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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Radiohead - Little By Little
  2. CAT5

    Jenny Hval - How Gentle
  3. CAT5

    Sanso-xtro - misplaced feather
  4. CAT5

    Strapping Young Lad - Info Dump gonna kill prism. I wasn't looking forward to an 11 minute noise track >_>
  5. CAT5

    Holy shit yes! 2011 is just wonderful ^__________^
  6. CAT5

    Braids - Little Hand
  7. CAT5

    ^ "Hope" sounds nice. Very shoegaze-y...
  8. CAT5

  9. CAT5

    I thought that he was a cat person. Something like this: LMAO @ both of you ;D Well, if they say you can't judge a book by it's cover, then the reverse of that should hold some truth as well - You can't always judge the cover of a book by it's contents. ;P
  10. CAT5

    lmao, what exactly did you envision? xD
  11. CAT5

    must be a big big BIGBANG fan xD
  12. CAT5

    ^ what makes those 2 different from normal ambient music? xD
  13. CAT5

    THIS sooooo much! In some cases, I can tolerate Engrish - especially when the music is too good to ignore (bands like susquatch and lillies and remains come to mind). But it's mostly something that shouldn't be done. =/
  14. CAT5

    ^ LOL, because afros get annoying after a while D:
  15. CAT5

    In general, I'm not very keen on taking pics, and I'm much less keen on posting them online, but.......what the heck:
  16. CAT5

    This is kind of a counter-thread to the "Types of music you have a weakness for" topic. I'm sure there are certain things in music that manage to annoy you in some way. So what does the job for you? One of my MAJOR pet peeves are synth strings. Seriously, If you have to use snyth strings, THEN DON'T. There are very few instances where I find them tasteful. To me, electronically generated instruments will NEVER be able to replace the real thing...so they shouldn't be used as such. Unless you're dealing with some REALLY authentic sounding electronic strings or you're one hell of a manipulator, it's going to sound pretty cheesy imo. ^^; I'll list more when they come to mind... Your turn!
  17. CAT5

    haha! Darkwing Duck makes me remember Duck Tales, Talespin, and Rescue Rangers! xD LOL, Robotech was the show that completely fucked my 5th grade mind up and turned me into a anime-worshipping freak. Gundam Wing, however, sealed my coffin when it aired a few years later =/
  18. CAT5

    yall just don't know >_> LOL, I feel old as hell now, but I can keep going =p
  19. CAT5

    tsk tsk...everybody wishes they had more melanin
  20. CAT5

    Who wouldn't want to sign a buncha women that dress like men that dress like women?
  21. CAT5

    yo! ;]
  22. CAT5

    Speaking of traditional instruments, I like the shamisen and the sanshin (those banjo-like Japanese instruments), however... I'm an ABSOLUTE SUCKER for the Kokyū! One of my favorite instruments ever >_> b64U89ITtrA
  23. CAT5

    That effect is called panning ;] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panning_%28audio%29
  24. CAT5

    These! I'd also like to add: jazz...seriously, I can enjoy most jazz with ease. female vocals + dreamy/ethereal electronic/IDM = guaranteed love lush acoustic guitar work mathy, jazzy, technical, intricate, or interesting time signatures and guitar riffs soulful vocals funky/bluesy vocals and/or guitar work glitchy electronica!
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