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Everything posted by Mamo

  1. Mamo

    Truthfully the real first wave began in 2003 which is why you can see 2003-2010 in the tags, with bands such as: Awoi, girugamesh, DEATHGAZE, SINCE1889(which stated in 2004), etc. and I agree with the information you mentioned here as well. Everything after 2010 I consider "Second wave" which is when bands began this electronic metalcore/deathcore sound. That's why bands such as DIMLIM, Deviloof, and JILUKA sound different; however, I definitely still think they were drawing off of and inspired by the 2003-2010 wave of "brutal kei" bands. And bands of the 90's like Aliene Ma'riage, ∀NTI FEMINISM, and 妃阿甦(THE PIASS) can be considered precursors that inspired this sound.
  2. Thank you @AimiGen7 I am now a "transition-kei" enthusiast and I would recommend everyone check out AimiGen's thread:  


    1. Mamo


      I tag the files kanji and the file names Romaji so I can read them lol. Try that method. What is your last.fm though?

    2. Himeaimichu


      My lastfm is himeaimichu. ^^

    3. Mamo


      I've added you if you ever decide to start using last.fm again.:wink:

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  3. Mamo

    I almost forgot about LuLu. @AimiGen7 Thanks for recommending Visage they're fuckin' awesome!
  4. Mamo

    They sound like it to me. So many awesome bands.

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Thank you!! :tw_glasses:

  6. Mamo

    Do you know who @Disposablewas talking about ? Or was he just trolling or something?
  7. Mamo

    They do but the process is weird you Google it I know it involves them emailing you.
  8. Mamo

    Where can I find their music?
  9. Mamo

    I'm planning to binge listen Panic Channel. Thank you @AimiGen7 I want to check out as many bands of this sort as I can. Let me know if you discover more and I'll do the same. I'm about to start digging deep into 2000-2009 bands so I can try to find more.
  10. Mamo

    I like this sound a lot what are some other bands like this? I don't really know any do you have any recommendations? @AimiGen7
  11. Mamo

    I love "Live to die" reminds me of "Avenged Sevenfold".
  12. Mamo

    How come no one's commented on this band in over a year? They're so fuckin' good! Deathcore vk at it's finest. @itsukoii awesome old pics
  13. Mamo

    Leda is really involved and enthusiastic. I love him live he really is one of the best Japanese guitarists and definitely one of the best in vk.
  14. Mamo

    Don't forget traces 2 but yes I'm ready for more
  15. Some of you may be familiar with more comedic tag "brutal kei" to describe "heavy" visual kei bands who often use vocals and instrumentals seemingly inspired by "heavy metal" genres and sometimes "extreme metal" genres as well. The origins of the term "brutal kei" was coined by "matsuya89" aka @VkBrutaliaN in 2009 and later popularized by myself in 2010 as more of a "troll". I was inspired by a video which has since been removed on youtube; however, a forum discussion on this video and listing the bands used in the video can be found here: http://rockbandfinder.com/top-9-most-brutal-visual-keij-rock-bands/ . (I later found out the video was made and uploaded by @VkBrutaliaN). But the serious origins of this trend in visual kei began with various "Nu metal" tendencies as early as the mid-90s with bands such as: Aliene Ma'riage, ∀NTI FEMINISM, and 妃阿甦(THE PIASS). Today it has become a less prevalent niche but a handful of bands of this type always seem to emerge only to disband very shortly thereafter. Kept alive by a cult following of an obsessive fandom. Many bands of the current wave of this so called "brutal kei" genre incorporate elements of electronica and mostly stick to a blend of metalcore, deathcore, nu metal, and typical vk melodic rock. The vocalist will almost always use harsh vocal techniques such as: screams, pig squeals, and death growls. Some current examples include: Nocturnal Bloodlust, JILUKA, FIXER, DIMLIM, DEXCORE, and many more. Oh and @Takadanobabaalienmy apologies for not mentioning the legendary most br00tal vk band "Deviloof"!!!!!! Are you a fan of this sound?
  16. Mamo

    @AimiGen7Does 螺旋錠 (La;Cen-zhow.) count or are they too new to be part of that movement?
  17. Mamo

    So ready to hear their next single.
  18. FIXER - ARBITER tomorrow!!!

    1. kiixx



  19. Mamo

    I hope their live limited cds make it online eventually. I saw 記憶、紺碧の微笑み selling for an ass load online so I couldn't afford it. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h299255537
  20. Mamo

    Nooo where did your BERSERK theme go?

  21. Mamo

    Same to both points
  22. Mamo

    Glad to see gibkiy x3
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