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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. bvbymetvl weave snatch incoming

    1. Jigsaw9


      Cool animation! :D The style totally looks like Kill La Kill (wouldn't surprise me if the same team did it xD).

    2. nekkichi


      yep, it's same team

  2. nekkichi

    9flops would never tbh beautiful pv/song/everything I hope he doesn't burn out from dir en grey slaying & this (hopefully) being a good sukekiyo release, and keeps making artful stuff
  3. nekkichi

    that's your childhood trauma showing up beholders share tbh. the entire madara era music, looks and videos are iconiq and are still ripped off by lesser coming up bands, remaining superior 10+ years after.
  4. shitty management + failed to catch up with competition + founder left to work on something else --> sold to russians for billions of roubles. idk if it ever gets proper ownership again, with another recession coming up and stuff - at least it has enough funding for terrible redesigns, irrelevant feature development and keeping it running. //voted for twitter bc. it's fun and facebook because I have to use it for various reasons. got instagram fatigue sometime mid-2014 and haven't came back since, which is hilarious bc I follow like 15 people or something
  5. nekkichi

    apparently FWD does very occasional subtitling (arche trailer and tabula rasa DVD promo from 1 year ago also have them, but nothing on revelation of mankind PV for example)
  6. str8 rural white north-american dudes are garbage unless they recently moved from europe for some insane reason. I'm tired/bored, can we get this thread back from dead
  7. nekkichi

    I have specifically used the word "opinion" for all the predictable incoming hate on this masterpiece of an album in my first post. "opinion" and "review" are semantically similar, but don't be fooled, no one is here to read your rants.
  8. nekkichi

    is there a backstory on him leaving/not leaving the band? I missed this.
  9. hopefully it's 10 nu-metal nightmare, 2 shitty ballads kind of album, such a nonsense system is awesome and gave me feels
  10. nekkichi

    if you like listening to same song rerecorded 50 times w. slightly varying lyrics you'll love it
  11. nekkichi

    didn't official science already figure it all out?
  12. nekkichi

    lmao DRAG HA
  13. nekkichi

    >Not sure what “SOL” is supposed to mean "sun" in Latin.
  14. happy birthday Ricchu-kun, I hope it's blessed with lots of quality D.

    1. Licio123


      hahahah parabéns ricchu!

    2. ricchubunny


      Obrigado Liciooo :D

    3. nekkichi


      it's that d precisely ricchu, hope it's all around perfect

    4. Show next comments  468 more
  15. wouldn't it make more sense to just refund the tickets? band got their money already, what's the point in tearing them apart cute local misogyny going on here, btw. this band won't even be around if not for those fangirls, it's literally the next vk disband candidate after the flØp
  16. suddenly the koons is nonsense system??? yomi's voice sounds weird a.f. in the entire single, but that last track...like...slays??? werks??? serving snatched weaves?????

    1. CAT5


      Seems like the vocal mixing is kinda muffled/over-compressed? (almost like he's singing into a plastic cup at times). Idk...I could be wrong, my headphones are uber cheap.

  17. I'm p. sure Gossip-ゴシップ will disband before end of year, but their 2nd single hits 2004 gazette fangirl right in the feels tbh (& I hated that eccentric agent indiefag band which did the same copyband thing, except way too directly)

    1. nekkichi


      idk who's ghostwriting those choruses, but it's legit better than current gazette anyway.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is the last track supposed to be Nightmare? It doesn't sound very gazette to me

    3. nekkichi


      nah it's them

      they steal quite a lot from early baroque/cali gari as well, but not in that track
    4. Show next comments  468 more
  18. nekkichi

    well he's the only recognizable/relevant face in the game, feels fair enough. sukekiyo is catering to kyo's stans, not 3/4 extinct mika of rentrer en soi tsunagari.
  19. lbr it sounds like his sugar daddy's trans-national construction business got busted for yakuza ties or something ;_____;
  20. nekkichi

    friendly reminder that like no one cares that your attention span is not long enough for 16 best vk songs of year at once, quit bitching over it
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