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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    I'm feeling this tbh side A: 「Re:quiem ~for career~」 side B: 「 Re:tirement Age」 (guest dr.: Yoshiki)
  2. nekkichi

    this sounds like a p. cool song mashed up with a generic shitty D chorus, but it's better than his recent solo single idk... I also don't get the name change, but u do u henni sort of impressedT by the guest musician list, so much talent going into a single, potentially v. mediocre album lol
  3. nekkichi

    idt they'll last through half of next year tbh shit music + too much plain-ass engrish + watered down girugamesh looks except with a somehow uglier frontman (and u legit can feel blonde heffer is looking out for a new bijuaru band to join as we speak, otherwise she'd fucking shave ha head or something) + isn't it harder for non-vk bands to get clout because average/normie crowd isn't as obsesseDt as rabid-ass scene gya? I almost vomited when female co-vocalist wailed in on one of tha tracks, but if it's their way of winning hetbois over what can I say, I'm just not the audience for this
  4. yassssss here for manipulative-boyfriend-kei sales tactics
  5. well they've hit that bar already with UKIYO (RIPsies mikuru!!!11), haven't they and promoting a full album out of another (unexpected!!) passing would be reductive, given this scene already had 大佑と黒の隠者達 and isshi's solo project
  6. it is, actually, pretty tacky and in a very bad taste, unless PV director specifically included scenes of vocalist's cavity search in close-up and that's the hole concept but idk I'm over them their music has been nothing special for a v. long time 2
  7. holy shit how did you know, king
  8. ^ i actually did my best not to speculate that their passed away heffa kicked it to OD/whatever acute liver failure she developedT anyway please lettuce refrain from guesswork until more breaking-news-tea is served by their twitter~ ~ ~
  9. holy shit I gasped!!!! tomomi betta make a few right phone calls swifT
  10. nekkichi

    all of them; hazuki probably selling the good stuff 💕
  11. nekkichi

    DVD/bluray inlet, maybe?
  12. nekkichi

    oh my god that look! a couple years late on the nørdic typesetting fåd tho hope lynch. singles machine chugs out something slightly different this time
  13. nekkichi

    inb4 next band, 「Insert coiN」, announced soon
  14. nekkichi

    he's a better and more varied vocalist than Lmao, I'm shooketh nightmare should retire yoni and hire ha
  15. nekkichi

    where's LMC
  16. 🌧I cun't🌫believe⚡️it's ☔️Sp🎃kt🎃ber🍂 already💫, 👁wbu🕸 👻hennitoes?????? 😱 





  17. nekkichi

    just lots of v. tacky airbrushing and last heffa has gone too far with ha high-lighter when painting dat face
  18. nekkichi

    yeah, I think so too, it might be better to start looking for a therapist if you're already bothered with this thing. we're in the season change now, and that might flare things up itself for no real reason, but it's always good to get a professional opinion. they might come up with a more organized coping/behavioral approach, and I'd absolutely stay away from picking up suggestions here (even though it might be a start - but again, everyone's situation and the underlying issue(s) behind it are v. different) there's a lot more nuance to mental health than the "dis is totally me when I'm OCD-ing", or "that's depression UwU" or "oh, that's bipolar :~D" guesswork.
  19. nekkichi

    is this a recent thing, or has it been accumulating for a while?
  20. this is so delightfully no-budget, sleigh a lil biT cysts
  21. nekkichi

    yass that and pink hair, lycaon taught hA I don't remember what's their vocalists name, but ha look is honestly so very on point, my fav VK thing of 2017 so far.

    bless-express here lighting up ur friday henniz

  23. **lycaon stans/avelcain stans:



  24. nekkichi

    just an opinion but various dir en greys could learn from ha with this tbh
  25. oh, right, D.I.D. I already forgot inside of me demos happeneds I guess I stan a lil bit same with, like idk, yumeleep, zicross, and dexcore
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