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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    they're too fast lol
  2. ricchubunny

    After exactly 1 year Kaya will be back to Brazil to 2 days concerts!!! It will be at Anime Friends (Sao Paulo) July 7th and 8th!
  3. ricchubunny

    He will back to Brazil in July for 2 days lives at Anime Friends!! July 07 and July 08 CAN'T WAIT
  4. ricchubunny

    The vocalist is from USA, he never did a band before! It's his first time. Can't wait to listen
  5. ricchubunny

    http://www.blackgene.net/images/top.jpg New look! Really unexpected one! just loved it
  6. ricchubunny

    Well, since it's their first full album release i didn't knew what to expect. But i'm very pleased with these guy's, they're really growing rapidly... Well...my opinions : Fell to the HEAVEN - Good intro song!It can be boring depending on my mood, but i really liked it. 8/10 Wrath of GOD - MEJIBRAYish song. Of course i loved it 9.5/10 いつか君に殺され死ねるなら - Another very MEJIBRAYish song. I love the chorus! 9.5/10 偽りの仮面じさつのうた - A unexpected song. But i can't listen it without think "am i listening Royz's eve:r?". So it bothers me a litlle bit... 6/10 Anemone - Well...at first i tought it would be a boring 10 minutes song. But i was wrong. I really love it. The melody is so beautiful, and i love the lyrics too...Tsuduku is love 10/10 Spice - WHAT A AWESOME SONG!!!!!!!Love the bass!!! 10/10 Invisible Tower maker - WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it sounds like ViViD's 69-II inspired song but...........can't stop love it 100/10 EIPHILIA - Totally totally totally love oh my gosh i want to listen it at live! 10/10 Mechanical beauty - I really liked this intro but the song is...meh... 4/10 Mechanical beauty - I tought it was going to be a SuG song. Ok, nop, but its...well...hm...ok song. But...well...meh... 4/10 Final : 8/10 I think its a pretty good job. I just love this guy's more than before now, and i'm supporting them for eternity. Sorry for kinda weird review and bad english but...I want to see you guy's opinions too!
  7. ricchubunny

    Yeah, i know it! I'm a Addict
  8. ricchubunny

  9. ricchubunny

    Okay, i respect your opinion, but i never offended you or any other member on this forum so i want to be respected too. I understand your point that's not a appropriate thread to comment things like that and i'm sorry but...why people always become mad when we talk about Kisaki here? Say bad things about Takeru or Mashiro is totally ok and even funny, but about Kisaki = DEAD Again, i apologize if i bothered someone with my comment.
  10. ricchubunny

    I think you didn't got what i said I was worried with him too, i sent support messages to him (he even wrote about it on his blog), so i'm really glad that he won't die. But all those stuff are so KISAKIsh for me. Don't distort what i said to try to make me look like a cruel human lol For me (AGAIN, IN MY OPINION) Kisaki is always trying to get money in the wrost ways ever, so i wouldn't be surprised. i'm talking about Kisaki, not Kentz and i think Kisaki don't suffer from terminal cancer, so don't be mad If you think i'm that Scumbag fan, please don't waste your time with me and just ignore my unfortunate comment. And sorry Peace, but...'springboard an internet popularity facade'? All comments or criticism which we do here are to get popularity?lol Btw, how i said, i really hope he get 100% soon and can resume totally to band activies.
  11. ricchubunny

    That's nice but for some reason now....it sounds like KISAKI wannabe richman trick for me. :V
  12. ricchubunny

    If you get the 5 types you'll got a special comment DVD from your favorite member just for you
  13. ricchubunny

  14. ricchubunny

    just loved their new look.
  15. ricchubunny

  16. ricchubunny

  17. ricchubunny

    New look is avaliable at his OHP : kaya-rose.com OMG, i loved it
  18. ricchubunny

    PHANTASMAGORIA > any projects of them
  19. ricchubunny

    that may be karma. I really hate K-pop and now my ex-favorite band is doing K-pop cosplay.
  20. ricchubunny

    i just have one thing to say : animesong
  21. ricchubunny

    that's right. my favorite one is the limited! but the both are awesome
  22. ricchubunny

    its not avaliable anymore. Could you upload it again?Try to use 'avaliable just for people who have the link' option
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