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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    - pierrot coming back and releasing a new single; new album out before x japan releases theirs; - insanity injection restarting activities; - some matina-era bandomen coming back, distancing themselves from kisaki, to show the youths how grieva should have done while lasted; - new ains band is an an cafe worship act; begins a sub-label for imitation resistar records nobodies; - Deg announcing a new single for late 2019/winter 2020; - sukekiyo taking a hiatus; - unsraw chanteuse releasing something; d.i.d. tribute act chanteuses dimlim releasing a single or two; - ryohei cumming back wearing weave, bow, serving dead on the inside yami kawaii; - new versatilles ablum; i'm not expecting those i'm just putting it out in the universe: - new jin band delivering brvtal-kei ~EssencE~ - Kaya teasing a 「secret band」 that turns out to be a femme fatale —re:hymenorrhaphy— and formally commences late in the year; - duel jewel coming back with an EP or a mini-album (I don't wanna neither lame albums, nor shit m-card limited sangs from them tbh);
  2. me: lol just read this shanley thread


    also me: lol this shanley thread just read me



  3. nekkichi

    ummmm like $10???
  4. nekkichi

    the kiii of music artists avoiding the costs of instruments and wigs/weaves that probably cost a fucking ton on top of the stylist appointment estimate posted nnnnn

    does anyone else suspect Dril is an avid jpop/bvbvmetvl fan

  6. Francois Sagat feat. Sukekiyo - Ranunculus (Remix EP)



    1. Hohchicano96


      If Jack Hunter were involved, my basement would be flooding endlessly, prima~

    2. seikun


      I  have never watched a single video with Francois Sagat but how is that song related to Sukekiyo?

    3. nekkichi


      ^ sagat's first (?) EP was titled CHAMELIA, but since kyo's Deg lewks as of recent are not serving the same basement wall-mart dom top I had to drag sukekiyo in x (hope this makes sense!!!!)

    4. Show next comments  156 more

  8. A beauteous fairy emerges from the sparkles of selenite dust upon a sleeping man's head, flying right to his quaintly flapped out ear, and gently exhales, sound of her voice hushed enough as not to disturb the dream:


    - Russel Tovey, I am honored to break the news of you bearing a scion from your dear husband P*rez Hilt*n. Nine months from now both of you will welcome baby @Jack




    I don't think you'll make good daddy-fathers, but at least don't grind the blue pill in his milk, something-something doing the least.

    A pained groan breaks the nocturnal silence as the man tries to ward off the horrific night revelation to a satisfied smirk of the lady of the crystal moonlake flowers as she puffs a sibilant "Stream 「Castrato」" and dissipates into thin air again.



    please welcome #my_first_fanfic y'all

  9. TRASHY 2004 ReS realness, we stan 👏👏👏
  10. Hakeui cyst u better sell some ¥3000 phone stickers if u think that video justifies the price tag
  11. nekkichi

    miyab(-/v)i doing the ~ScreamS~ is basically the only reason to listen to DlQ so like 1999? his first solo releases (2002/2003) are doing the reg growl thing ahead of p much anyone else in VK
  12. nekkichi

    "The Mylene Farmer of visual kei scene earns her Farmer chops: This Entrepreneurial Genius Invested Mitsu Cash Money Into A Blossoming Mail-Order Limited Avocado Business And Outsold Wallmart In a Grocery Staple That Died For The Millenial Generation of Customers"
  13. nekkichi

    Nice analysis of vk music you've got there! I've recently started to write down some ideas I've had about the genre, putting them togheter and starting to make conclusions about it's story and development as a whole scene. Would you like to share your thoughts with me?
  14. nekkichi

    what a weird way to spell "Russian" x
  15. nekkichi

    tbh a hollowgram guest appearance on their debut live is not exactly the tea either, I hope they won't reduce their past heavy sound to a messy sioux-style ~jazz avantgarde extlavaganza-kei~
  16. we've dispatched trained crews to clean up this scalding tea spill




  17. nekkichi

    well that sounds way softer than I expected from a Jin band unless it's gonna be 90 % screechfest again on the actual songs I wonder why both TBS guitarists are there but Rena parted ways with the others it's like final TBS singles screamed creative burnout on every song but the main composers have apparently carried on?????
  18. nekkichi

    I hope this doesn't mean some of them retire from music entirely (assuming the statement is not some polite lie they've penned during those numerous conversations), but tbh all of them will do better playing for different bands. if soan project gets scrapped now that duel jewel are back full-time, I can see them taking off with either soan or temari (or both idk.)
  19. muh aidoru-kei emptiness
  20. nekkichi

    homegirl looks like crushing a molly in a skinny latte makes their albums 300x times more digestible x
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