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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Welcome back, Spike! hm....I dunno. Have you heard Lynch.'s new single, "MIRRORS"? It's pretty damn hawt W0evC42f9YQ Even though our tastes have never been that similar...I'm just gonna recommend you this anyways. bwT30DWZIm8
  2. CAT5

    I just said that is the one that I have. >.> Yeah, but that doesn't mean you've listened to it! If you have, then yeah...I'd follow Zess's recommendations WHOA WUT!!?? Whoever told you "amp-reflection" was their best release may need to get their ears checked. I personally think "riff-rain" is their best release....It's their final release an an indie band. After that, everything went down hill....
  3. yeah, I love both albums, but Iggy Pop is DEFINITELY one of my fav. albums of 2011. It's amazing how much that album has grown on me.
  4. CAT5

    New Thanksgiving avatars!! XDDDDDDDDDDD yes, and EVEN A TURKEY XD
  5. CAT5

    ^ I'd PERSONALLY recommend listening to riff-rain first if you haven't already. Just my two cents ;P
  6. CAT5

    which release do you have?
  7. ^ awesome. I LOOOVE "8と約1/2" - such a funky yet rocking tune! It's great how they incorporate hints of funk and psychedelia into their sound. What do you think of their new song/PV? ;p
  8. CAT5

    So they have a new single coming out 12/7 titled "How to go". Apparently, it's another anime theme. Here's a TV-size version of the song (though the full PV is available for download here). What does everyone think about it? Chx2BNoQzM0
  9. CAT5

    school food punishment OHP|MYSPACE Discography 2007.04.04 -[EP]- school food is good food 2007.11.21 -[EP]- air feel, color swim 2008.12.10 -[EP]- Riff-rain 2009.05.27 -[sINGLE]- futuristic imagination 2009.07.22 -[sINGLE]- butterfly swimmer 2009.10.07 -[sINGLE]- sea-through communication 2009.12.02 -[sINGLE]- light prayer 2010.03.10 -[sINGLE]- future nova/after laughter 2010.04.14 -[sINGLE]- amp-reflection 2011.07.13 -[ALBUM]- Prog-Roid 2011.12.07 -[sINGLE]- How to go PV's
  10. Who else here enjoys this band? IMO, they're one of the best newer bands around and they've been consistently dope since their demos - hell, they seem to just keep getting better. They've got a new single out on 12/7. You can check it out in the spoiler above....I'M LOVING IT!
  11. オワリカラ OWARIKARA OHP TWITTER FACEBOOK Hyouri Takahashi (Gt/Vo) Fumihiko Tsuda (Ba) Taku Kameda (Key) Kenta Kawano (Dr) Discography 2008.05.xx - 1st DEMO CD 2008.11.xx - 2nd DEMO CD 2009.05.09 - 3RD DEMO CD 2010.05.01 - OWARIKARA LIVE 2010.08.04 - ドアたち (1ST ALBUM) 2011.05.11 - イギー・ポップと讃美歌 (2ND ALBUM) 2012.05.09 - Q&A (3RD ALBUM) 2012.12.07 - シルバーの世界 (1st single) 2013.10.30 - 踊るロールシャッハ (2nd single) 2014.02.26 - サイハテソングス (4TH ALBUM) PV's
  12. CAT5

    sure, I'm down >.>
  13. CAT5

    Welcome! I'm glad you finally decided to come out of "lurkerdom" ;p Enjoy the forum!
  14. CAT5

    I'm a bit disappointed that some of you aren't describing the albums you're listing - I'm sure a lot of us would like to know WHY you all chose the albums you did. While music does speak for itself, you all are giving me absolutely no incentive to even go download these albums. People like me, who aren't avid VK fans, need convincing - and simply listing an album and posting artwork isn't gonna cut it.
  15. ^ they don't really have any PVs, except for this one. The sound quality of it is bad, though =/ QyAtAHCgVfo
  16. please let us non-VK indiefags jizz in peace, Peace
  17. http://acacia-o.com CD (2011/11/30) ディスク枚数: 1 レーベル: オーマガトキ ASIN: B005MJVNA0 曲目リスト 1. 愛撫 2. ステージ 3. すっぱい葡萄とあまい檸檬 4. 赤に憂い 5. 悲恋歌の実体 6. 一人よがり 7. ズズたん 8. オニサンコチラ 9. 理想主義 10. 故にあたしは、幸せなのです。 11. アカツキ 12. 路 um......HELL TO THA MUHFUCKIN YEAH
  18. CAT5

    There's no way that I could compile a credible list of Top VK albums; however, as a former Rentrer en Soi-fanboy, I take a bit of an issue with this release. While I do agree that RES were finally starting to fine-tune their heavier sound, I have a hard time placing this album over "SPHIRE CROID". In my opinion, "SPHIRE CROID" was THE definitive RES album. It was very much VK, but it also had an ethereal, almost unworldly quality to it; which I felt was lost in the majority of their later works. Granted, "SPHIRE CROID" doesn't get heavy at all, but I don't think that has ever been the band's strength (nor do I think that was their focus at the time). Ballad-wise, songs like "Full-moon" and (especially) "Wither" remain unparalleled in their discography. The most prominent reason keeping me from agreeing with you is that "The Bottom of Chaos" still sounded like the band was searching for their sound. It was much better than their self-titled album (which was a train-wreck in many ways), but I don't they were quite there yet. Unfortunately, I don't think RES were successfully able to redefine themselves before disbanding. "Unending Sanctuary" was probably the closest thing to a "perfectly heavy" Rentrer en Soi that we will ever hear. (although Satsuki should NEVER attempt harsh-vocals). With that said, I think the band could've topped "SPHIRE CROID eventually...they were on the right track with "Unending Sanctuary", but apparently, there must have been some strife within the band - since they parted ways shortly after. Unfortunately, whatever they were going through was painfully apparent, as "Megiddo" was a bit of a mess. It seemed more like a cheap parting gift for the fans, rather than a concentrated effort.
  19. CAT5

    This MIGHT actually be a good idea. If they shift their focus from creating "single-worthy" material to creating one cohesive, quality album, the results could be interesting.
  20. CAT5

    A question for last.fm users - How do you all tag the band called A?
  21. CAT5

    And that's why you would looooooose! Indeed you are my weakness my rabu
  22. CAT5

    PH - he's a Gundam.
  23. CAT5

    So in other words, Champ and Zess are MH's 2 scariest staff members? ;p
  24. CAT5

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