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Status Replies posted by CAT5

  1. I want Dir en grey to remake Cage but in their angry faux br00tal metalz style because the rage from all the weeaboos will be hilarious.

  2. Why are some people now teal?


  4. I'm starting an internet gang. I'd like to recruit turtels, zess, ph (we need the muscle), sai, dwi, arithmetica, nekkichi, dispo and senedjem. I just want to go around and harass ppl in the name of bullshittery.

  5. Been to sidetracked to make my way here recently. has anything exciting been happening anyway?

  6. I wonder if music nerds make better music than casual music fans?

  7. that Chvrches album is catchy as hell wow synthpop is gr888

  8. Do dope fuck hope

  9. I love myself.

  10. Mumu is broken, so we are trying plug.dj tonight! XD Come and join! http://plug.dj/513741d7/

  11. I love myself.

  12. People complaining about how dressing up as a different culture for Halloween is offensive

  13. Iz a music forum a community or iz is it just a place where 70% of the users don't make friends and just want the free tunes? Let's change the forum name to MONOCHROME PIRATE SHIP.

  14. there should always be a mod in mhfell

  15. So yeah, I'm going to quit taking these psychiatric drugs. Fuck em'. I'll quit drinking coffee too eventually, but one thing at a time. One thing at a time. Wish me luck.

  16. So yeah, I'm going to quit taking these psychiatric drugs. Fuck em'. I'll quit drinking coffee too eventually, but one thing at a time. One thing at a time. Wish me luck.

  17. Toe was incredible live. It was so much more energetic than I would have ever imagined.

  18. So yeah, I'm going to quit taking these psychiatric drugs. Fuck em'. I'll quit drinking coffee too eventually, but one thing at a time. One thing at a time. Wish me luck.

  19. Smile, bitch!

  20. why do men think they can treat u like a mugbwill u nobwat go fuck urbdelfs better off wiv the gals cantbdobwiv headbfucks u no who u are tosser

  21. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  22. RUKI ANNOUNCED ANOTHER WORLD TOUR!!!! I KNEW IT!!!! i think it's gonna be mostly NA this time.

  23. White Jesus created VK for all

  24. Peace Tokage Mk II

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