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The Libertine

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Posts posted by The Libertine

  1. This may be their best album yet.

    Their best? I thought this was their worst. The best they ever made was Panorama. That is one of the best albums I have ever heard. Pure gold, this is shit compared to Panorama.

    Not to put you down, but I just think it's interesting you like panorama best because that's the least favorite album of most who have been fans of theirs for a while.

    For me though, this doesn't top kasou or innocence, but it's still a pretty good album and much better than Panorama. There aren't really any tracks that feel second thought. 8/10

  2. Yes, the new single is great!! I agree his neo visualizm hip hop style wasn't my favorite, though 1/2 his japanese kabuki rock album rocked the other 1/2 sucked haha. But yea, I always love anything he has done really, and he is especially great live. Can't wait for full album!

  3. Bad Jrock PVs: 99% of every jrock PV ever made.

    Truth. The problem is most are painfully boring and unnecessary rather than just being bad. So many are filmed very clean and have a budget but they just do that standard film the band and then some unrelated woman/or setting then keep cutting back. Just boring. Now, weird pvs are always welcome. If it makes me go "wtf?" at least it caused a reaction from me other than just never watching it again. I used to watch/download pvs a lot but haven't bothered in the last 3 years really.

  4. Can someone upload some BUG stuff in download section? I only have bugmania album. I am huge Asaki fan and love Kyo a lot too. Want to hear more from this band!

  5. This was a great tour really. Monsters is a great album overall but even better live. Redeemer songs suck live in comparison, and even though Mirror is better to me as an album I think monsters songs are more fun live. Also, best performances from the band I've seen from them since like 2006. I'm sad I had to leave to catch a train so I didn't see the encore in NY. Probably played awesome old something. >_>

  6. there's no way better to celebrate surviving a long day than by having a plate of brown rice with cooked spinach with garlic and fried (and sliced) Chinese Sausage, i think it's called La Chang (臘腸) and pu erh tea <3

    Not big on chinese sausages, especially 香腸 but pu er tea is a win ^^

  7. I won't rank but the top for me so far have been. And I'll just do japanese.

    9goats black out-tanatos

    D'espairsRay- monsters

    Tokyo Jihen- sports

    creature creature- inferno

    SADS- 7 deadly sins

    NOgod- kakera

    Although not an album the chemical pictures singles have all been great I really love them. And albums coming out soon looking forward to most Buck-tick, heidi., and MUCC. ^^

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