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Everything posted by LIDL

  1. LIDL

    Just noticed those individual posters still got K.I.S on them. Makes me wonder if all these EPs they released as of late will actually be put into one and released as an album, maybe with 1-2 new tracks, some time? 🤔 That is actually such a VK thing to do, right?? Like when LYCAON releases 3 live limited singles, then putting all 3 into their album (Royal Order), in the end. IDK, a hunty can wish
  2. Maybe that is Akinori effect Except BABYMETAL is still entertaining. SINNERS EP (2017) was decent, and they got all these other bassists collaborate with them. But when Akinori returns for XIII, it sounds as uninspired as they were again, something that been going on since I BELIEVE IN ME (2011)..., after Akinori was becoming official member, and presumably finally able/allowed to give input on lynch.'s music and direction? So the answer to this is; fire Akinori for good
  3. LIDL

    They had two other that been love limited right. LMAO. Why they are making it so hard to stan them. 😂
  4. LIDL

    First good thing for 2020
  5. Common issues with musicians that got large fanbase. Even Madonna got this same issues when she toured and didn't sing her classics but chose to sing songs from new albums instead.
  6. LIDL

    That's the best they can do these days Only thing that kept me in is that I am grateful they are still making music. But I really hope they can make another masterpiece before someone died and they call it quits for real for real. I have a scare when hearing about cancer surgery that Ryuichi went through. It is early this year, I believe. Anything can happen from this moment on.
  7. With touring the USA, most likely the Visa stuffs discouraged a lot of VK acts to perform here. It is the tricky part of things. Especially when you are not white people and not signed with major label that can sponsor you. Haven't we had enough of VK acts canceled at last minute, even those that was scheduled to perform at anime con, which usually should be enough spinsor to get those paper works done, but didn't, cos they don't get their Visa worked out in the end? European countries are rather more lenient to Japanese, but not with USA. If you are not white, who lives in white countries in EU, Aus, or NZ, it will be hard for you to obtain any kind of visa cos you are seen as second class still, paranioa and suspicions runs high that one would gone rogue and work and live in the land illegally. As for the attitude in concerts, people go to have fun. To rock out. This is happen in concerts for most genres. Most especially it is an aggresive metal show. It is weird demands for Japanese bandomen to expect audience would just stood and stare even in slower songs lmao. They need to start to do music in Kitaro or Yanni style if they wanted their live shows like that lmao.
  8. Well.., turns out, it is not that exciting. 😂😂😂😂😂
  9. Their kids are making their trio/band on their own too. Kodomo En Ciel. And they will be direct competition to BABYMETAL. Debut stage will be on New Years show, opening for their Tou-San band.
  10. Is this a big loss? I am a fan gari gari kun, monaka, and super cup myself, so this news doesn't affect me. Sucks for the fans obviously.
  11. LIDL

    He’s too busy pandering, Toshi is now covering anime song to keep the paycheck in.
  12. Everyone marching with their squad on Vinushka during opening ceremony.
  13. The next tour following this one need to be named Hardgai, or I’ll riot! I can relate. kinda.
  14. LIDL

    Not really know who they are. Maybe this band is that straight edge band who doesn't appreciate scandal. Which is fair.
  15. LIDL

    IDK, perhaps MERRY? but anyway, isn’t Japanese more of Cats people anyway? The number of cats kept as pets outnumbered that of dogs for the second straight year in 2018, as per the Japan Pet Food Association report. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/12/26/national/cats-outnumber-dogs-pets-japan-second-straight-year/#.Xb9rYMAxXYU
  16. LIDL

    I am here for (DEG -666- remix) of Ayumi’s songs!
  17. LIDL

    I see at least 3 of my fave colors there. If only I can attend, I'd definitely buy. Honestly, it will be no different than buying those characters licensed hotwheels or tomica, which I owned some. Besides this is like unique items than regular merch stuffs such as tees and tote bags. I appreciate the variety tbh.
  18. LIDL

    DSS is their worst for me, it just forgettable. And I listen to it the least. I don't remember one song from that album off my head. I need to see the CD jacket to know. Every damn time. Sure, it can be technically skillful or whatever. But when your music doesn't long lasting, and didn't stick to your listeners, what's the use of that? Also, I feel that they are trying to repeat what they did with UROBOROS, but it just get too ambitious to the point of not listenable nor repeatable.
  19. LIDL

    Wano arc is very good. And it is still ongoing. Big Mom arc is also great and we got ourselves Katakuri, such a great villain, with redeeming factors, hence quickly becomes fan favourite! STAMPEDE movie is also great, and I am hoping some of the stuffs in it would’ve at least semi canon. OP just getting longer by the chapters. So the anime will mirror that. It is great though.
  20. LIDL

    Does the CD/DVD sales In Japan declined by that much? We are talking about a country who are pretty much cash society in this day and age here. A country where music labels is so protective over their copyrighting so much so they don’t even upload full music video of their artists on global scale digital media such as YouTube, if at all. And as for VK in particular, a genre where exclusive live only CD release is still a thing. Perhaps that kind of elitism also contribute for the decline of J-Pop sales, and hurting VK genre especially? In this digital and streaming era, majority of people would just leave you behind with that kind of attitide since they got so much options in just one click away.
  21. LIDL

    Is this like their HQ store? Or the Shinjuku ones the HQ?
  22. LIDL

    So this is their old unreleased materials and not them regrouping?
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