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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    So they go major and end up looking, sounding and having worst production than when they were indies ? Ok, then...
  2. jon_jonz

    Yeah, it's visually beautiful, but the song is boring af. After so long, I was expecting a typically eletronica Kaya song, but instead what we get is this folk ballad. Meh.
  3. jon_jonz

    Finally a VKeier with a talent that quits his band to do something cool, instead of lame reasons, like, because his gf made him or some shit like that.
  4. Nice look. Too bad KYOKUTOU GIRLFRIEND already took the same pic years ago:
  5. jon_jonz

    R.I.P. chinese NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST. It might be difficult to find good vocalists in China, because of all the pollution that may fuck up their throats.
  6. Sad to see them go. This was actually one of the songs I enjoyed the most in the beggining of last year:
  7. This band would actually be more interesting if they kicked Haru out and Ryu became their full time vocalist.
  8. So they got back with that trend of inviting porn actresses to appear in VK PVs, eh ? Cool. The only thing I don't like is that dude dressed as a knock-off budget Minnie Mouse, but the song sounds good and the PV is nice too, despite the low budget. Too bad this band won't last long.
  9. Their new PV is a DAS:VASSER cover:
  10. jon_jonz

    Lame. This is just the audio of their last live DVD released 12 years ago.
  11. jon_jonz

    Shit, Kuro no Usagi is still alive ? He's beyond awful. Behold:
  12. jon_jonz

    Copying old-school Naitomea looks, eh ?
  13. jon_jonz

    Again Case closed. And I couldn't care less about what you think about me. Won't waste my time arguing with whiny people who lack basic interpretation skills in a topic about a band nobody cares about. Bye.
  14. jon_jonz

    I am an introvert myself and I do have anxiety issues too. You talk shit about people that assume things about others, yet still you do the same. Having issues is no excuse to be a douche to others and letting the people that were counting on you down. Using this as an excuse to abandon your friends and fans is not ok. But hey, it was a joke. You're already an indiot by taking a joke seriously, but the punchline was in the fact that the band has no fans instead of mocking him for his stage fright. Your argument is invalid. For a person that claims to overthink things, you didn't think about the only thing you had to, eh ? So stop being a whiny crybaby and judging people while talking shit about them for doing the same. Shut up and go take your meds.
  15. jon_jonz

    Stage fright, seriously ? But this band has no fans. He may keep performing with them because no one will be there to scare him 😂
  16. jon_jonz

    Hahahahaha. Bitch, working on what ? Songs you composed 30 years ago ? Don't be ridiculous.
  17. So THE LEGENDARY SIX NINE is no more ?
  18. jon_jonz

    His solo debut was one of the best releaes of 2k16. Looking forward to this.
  19. jon_jonz

    Ugh, bummer. What's with this trend of famous bands ignoring their 20th anniversary ? Like last year, when Janne da Arc didn't do shit for their 20th anniversary, either, which's outrageous, IMO. It's a super special date. The fans deserve special stuff.
  20. jon_jonz

    Looks cool and all, but am I missing something or this really everything they've announced so far for 2017 ? Next month is their 20th anniversary, right ? They'd better come up with something epic unlike those boring ass side projects.
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