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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. they most probably haven't bothered with risky high-cost boutique games because no one offered them funds to develop that stuff. JSRF sold 200k copies wordlwide, and ps2/xbox generation was way more accepting of avant-garde videogames, with way smaller development costs when compared to ps3/ps4 gen (and they had microsoft money as a back up - ms in 2001 was a stronger company than ms of 2014). just putting stuff into perspective - sony can afford console development because over 60 % of their global profits comes from japanese-only insurance sales. sega flopped and no one most probably bothered investing in them again. I've seen mentions of studio ghibli only ever being profitable due to totoro merch sales/licensing, but I don't have/too lazy to google for credible sources on this. ghibli had audience and exposure than sega could ever only dream of, even given the high console sales in Japan during sega's peak years. entertainment is a fragile industry, and right now, the videogame trend outside of nintendo is pretty rigid, it's a mmorpg/mobile/gritty shooter market, sega can only do that much to fit in (vanquish that they published was brill, but how did it sell, again?) they can technically make more (and faster) money developing a sonic spin-off for facebook (although that would be 3 years too late, but still) rather than invest into anything console-aimed
  2. there's no market for those games tbh. they are doing everything right in a sense their only viable business model right now is creating cheap mobile/download only content and capitalizing on sonic gamers nostalgia (although they could've probably make a fortune selling sonic fursuits in the north america) the problem is no one is there to pick up the former smilebit and shenmue developer talent, and the only panzer dragoon title they will probably develop (if any) will be an ios game as well
  3. because no one ever wanted/expected a Dir en grey lyric video? they went down from vulgar/WTD era PVs to stitching stock footage and calling it a day.
  4. nekkichi

    what kind of j-drama ost hell like wtf with that overdone dramatical howling on both of them
  5. nekkichi

    oh like come on, their recent music was bland as hell. most of them will be back before the end of this year with a bunch of new stuff.
  6. nope nope nope nope nope nope I am out
  7. nekkichi

    I thought we were not allowed to link pirated media in public MH sections? I'd have posted a direct link than idk lol
  8. lady gaga applause is a good lyric video!!!! (j/k) afaik the only reason they became a thing was to boost viewcount per release, since billboard started including that into chart data, so a song with a rush-released lyric video and a proper MV gets ranked higher if both get viewed a lot. I guess Deg have their own idea of what it is.
  9. ewww @ them including that shitty lyric video tbh (unless they've filmed a real thing meanwhile)
  10. nekkichi

    ^ you can download full TDD pv googling it, there's a working link in description of literally the first youtube video you will see.
  11. nekkichi

    oh, the obligatory critical nerd from the dir en grey swamp
  12. nekkichi

    first two tracks + focus sound incredible, I like
  13. I leeched all gazette discog bc you know feels and such, and when I got to FADELESS b-sides my right ear started bleeding, can you imagine????? (my ear is fucked since a bad otitis case in school 84 yrs ago but this didn’t happen with arche!!! (you can use this as an argument in stan wars btw))

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Well, theres one thing we agree on...

    2. kyoselflove
  14. nekkichi

    kagerou copy&pasting intensifies
  15. nekkichi

    rock culture was in art, now ART's in rock culture, in me! cling onto residual X relevance, miya sis
  16. Home » In The Unsaved World » Satans Internet Nasties » Queen of Vagina Majela ZeZe Diamond Is a Black Cyber-Threat

    1. nekkichi


      lol this sounds like what CL management were ripping off when they were looking for white rapping girls examples

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. nekkichi


      itchy areola of the unsaved australian continent

    4. Show next comments  465 more
  17. 2004 gazette best gazette
    1. Ro plz
    2. Elazmus


      oh god I miss this Ruki so much lol

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      why are they copying gossip? so many copycats these days

    4. Show next comments  465 more
  18. nekkichi

    they're most probably sampling one of Leni Riefenstahl's nazi propaganda movies, or contemporaneous radio archives
  19. Akane-san, I'm atheist as you I love you and your music. But please, understand not every muslim is a terrorist. This what the news want you to believe. (lmaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooo)

    1. nekkichi


      I've already joked about christian VK, but omfg, this is the insight into life of my faves I wish I had a chance to unsee

    2. PsychoΔelica


      If I were him I wouldn't change my mind about anything xD

    3. nekkichi


      But please, understand not every Christian is Mao from sadie. This what the news want you to believe.

    4. Show next comments  465 more
  20. nekkichi

    do you have a source link? I can't play it in 2 different browsers :/
  21. nekkichi

    i don't think so boogieman also had cartoon mascots when they just started, and boogieman #where
  22. nekkichi

    did he take singing lessons from yomi or something? those 40 seconds alone are exhausting tbh
  23. I can't wait for DEADMAN WILL REVIVE FOR 1 DAY news headers here (c what i did there?)
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