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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. And today, I offically turn "old"

  2. XBOX One? More like XBOX -359

  3. So damn excited with Laura Marling new album, 5 more days!

  4. ^______________^

  5. Life is weird and strange, but I like it.

  6. Getting a laptop! <3 im so happy

  7. I got a crush on CAT :(

  8. I miss you, guys.

  9. Nigga you can't quit me i fuckin' fire!

  10. this is so awesome. i cant. im crying :D
  11. I just don't understand why all my Last.FM email notifications are all in French. . .

  12. "My favorite thing about Taylor Swift is her eyes. Like they are constantly on the lookout for the D." (I love you Tumblr lolol)

  13. SAI, I LOVE YOU ^______________^

  14. Tried my first cigarette to try to figure out why people like them so much....I still dont get it. All they do is make you smelly. xD

  15. wub wub wub djent wub djent djent djent screeeeeee

  16. http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/20265-mh-user-awards-20122013-the-results/#entry266150 Here are the results for the MH user awards! Please leave us some feedback on the competition!
  17. After over a week of sickness, I'm finally starting to feel better -__-

  18. ^__________^

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