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Posts posted by jon_jonz

  1. 30 minutes ago, patientZERO said:

    There's a lot to sort through, and honestly I didn't see it. People make mistakes ... Don't be a dick.

    This is why we have tags and the archive. Exactly for those who think "there's a lot to sort through".


    Anyway, here's something new:  Ray from DEVILOOF played a hour long live and chat on his FB page and their VK fan page recorded and shared it below:




    He even speaks some english with his fans, but only played like, one song and didn't even bother plugging in his eletric guitar to an amp, LOL.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Masuha said:

    Wizard postponed their memorial live for Masumi from today to christmas, but they streamed a live rehearsal today instead.


    It's still up at TwitCasting.



    Would someone please rip and reupload it? MEGA seems to not be working in several places, including here, so it would be nice if you could put that on Youtube. Just make it unlisted so they won't take it down.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Yukami said:

    I think this topic should be pinned. :D 

    I think you should read the thread before posting.


    None of these videos belong here, except for Avilis'. ARTiCLEAR's has even been posted before and already been dismissed as not belonging here.


    Please keep this thread related only to specific gigs arranged for the sake of the pandemic. It doesn't matter if a band posts their entire videography online. Previous performances that happened before the start of the pandemic won't count. Also, no talk sessions, offshots or whatever else that isn't music-related.

  4. 26 minutes ago, colorful人生 said:

    BLOOM bands (?)



    Quality is really weird and several times they go out to absolute silence. They did interact with the chat to fix audio quality. Ignore the 2016, they didn't fix that one camera to not display the date, apparently. I'm going to be honest and say I don't know who these bands are, if someone could help that would be great. Budget-kei at its finest.


    LOL, this looks like a VHS tape from the 90s.


    The bands in the 1st video are mama. and Ran.

    The one in the 2nd video is Jigsaw.


  5. 30 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    I THINK this goes here? I was a little confused by the description, it may just be old footage they're uploading to let people see a video of them live and if so, I guess put this in their artist page (if their is one). Either way it debuts at 6am EST.

    Yeah, it's just an old footage of a gig from last year, so no, it doesn't fit here.


    Please keep this thread related only to specific gigs arranged for the sake of the pandemic. It doesn't matter if a band posts their entire videography online. Previous performances won't count. Also, no talk sessions, offshots or whatever else that isn't music-related.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    I guess it was only viewable while the stream was live. I will try to keep an eye out in case the band decides to upload the footage to YT later.

    It has now been fixed



    And it has an audience, cuz fuck the law, right?

    At least all girls seem to be wearing masks and keeping a safe distance from each other, except, of course, the white girls.

  7. 3 hours ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    DOBE's livestream just started (the band hasn't hit the stage yet and there's no audio as of yet)



    edit: oh ok, the gig only starts at 18:30 Japan time (in 20 mins).


    This was pretty fun, despite the expected ass sound quality/mixing. Sadly the video froze towards the end, so the last 2 encore songs were audio-only, but it was still okay (the sound might've even become slightly better for the encore portion). Pretty long gig too, they prolly played almost all their recorded output, lol.


    Did anyone download this? If I click on the link it just won't load and if I try to download it nothing comes up.

  8. 1 hour ago, colorful人生 said:

    The latter three aren't free (I think I misread a google translation about premium being free. It's probably programming that might've been premium made free.) but they are a product of the coronavirus and alternatives to otherwise more expensive tickets, so they partly fit... However, I can remove the latter entries if they don't meet the criteria.


    They do fit. Wish I could edit it and remove the "free" part of the title, because I assume people with premium accounts may still be insterested, as it shoud be about corona gigs regardless of it being free.


    And if you have a premium account or know how to bypass the restriction be nice and share it with us. Don't be like the bands that only make it avaliable for a limited time or only for a few people. This is a time for sharing.

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