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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    LMAO! ;]
  2. CAT5

    you guys are assholes ;]
  3. Awesome thread. I'm not into metal enough to contribute much right now, but I'm gonna check out some of the names you all have been dropping. I need to step up my metal game haha ;] Cheesy, you should put together a mix/sampler. I'd definitely be interested in hearing one from you! (I'm sure others would be too) ;D
  4. CAT5

    Looking forward to the new album! I can't say that I'm an avid fan, but they have more than a few songs that I enjoy ;]
  5. I think about a person that used to visit Tokyo-Nights and had a similar (or the same) username XD
  6. ^ LOL, I guess it is them. The OHP listed on that myspace is the same OHP linked in the page I just linked. XD It's down, though... I guess I just remember their myspace looking different and the samples sounding different. haha ;]
  7. OK guys, here's the actual release. Enjoy! mediafire.com/?843i8sn3qhn319j pass = monochrome-heaven.com http://www.monoreco.com/database/m_o/OOOOO.html This band used to have a myspace, but it seems to be gone now...well, I haven't been able to find it at least...
  8. CAT5

    uhh....Welcome Pretsy. We know you. You're good lol...
  9. Thanks, Champ. I'll upload the original release today, everyone
  10. CAT5

    LOL trainz. Obvious, but hilarious ;]
  11. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL high five herpdawg, high five and yes, Yuki - I'll send you the actual release haha ;]
  12. Thanks to everyone who participated in this farce! :P viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212 viewtopic.php?p=123212#p123212
  13. EDIT: APRIL FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLZZZZZZZZZZ YES, THIS IS 100% FAKE, FAKE, FAKE YOU'VE ALL JUST BEEN PUNK'D! YOU GULLIBLE BICHEZ YOU... Ronove is a real band, but they haven't released ANYTHING yet! The band you all are actually listening to is an obscure, non-VK indie band named "ooooo (ムゲン -MUGEN-)" LAWLL. See HERE IF IT'S ANY CONSOLATION, I DO ACTUALLY HAVE A JAPANESE FRIEND NAMED AKI ^________^ Ronove -OHP- A Japanese friend recommended this band to me a few days ago, and I actually ended up kinda liking it. Apparently, they haven't even performed live yet, but will probably distribute this demo when they do next month. Anyways, they're worth a shot I think. "Ronove" members: Vo.KEITO (ex-HIGHGATE) Gt.Yukisa (ex-LERISE(You)) Ba.saryo (ex-Rusty) Dr.??也(tatsuya) (ex-LERISE-->DIS★Marionette-->VERSUS) Release Date: 2011.xx.xx Bit-Rate: 192kbps Genres: Visual Kei/Rock -Tracklist- DOWNLOAD REMOVED BECAUSE ITZ FAKE!!! ^^ pass = monochrome-heaven.com Credit - my Japanese friend, Aki. Enjoy!
  14. CAT5

    nano sound museum - Cast Away (George Remix)
  15. CAT5

    NIIIIIIIIICE! Thank you ;D If Zesshoku sees this - look, I had a good amount of Onmyouza plays there! LOL...though I do believe they were higher at one point. It's hard to tell when since I reset my account a few times back then. ^^:; Nothin' wrong with a little weeabooty ;P and champ, I know haha. ;]
  16. CAT5

    LMAO, Aion with the VK avatar! ;D and Furik, that's the super throwback last.fm haha. I wish I could fine my page from that long ago. ^^; @ doe: "You're *cough cough* black again! ".....LOL! XD
  17. Though it would be interesting to take a look at snapshots of our last.fm pages from years ago lol. ;] All you have to do is enter the url of your last.fm at the site below, and click "show all". Go back as far as you can! http://waybackmachine.org/ The furthest I could go back is September 26, 2008: http://replay.waybackmachine.org/200809 ... user/one80 LOL, I reset all those plays in October of that year - My library would probably be in the 4000's by now if I hadn't haha. Though I probably had some bogus tags in my library at that time too....maybe lol. Poor Kammo was still around too =( haha... and LOL, I forgot all about that old avatar of Champ's ;] (if anyone knows a way to go back further, let me know! I'd be really interested in seeing my charts from 2006 lol)
  18. CAT5

    Great thread! I'll need to give this a bit of thought, though...bbl
  19. CAT5

    ^ quasimode are dayum good. I thought their latest effort "Magic Ensemble" was pretty weak, though. I mean, I liked the track with Miyuki Hatakeyama (her voice is divine <3), but don't quite recall the rest. The other vocalists featured on "Magic Ensemble" was MEH, though...they should have gotten some actually jazz singers (like Tomoko Nagashima of Orange Pekoe lol). But yeah, other than that, quasimode is gold! ;D
  20. CAT5

    my username references awesomeness
  21. ^ lol... They actually got me the first time back in 08...and the stuff I posted then was way more obscure than this stuff...most of which isn't mainstream anyways ;P
  22. CAT5

    8otto - 1977
  23. CAT5

    No problemo! I fuckin' love Nobie....she is one BADASS vocalist! I wish that uni-birth left up most of their YT vids (they had at least 10, but there only seems to be 3 now). She's awesome. Unfortunately, she hasn't been in any really stable bands. She had 2 albums with B-HOT CREATIONS, one with uni-birth, and a buncha features. Alma Plus is likely a one-off too =( Natsumen isn't strictly jazz of course, but sure, feel free to mention jazz-influenced bands too! ^^ If you like Natsumen, 俺????ん??もん??ゃ???? / OWKMJ sounds a bit familiar. Same kinda post-rock/jazz blend. Pretty nice.. eWp9Wr_qbk0
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