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The Libertine

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Posts posted by The Libertine

  1. now now, wasn't it speed not meth? Regardless still love the man. His solo album was pretty great IMO (better than the romeo which was still good imo). PLC will always be missed in my opinion. When I started listening to jrock in 2003 they were one of the first 5 groups/artists I listened to.

  2. Early 2000 had a few short lived talent. tosinn, gullet, blast, ganeisha. Fortunately, members from most these bands went on to other things : ))

    Bands black:list and zodia (one of few good indie UC bands I've heard). I enjoyed their stuff and wanted to hear more.

  3. Has there ever been a live-only single with a song that has been proven unmissable in a band's discography? Not one I've heard... they've all been songs which were previously album rejects or did not even make it as a b-side on some single. Or at least they sound like that.

    It's a cheap way for bands to attract more audience to their shows (or justify the high price of a ticket for that show), to offer some sort of exclusivity which in the end appears to be something everyone could've easily done without.

    I don't have high expectations for this... but I still have for their upcoming album, whenever it comes.

    Usually true but not always quite. Sel'm's Kage is a wonderful song. Deadman had a few great songs on their live distributed. But yea, that's all that come off top of my head.

  4. kinda disappointing. Only pain was interesting IMO. Even that is something I've heard before. Other 3, especially title track, is something nogod has done too many times. I'm also tired of Danchou's high swelling vocal lines. I hope they try branching out...

  5. 慟哭 9/10 Really great beginning to album. Great emotion and fairly powerful. A few spots singing was weird though.

    Juggernaut 7/10 Not terrible (actually the better songs of the singles). But song structure is not that good. The chorus is a little annoying but I don't hate the verses.

    LOSING MY WAY OF THE PROUD (ONE O MOTHER FUCKERS) 8/10 Well done hard hitter. Mao's growling is pretty good and has gotten better in last years.

    砂漠??シンドローム 6.5/10 Enjoyable filler

    棘 -toge- 3/10 Could really do without this song. Annoying at times. Don't like the instrumentals/vocals either. pretty shit

    deathtopia 8/10 I like the heavy/not heavy thing going on. Kinda pretty actually.

    Dress 7/10 Would be a great song without the chorus. Every time that comes back I get disappointed. Rest is very nice actually.

    Graceful Angel 4/10 *snore* bad riffs and boring

    霞??消??る?? 8.5/10 Has a great feeling. Love the high note parts. Pretty simple but works well.

    GIMMICK 5/10 Don't like the clapping thing. A bit nu-metaly IMO. Not my cup of tea, coffee, or cocoa. I can see this being fun live though with the chorus??

    Cry More 8/10 : )) Just like it.

    瞼??憂鬱 9/10 Nice closure to album. Very pretty!!

    Overall: has its winners and losers, but most jrock albums these days do. I'm at the least surprised there were as many songs as I liked. Wish they had a little more diversity in sound, experimenting with different instrumentation. They've been around long enough they should be doing that. 8/10 I guess.

  6. whether a band is disbanded or not has no effect on my listening. A well crafted album will always be as such. I'm still discovering bands that disbanded in the 80's 90's that were quite good and have shit to offer! Though I do agree with above that it is nice to follow a band as they're release and have some anticipation towards releases, but TBH it doesn't matter. One of my favorite bands Guniw Tools I didn't know about until a few years after they disbanded. Still miss deadman and RES...

    I still listen to quite a few disbanded units (kagerou, res, soroban, pierrot, etc.), and a lot of times their music is dramatically better than new bands with old members

    (pierrot is the prime example, can't stand both angelo, alvino and lmc, especially angelo)

    some bands, however, should have disbanded early and never some back ( = ayabie, and a lot of current vindies)

    Awww, I agree Pierrot is clearly better than the three, but Angelo is quite good as well IMO. Much better than boring alvino and terrible LMC.

  7. I listened to it just to make sure I didn't make the wrong decision and delete their discography a couple months ago. Still have same opinion. If this is their "best" I don't think I could ever like them too much.. Title isn't so bad (just boring) but b-sides are a bit more interesting and better. Just not wowed.

  8. RENTRER EN SOI - S/T (limited edition). I was in love with RES when this came out, so I pre-ordered this and was disappointed to hear how different it was from Sphire Croid. I still got love for ReS, but this was not their best work. ^^:;;


    Wow, I'm kinda really surprised you put that there. It's one of my favorite visual kei albums. I can see maybe if you don't like it but to be embarrassed by it???

  9. I hardly pay attention to releases now and when I see new things for sale/download I get excited I didn't have to wait for it (because I didn't know about it lol).

    Boris releases

    cocklobin single

    lynch album

    Luna Sea re-recording

    Plastic Tree album

    That's all I can think of really in Japanese music. Though I'm mostly looking forward to Patrick Wolf album this year and Lady Gaga. Oh and more Big Bang albums. : )

  10. Best start maybe stand up mini album which is solid. Their minis are all particularly good (always and hot issue as well) and their album Remember is also amazing... (so im basically suggesting everything haha). Like said haru haru, remember, lollipop 1, sunset glow, tonight are great start. I'd add we belong together (one of their best), Always, and while I don't like their japanese stuff as much their last 3 singles were pretty good (koe wo kikasete, tell me goodbye, beautiful hangover).

    And of course check out solo stuff! All taeyang's songs and Seungri's new mini are my favorites.

  11. they're actually Taiwanese not Chinese. And I agree they're pretty great (despite not listening to much black metal). I love their use of traditional instruments like erhu and guzheng and also Taiwanese Hokkien language using classical chinese text. Their english stuff isn't bad either.

  12. the Gazette.....used to love them......,but now I consider them as just a one gazelle running around the Sahara desert instead of THE GAZETTE.

    Yeah... that made no sense whatsoever.

    ↑ Lol, what the crap?

    For me, probably the biggest one would be L'arc. I did used to really like Diru and Gazette, but got sick of them both rather quickly. Still like some songs, but there's way better bands to spend my listening hours on. But I was a pretty big L'arc fan for awhile, and now I hate hearing about them and their stupid best-ofs they release every freakin' year. Their output is so low and mediocre now, pretty soon they won't have any material left for a best-of. I'm sure that won't stop them though. And all their solos are ridiculously overrated. Unlike, say, LUNA SEA, the members are outrageously mediocre by themselves. They really haven't made any GREAT music since Real. If any band could be called a greedy sellout it would be them. They're like a boyband in disguise. :urg:

    Ken's solo cd was surprisingly good despite him suck at singing and sadly it is probably my favorite L'arc solo project. But I agree with most of what you say. Though I do still like their stuff for the most part it is mostly less exciting and original than their stuff used to be and their best of's and re-releases piss me off. >_>

  13. Yea, I'd have to go with it being a bit on the boring side. It had a few songs I mildly like. Nothing offended my ears, but much of the same old. Wanted to like it more. Of the previous singles I much like 四季 the best and only new song that really jumped at me is 鬼咆. 契 is decent song but nothing too interesting.

  14. it is a great show! But unfortunately suffers from what all cable shows of that many seasons do. Though I will say that season 6 was much better than 4 and 5 were. Recovered some of my interest.

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