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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    yas sleigh, sell those russian clubs out, cueen
  2. terrific so glad someone always pops up in vk scene to pour a steaming cup of trippy mashiro tea when you least expect it
  3. nekkichi

    OH, nvm I figured it out, it was a member subscription alert apparently, makes sense now.
  4. nekkichi

    I've been getting a couple odd notification pop-ups from threads/posts I haven't even seen before for a few days already, is that just me??
  5. nekkichi

    not even mad about this. hated half of their music, hated the name, yuuki and satoshi both can do better.
  6. nekkichi

    it is possible to make the "edited <> by" line font a tad smaller and/or darker? and is it possible to give users a period of 5-10 minutes after posting before the "edited" line pops up? other boards have this feature, and it's v. convenient because a lot of message editing is basic grammar fixes and stuff, and the edited -- line looks really distracting right now.
  7. GOODBYE @ this entire band tbh
  8. label spring cleaning, lol???

  9. nekkichi

    thx for this bright little gem tbh, gazette (or anyone else for that matter) could never: I hope they don't end up poprocking in shitty new bands by september
  10. nekkichi

    I really like undying so far, but the two other tracks are giving me stale toxic or beautiful deformity b-side/album filler track feels, malum most guilty of that.
  11. they're really reinventing the whole band concept with this one!
  12. nekkichi

    sing ur heart out, lethargic queen
  13. am I missing something, or MH no longer has a separate status update page? I can only access single user's timeline rn

    1. Zeus



    2. nekkichi


      perfect, thank you!

  14. # 8 is a cool title for a fisting anthem tbh, bring it on (and fix the pussy, thx)
  15. nekkichi

    just guessing: the kid is snacking on fxxcking spicy™ chips & this entire video is produced with a single yoshiki product placement cheque
  16. nekkichi

    I end up hating half of their current songs (inside fear included so far :\), but damn that video looks nice unsraw never got that much promotional moneys slay a lil bit, uninspired cueens
  17. nekkichi

    cute Dir en grey diss, 10/10 they should e-mail it to kyo to make his april fools extra festive
  18. it's time to bring on the ~constructive~ music composing shitpost spree, known Deg/gazette thread overlords.
  19. ngl I would be genuinely excited to hear anything ex-sadie that didn't rip dir en grey off almost directly, but it ain't happening this time apparently.eww @ kazu involved.
  20. nekkichi

    well shinya is hanging out w. yoshiki and toshi once in a while it would be...interesting to hear his croaking on an xjapan record
  21. nekkichi

    oh @ inb4 she dies & the album never gets released
  22. nekkichi

    oopsies I didn't like their recent stuff, but this still sucks
  23. nekkichi

    yas sleigh knowing tenten, giving it 6 weeks and a mini-album release tops b4 they go on another hiatus tbh
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