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cullucoo last won the day on September 15 2022

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About cullucoo

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    your friendly raccoon bois enthusiast

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  1. Remember when I said lastfm is dead no one uses it anymore!!! Yeah... well anyway I'm back feel free to add me lol https://www.last.fm/user/Gehsmile

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I couldn't even try leaving tbh. Tracking my listens is now a years-old ingrained habit. They could update the UI to look like 4chan and I'd still use the damn site :( 

    3. CAT5


      Interesting, you're not the only one I've seen lately giving last.fm a try again. I gave you a follow. My account is 'wesurii' . The social aspect of the site is pretty dead, but it still comes in handy for remembering the things I've listened to.

    4. cullucoo


      @CAT5 The reason I stopped using it was yes the changes they made to the website (will never understand why tbh it was perfectly fine as it was) but also because my scrobbler was getting wonky and didnt work properly so I thought whatever bye. Now I realized that despite not actually ~using~ lastfm I would constantly check bands profiles etc so I just told myself why the heck not and figured out how to get my scrobbler to work again 

      Altho from what I understand there's not way to get an ipod to scrobble too and that's a pity since thats where I normally listen to music the most

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