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Status Updates posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. In Solitude and Watain where so awesome tonight!! Picked up an art book and a patch!

    1. Jigsaw9


      OMG lucky you! :o *is jelly*

      How did you like the new In Solitude album? I thought it was excellent (btw loved the 1st album, not so much the 2nd).

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      I'm a little on the fence regarding the new album. Some songs are definitely awesome but others leave me disappointed. I really like their two albums. I was happy they played my favourite song last night :>

    3. Jigsaw9


      Awww must've been great. :3

  2. Buy more rarez from RarezHut or buy a laptop >:S

    1. Biopanda


      RarezHut! RarezHut!

    2. CAT5


      rarez last 4ever unlike lappiez

    3. Champ213


      Laptop! (That's more rarez for me!)

  3. The bickering and drama in the Facebook thread over the band's rescheduling of the Seattle show is priceless. I think this is my favourite part about the whole Dir en grey tour so far.

  4. Guys guys guys guys guys! It's terrible music Tuesday. TIME TO BLAST SOME KEY PARTY UP IN DIS BITCH!! http://youtu.be/rEOIxp-0crQ

    1. Senedjem


      hdu call anything key party terrible

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      lar~mia was terrible tho

  5. 3DS 3DS 3DS 3DS :D :D:D:D:D:D Add me and lets trade Miis! 4098-3113-2403

    1. Gaz


      oh c'mon! traders is everywhere =_=

    2. evenor



  6. The little Korean dive is closed, no cheap bibimbap for me tonight :C MY LIFE IS SO HARD!

    1. TheBistroButcher666


      Time for spam and eggs lololololol.

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      Oh hell naw, I'm totally gonna make me some spam and egg nigiri #weeaboo

  7. I'm sad KAMIJO didn't say my big butts phrase in the UStream event :C

  8. The people that watch the super ball only for the commercials are a special kind of retarded.

    1. Ito


      Nah, I just watch it for the blackouts.

  9. 2 kawaii 2 live 2 sugoi 2 die

    1. Jigsaw9


      I didn't choose the suteki life, the suteki life chose me. (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

  10. Walking around Sakuracon JUDGING everyone, especially Kai. Come say hi if you are here! :D

    1. Ito


      Man, makes me think of old times when a some of the MH crew was still in the midwest and went to Acen.

  11. Awww, why did the SPAM Prevention topic get locked. I was going to share my Spam Fried Rice recipe :D

  12. I've been staring at spreadsheets all day. My eyes feel like they're ready to burst from my head.

    1. Ito


      It's all part of Microsoft's master plan...

  13. The neighbor on the floor below me is cooking something that smells so good. I should go down and ask for leftovers! :U

    1. Masamune


      Do it, but film it!

  14. I'm visiting my parents and my Mom made me a four shot espresso.

  15. Today I learned that swearing is universal. All day it was a lot of, "Danish danish danish SHIT FUCK danish danish danish FUCK YOU danish danish GO TO HELL danish."

  16. My bus stopped in front of the local college and the girl standing outside I could immediately tell she was a VK fan. I can just look and be like YOU PROBABLY LIKE GAZETTE YOU WEEABOO SCUM. We have something in common lets be friends <3 <3

  17. Sono's big jew nose is hot.

  18. I question if it was really worth buying the CELL PV DVD because the video was just so dumb :-S

  19. I should draw but I think I'm going to walk around downtown and eat gelato. THUG LYFE!

  20. I'm happy so many of my Internet friends RSVP'd to my birthday event. It makes me look way more popular than I really am!! :D

  21. Ohhhhhhhhhh now I like the TYPE A cover for CLASSICAL ELEMENT now that I see it's a slip case. NOW THAT IS WAY COOLAH :D

  22. I was running errands today and it looks like people are already lining up for the Dir en grey show. YUP not that crazy, have fun standing in the cold suckahs.

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