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The Libertine

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Posts posted by The Libertine

  1. ^I don't even think they're gorgeous. The only ones that have a little talent in there are Junsu and Wooyoung. And that's even just a little. I can't seem to figure out why they're so popular :s

    ok ok. They're more sexy than gorgeous.They all have perfect bodies lol. But yes, most of them are but"her"faces. But yes you're right about those 2 being the only ones that have a little talent. Anyhow I feel this way about most JYP groups to be honest. 2AM can actually sing quite well but again their music is bland. MissA is the only group I see any potential in at the moment. I hate the wonder girls music also.. Rain used to be JYP and is fairly good but has far surpassed anything he did with JYP. JYP seems like he means well, but perhaps should hire some new composers...

    Back on topic with 2PM I haven't listened to the new album yet. Just the video which was ridiculously bad haha.

  2. lol.. but Taichung kind of sucks... hope she at least tours Taipei and plays there too.. Anyhow she is huge there and hope she realizes it and comes and does a proper show!!

    To share with the peanut gallery: My new favorite Gaga performance??


  3. I love love love them. This might be an unpopular statement, but I like them better than D'erlanger. My favorite Kyo project. D'erlanger is amazing too don't get me wrong but BUG is more special to me. Also Asaki completes the package there. So unappreciated...

  4. Tora might be my favorite voice in japanese rock. It's really pure and just wows me every song. And I love Sel'm's compositions so much. So sad they are losing members...

  5. F Apple. So sick of their shitty product. Though I can't vouch for zune, doesn't sound particularly amazing. Looking for a 3rd party mp3 player. All I want is big HD and music only. I don't even need a color screen!

  6. Some people are hating on one or more of the new albums, but I quite liked all of them. New Album and Heavy Rocks were both really really good and about equal, while I found myself enjoying Attention Please but considerably less so.

  7. America has 11 suicides per 100 000 people, france 17, finland 19, russia 23.5, japan 24 and south korea 31.

    In 1999 in korea it was 15 people per 100 000, now 31, wow... What happened?

    Also, suicide is something that i will never approve of. Retards.

    Retards? Really? They're not "retarded", they're mentally ill and deserve help, not condescension. The fact that this person wasn't able to get help is extremely sad.

    Your comment is ignorant and extremely offensive. Fuck you for using retarded as an insult, too.

    THIS! best post!

  8. I'd be happy if my whole music collection was in 192. 320 takes up too much space and difference between 128/192 sounds much greater than 192/320. It's a nice compromise bitrate : ))

  9. I love Gaga but I feel her whole "culture" is fake. She started off wanting to be a famous pop star, became more then that, and is now pretty greedy. She uses her fans, excuse me, Monsters, to do her dirty work.

    It's a shame.

    At least Brit isn't as conceited.

    It's hard to be conceited when you're a drugged-up shell of a human being. HTH.

    TRUTH. I like a lot of Britney's songs (and blackout was great really) but really she's just a puppet with no personal decision making anymore. Her singing was never particularly great but it's somehow become even worse. Her new album is quite trash tbh. And that music video was quite abysmal. I feel bad for her when I see what she's doing these days.

    Gaga whether you like her or not is very creative and talented IMO. Album has a few dud songs (omg Americano) but on a whole I'm very impressed. I don't think it surpasses fame monster (though they are totally different in every way), but I will have this on play for weeks.

  10. Im putting a lot of importance on this release. Shadows was a big dissapointment to me so I hope my opinion of them can go back up.

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