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Everything posted by LIDL

  1. LIDL

    Feels like we talk about these "rate your DEG albums" topic every other weeks. 😂😂
  2. LIDL

    We need the receipt on that
  3. LIDL

    We have yet listen to KIS :U
  4. Oh so it is not censored? lel my bad
  5. The single is so good. Even the Dozing Green acoustic is impressive. Very pleased with it tbh.
  6. May I know what those censored words were?
  7. I hope they sell it one off on iTunes for now. People will still buy the BluRay anyway.
  8. LIDL

    My favourite are nature noises and gentle white noises of machines such as air conditioner noise, airplane cabin noise, or train noise.
  9. I was not ready and caught off guard, wow!
  10. LIDL

    XA-VAT genre. And dark wave. So these metal stuffs are not so over saturated anymore.
  11. LIDL

    I wonder why. Doesn't live houses were also used by another genres non major bands aside from VK? It is weird when I hear people say there's no business for livehouses anymore.
  12. LIDL

    It is a fantastic album. Happy they still delivers after 10+ years being gone. Also, the CD packaging is cool af. It worth all $45 of it for me. I wish more bands doing what they did, instead of basic jewel case.
  13. Wish I was there, mang! It seems interesting.
  14. I am somehow doubt they would let go the attempt to be Boris again with this single. But we'll see.
  15. What about the Japan side of Spotify? Maybe there are albums that got geo blocked and available only in JP?
  16. LIDL

    Who, luckyy! And only 450 tickets? And after party til 4?!! Sounds like it is gonna be very intimate show. Double luckyy!
  17. Please titled it Chinko Rondo 🙈
  18. TSo crowdfunding looks like really going to be the new trend for vk, after that Alice9 & Kaya ones. I will crowdfund Klaha to reunite with Malice again.
  19. LIDL

    Or Dick Tracy villain
  20. That band name only reminds me with Taiwanese boba tea brand and now I want one.
  21. LIDL

    Kyo ofc looking the best. And Toshi comes second. And Shinya... Just being Shinya. Boooooring. The only time he was being interesting in transition from VK days were from The Final era. I mean, he git her hair braided at least.
  22. I like the single cover Can't see much of the band picture, but maybe that's the idea.
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