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ricchubunny last won the day on January 7 2019

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About ricchubunny

  • Rank
    Hizaki's Weave
  • Birthday 01/08/1994

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  1. Okay so today i have a date with a 30 y.o guy and im actually 20. I DONT KNOW HOW TO REACT, WHAT TO DOOOO. Someone help me pleaaaase D:

    1. nekkichi


      10 years is not a big deal, just be yourself and stay there for the money

    2. Tetora


      I always meet a woman in Tokyo who is in her thirties. We just hang out and talk though, no funny business. I would say just go with the flow and see what happens. The age difference isn't so important IMO, it is up to whether they can deal with us VK FREAKS!

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven


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