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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    that's a girl.
  2. ricchubunny

    Boo!(●Θ_Θ●) Dirty mirror weird pic
  3. ricchubunny

    I think that should be posted at K-pop section
  4. ricchubunny

    i got it, thanks! And i dont see problem about the finland girl and Satsuki, if they really have something... Both are humans lol the problem is jealous fangirls lol
  5. i wonder it too... I hope they release 3/29 live as Full Live DVD! i'll try to ask Mio about that... EDIT : I asked him and he said " i don't know yet"
  6. ricchubunny

    details please? i searched but didn't found anything
  7. No no no, thats totally ok! i Just said the way how he said that was not that rude! Maybe he really don't care, but at least he is supporting my translations, so i'm glad
  8. you guy's are welcome i'll try to improve! What?! How rude. Not everyone can afford paying for the plane to get there. Hm...he didn't said that in a rude way, but yeah, i think he don't have plane prices sense
  9. I fucking loved this song! I asked Rame how people who aren't in Japan can listen that and he said "come to live!there's always many oversea people"...He think its that easy :'D Well, if there's some intereted people...I wanted that people can understand at least a litlle bit what members says! So i'll translate blogs/news/lyrics there → http://ameblo.jp/bfn-translations If you have ameba blog, i'll be glad if you become a amember. My english is really poor but i'm doing my best, i hope you can understand it well!
  10. ricchubunny

    i saw it, thank you for that, but i mean the whole concert ;_;
  11. ricchubunny

    someone recordered the live? I was at school
  12. ricchubunny

    someone recordered the live? I was at school
  13. ricchubunny

    Illusion is a really sweet song, sounds like LAREINE not VERSAILLES
  14. ricchubunny

    thats usual for vkeiers to lie about their birthday. DWP's drummer P have a different birthday in each band that he joined XD Btw, i hope they make good songs, i like Riku since Teddy but their ViViD covers sucks
  15. ricchubunny

    for free? Sure! I will be in school...can anyone record it please?
  16. ricchubunny

    03/02 live will be broadcasted by niconico and Ustream http://ameblo.jp/kiryu-hiyori/entry-11170889340.html
  17. ricchubunny

    On VK...i dont hate many things, just GazettE fanbase, i guess. Btw, i really really really hate k-pop. Thats annoying
  18. ricchubunny

    Oh really? so i didn't got it well...And my japanese friend also said about 2 singles, so lets wait the OHP update! And yeah, Kamijo said about D too. Btw, i dont have they'll have a world tour this time. They said at X-mas event they would like to stay in Japan this year
  19. ricchubunny

    Yup, Kamijo sang at FC X-mas event and said "i'll just sing it today", but did it today too...@_@
  20. ricchubunny

    yeah, i trust on those guys! Btw, there was some countries flags signed by fans at C.C Lemon Hall today!
  21. ricchubunny

    From live lol Kamijo said at MC. And you'll see that if search in ameba, twitter,etc. Btw, today's setlist : -Prelude- 01. MASQUERADE 02. Philia 03.Judicial Noir 04.Thanatos 05.LIBIDO 06.Destiny -the lovers- 07.Love Will be Born Again (Japanese ver.) 08.New song 09.Thresold 10.DRY ICE SCREAM!! 11.Glowing Butterfly 12.Rhaspody of the Darkness 13.Flowery 14.Vampire 15.The Red Carpet Day -Encore- 1.Remember Forever 2.Aristocrat's Symphony -Encore 2- 1. Faith&Decision 2.The Revenant Choir
  22. ricchubunny

    They announced today at C.C Lemon Hall they'll release 2 singles, In April and in June, and a full-album in August. Further informations soon
  23. ricchubunny

    Thats true, not rumors
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