outcast or as if they are people with dangerous disease. I guess it is back again to Japanese's way of life and the social caste stuffs. There were these saying in Japanese that said, "出る釘は打たれる" (nails that sticks out will be hammered down) , and でるくいがうたれる (don't rock the boat), which both are pretty much have the same intention, and that is what happen here.
  13. Hope it is completely vanishes. Feel better soon!
  14. LIDL

    It could be good idea if stars aligned 🤷‍♂️ Some people enjoy going to shows with someone. Some other enjoy to go alone. But practice caution.
  15. LIDL

    Hearing issues are common with musicians since they play loud music live for over and over again. Honestly, I attended a metal/rock show one time and I got to stood on the front row and exposed to these high frequency noises and I did get temporary deafness for a day after that. Imagine getting that but almost daily.
  16. You won't need VPN unless your country blocks Amazon JP. Same IP are fine, besides most IP are dynamic these days. So not to worry about it. Just use incognito mode on your browser for signing up and login to this secondary account.
  17. Ya. But you can do the trick I use: make a dupe account using secondary e-mail, with fake Japanese name, house address and Japanese bank info, (you can google this stuff, there are website prividing that for free), and it is IMPORTANT to do all these on incognito! Then with your main account, send Amazon JP e-gift card to the dupe and voila, profits! 👌
  18. Things like this always fascinates me since it is pretty much unique to Japan. Never really know any bands who pull this stunt elsewhere
  19. LIDL

    ^ Jebus, that is quite a throwback sksksksks
  20. I own many of these releases physically. So these are close to heart. Even "music" album which I had difficulty to enjoy when it was initially released. I appreciate much more now. However, I personally will leave out sadie from this list.
  21. LIDL

    Their competition must be a band called Mr.Muscle
  22. LIDL

    Shooketh. Visual Ikemen 🥰
  23. LIDL

    They're different, I guess. Aside from music that are very listenable to Western standards, it was their visuals. I suppose not many front man on VK bands who would vomit that kyo did on stage when they started out. Most bands were still embracing the 80s VK imagery popularized by X-Japan, Luna Sea and co., even DEG did it too, but they also did a little bit more too. And among others, DEG grotesque visual were stand out, this, combined with their rascal attitude back then really sold it to lots of VK listeners from abroad to get into them. I mean, people love bad boys as much they love bad girls. And these people does the work on doing mouth to mouth promo to their other friends. And it goes on and on. These days, it is a breeze for the band, I believe they got quite a street cred after Mike Portnoy praised UROBOROS to high heavens. Like, that is rare for any Asian bands, fam!
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