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  1. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from Komorebi in DIEALO new single "ADAM" release   
  2. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from nxbitakinema in MALISEND 2 live-limited singles release   
    始まりの白(hajimari no shiro)
    01. Unripe Ideal
    02. 剥離(hakuri)
    終わりの黒(owari no kuro)
    01. Delusion
    02. 葬(sou)
    03. 真昼の月(mahiru no tsuki)
  3. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from zetork in MALISEND 2 live-limited singles release   
    始まりの白(hajimari no shiro)
    01. Unripe Ideal
    02. 剥離(hakuri)
    終わりの黒(owari no kuro)
    01. Delusion
    02. 葬(sou)
    03. 真昼の月(mahiru no tsuki)
  4. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from suji in Ru:natic will resume activities   
  5. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from Scarlet Obsidian in Sendai new band "-Distruction-" has formed   
  6. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from itsukoii in MALISEND 2 live-limited singles release   
    始まりの白(hajimari no shiro)
    01. Unripe Ideal
    02. 剥離(hakuri)
    終わりの黒(owari no kuro)
    01. Delusion
    02. 葬(sou)
    03. 真昼の月(mahiru no tsuki)
  7. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from nxbitakinema in MALISEND 2 live-limited singles release   
  8. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from zetork in MALISEND 2 live-limited singles release   
  9. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from AikoOnodera in GE+IM live-limited single "M.D.K." release   
    SET-LIST at 2016/10/04:

  10. Like
    Yukami reacted to Takadanobabaalien in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    Ok so this is basically the story, remember that a lot of this is from 2ch so everything may not be 100% true, but the people there seem agree on most of this and a friend of mine says that it's true. So I am presuming that this is the truth.
    Anyway, as you know this was rockstar records bands:
    Devil Kitty
    And this is what's left:
    Dear disbanded (probably just a way to get out of the contract), and the other bands have decided to leave by themselves based on Yayoi and the staff at Rockstar Records not being able to support them as a label is supposed to.
    As I said earlier in this thread, Yayoi has NO money. No money in this case doesn't mean he has some money he uses himself, but actually no money. He has no apartment/house, he stays with friends from day to day apparently. This has made him put himself in quite a debt with other people, one is Kiryu (Betty) another person is his wife (who I have no idea what she's doing???). Kiryu is one of his kouhai's (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senpai_and_kōhai) and he apparently trusts Yayoi way too much because according to everyone on 2ch (and the bands who already left RR) Yayoi is not going to pay him back. So currently Kiryu (and what Avanchick gets to the label) is paying the expenses of the label (and what's not being payed by that money is going to backfire on Yayoi eventually...). Leona (Merry), Yuuga (DK), Ruchi (DK), have all told my friend how much they hate Yayoi. Now, Yuuga and Yayoi have a past that includes a lot of fighting (both with eachother and with other people), but my friend thinks this is the last straw for Yuuga. He apparently unfollowed him on twitter as well. 
    As some of you may know, Yayoi has been saying that he was running 2 businesses (one in Yokohama and one in Okinawa (the one in Yokohama was proved to not exist by fans)). This means that with both RR and his bar he was running 4 business at the same time (and he was supposed to open a kyabkura (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Host_and_hostess_clubs) as well, he actually told me that in person (but it ended up never happening)) and through that he tricked the bands into believing he had money to put into the label as well as being a successful businessman so they could success as bands. 
    Now, some of the fans at 2ch says that he's surprised that people fell for it because apparently this is what he's been doing ever since he ran the eternal label back in 2000 (people call him a spoiled brat for using his dad's cash (the guy who earlier ran EXCEL)). I personally don't know if I believe that because why would people stick with him for so long if that was true? Anyway, as said earlier not only all of the above but because he has no money most bands got little to no studio time (look at Betty who pays a lot of label expenses but haven't had a single release yet) so the label was mainly holding the bands back. And well, as said Rui from THE EGOIST says he was threatened to get beat up if he said they were leaving the label. Some VK-twitters have caught up on the drama/news as well, here's an example:
    The last part says 
    yoyuu no aru
    neyou wara"
    So they're having a bit of fun I guess, because the red part (first character on all lines) would be read as "Yayoi shine" which means "Die Yayoi!". I'm sure it's just a coincidence but still pretty fun lmao.
    I guess we'll see how everything ends up. At 2ch they're saying that the label will close before the new year comes, and that Betty and Takashi might stay with the label until then. Oh and one more thing, Noa from Avanchick has said in a tweetcast (that I cba to look for because I don't care about them) that he wants to leave the label as well.
    So based on this I'm sure Yayoi is just as intersting as Kisaki when it comes to business and scandals. He's just never been as ~famous~so we probably haven't heard of most shit he does. I have personally met Yayoi for a couple of hours and spoke to him quite a lot and he always seemed like a cool guy who got his shit together so I'm very surprised about all of this.
    Sorry for the long post, and shitty english. I'm not native lol. 
  11. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from doombox in nüe new mini album "sleep" release   
  12. Like
    Yukami reacted to SadMoomin in MALISEND will disband   
    I think they has so much potential so it's heartbreaking they disband. I really hope some of the members are planning to continue music and show their talent.  (Especially Yu-ki).
  13. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from kyoisKILLINGME in MALISEND will disband   
    SET-LIST at 2016/10/02:
    1. 孕む記憶、見知らぬ君(haramu kioku, mishiranu kimi)
    2. 剥離(hakuri)
    3. 葬(sou)
    4. T.T.H
    5. 儀式(gishiki)
    6. Dedicate
    7. Delusion
    8. 閃(sen)
    9. 愚誓(gusei)
    10. 深淵(shinen)
    11. Respire
    12. Unforgiven
    -ドラムソロ- (-drum solo-)
    13. Unripe Ideal
    14. luxuria
    15. GARDEN

    en1. 回想録~微睡む君へ~(kaisouroku~madoromu kimi e~)
    en2. ロベリア(lobelia)
    en3. 真昼の月(mahiru no tsuki)
    en4. Reincarnation

  14. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from AikoOnodera in MALISEND will disband   
    SET-LIST at 2016/10/02:
    1. 孕む記憶、見知らぬ君(haramu kioku, mishiranu kimi)
    2. 剥離(hakuri)
    3. 葬(sou)
    4. T.T.H
    5. 儀式(gishiki)
    6. Dedicate
    7. Delusion
    8. 閃(sen)
    9. 愚誓(gusei)
    10. 深淵(shinen)
    11. Respire
    12. Unforgiven
    -ドラムソロ- (-drum solo-)
    13. Unripe Ideal
    14. luxuria
    15. GARDEN

    en1. 回想録~微睡む君へ~(kaisouroku~madoromu kimi e~)
    en2. ロベリア(lobelia)
    en3. 真昼の月(mahiru no tsuki)
    en4. Reincarnation

  15. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from DESTINYGUY0316 in MALISEND will disband   
    ^ True, It was never released, my fault (I've never heard that song)  
    The other song (gusei), I heard here:
  16. Like
    Yukami reacted to Komorebi in MALISEND will disband   
    I really hope that if Malisend and Mediena blend in they keep Malisend's vocalist, he sings better xD
  17. Like
    Yukami reacted to Scarlet Obsidian in New Shimizuya Records band "ラミエル(ramiel)" has formed   
    Here only for Hiziri's voice...I love it!! *_*
  18. Like
    Yukami reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in クロロホルム (Chloroform) will disband   
    They added a sample of a new song to their YT. Is this something that they're selling at their last live or...?
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  20. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from Serox in New band "MISERIA" has formed   
    They remind me MALISEND
  21. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from suji in New band "MISERIA" has formed   
    They remind me MALISEND
  22. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from Euthanasia in New band "MISERIA" has formed   
    They remind me MALISEND
  23. Like
    Yukami reacted to leighla in メルヴェル(melvel) best album "ハジマリモノガタリ(hajimari monogatari)" release   
    Definitely their best look imo
  24. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from seikun in La'veil MizeriA live-limited single "Ruin Mizerius" release   
  25. Like
    Yukami got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in JILUKA new maxi single "Divine Error" release   
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