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    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from CAT5 in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    hmmn, ok i'm not sure if i miss the point here but i'll try anyways

    the biggest argument or unpopular opinion i have with people around me is most of the time about perception and rating of music in general.
    To give some context i'm usually branded as some doom-metal hardrock dude with also a knack for weird noise glitchcore drone-ambient whatever stuff. maybe rightfully so as this might make up for a slight majority of my music-library.

    now people around me are all very much into very "true" and "real" music, like totally deep indie and super obscure electro and oh so dreamy post-hardcore aswell as the obvious trve metal, maybe for good measure even the occasional jazz or classical stuff thrown in to seem intelligent, without ever having actually listened to it.
    the thing now is those all pretty much accept each other in a "i guess that's cool" kind of way, but for some reason as soon as Pop is involved everybody get super defensive, as if they'd feel their sexuality threatened. when i for example show some of them some K-Pop which i happen to really dig (some of it), i don't even get a response at all.  it's just raised eyebrows and maybe awkward laughter as to how supposedly riddiculous this is supposed to be.
    now not liking whatever kind of music is totally fine, but you have to have some proper reason for it and explain to me for example why on the one hand jamiroquai is like the tightest shit to have come to the music world in years, but shinee or big bang on the other hand aren't even taken seriously.
    this is usually when the argument about authenticity and "they don't even write their own music" and all that shit starts, which in terms of bigbang would even be false, and also is totally irrelevant to the music itself, i mean i don't hate on anthony hopkins for not write silence of the lambs himself now do i? then there's always a ton of other equally irrelevant arguments (only for teenage girls blabla, no real instruments blabla, gay blablabla) and all the other shit, which, and this is the point, the persons themselves actually don't really care about i believe.

    for some weird and really unfortunate reason the progress romantically described as "developing ones taste" is just a long way of narrowing down ones horizon and the more narrow minded you are, the cooler you are seen by your friends. at some point you believe that shit even yourself and even tiny variations from that narrow road are enough to deem something shit or mainstream and sellout and whatnot.
    it is an easy error to make, for myself if i am about to dislike something i always first try to ask myself why that is, and if that supposed reason is actually valid. a lot of the so called "guilty pleasures" should be enough of an indicator for hippocritical judgement .

    people always shake their heads and tell me they find it weird that i (the "doom-metaller") think mariya carey's can't live or seals kiss from a rose is one of the coolest songs ever, I on the other hand find it weird that given the extremely limited space we have with what's considered music (12 semitones, more or less all in 4/4, more or less all consisting of drums-bass-keys/synth/guitars-vocals) force ourselves to like only even a fraction of that and even dictate that by outer influences like appearances and other connotations...

    hmmn... i guess i went totally off rails here, didn't i?

    regarding the Dir En Grey arguments here, probably agreeing with the general consensus of them still sounding deep-fried in VK, which is why i always find the "they sound like any other western Deathmetal/Metalcore Band now, SELLOUTS!" argument so utterly stupid...
  2. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from jduv86 in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    not that many great anime-movies out there, "sword of the stranger" is very cool though. also the "samurai x trust and betrayal" ova is pretty much movie-length too and pretty darn awesome...
  3. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to joyless in Current/Dream Gear   
    I believe the SPX90 was actually secondary to Shield's twin Midiverb II setup, which produced the majority of the reverse reverb stuff. I remember reading an interview that explained most of the stuff on the albums at least was a Midiverb II patch 45 set to 100% wet signal. I have one and it does sound extremely similar to what he uses. Also fairly confident the SPX90 was heavily used by Slowdive as well, so that's tight.
    Surprised this thread isn't more active. Going to bump it with my new setup. Put together a sort of "minimal rig" today for smaller/local shows/anything that isn't touring when moving numerous cabs and heads likely isn't worth it.

    Sunn SL260 60w 2x12 -> Peavey Supreme 160 (slave) -> Fender GE 412 4x12
    The Sunn is fairly loud on its own (unsurprisingly), but with the Peavey slaved to it the sound is massive. The Sunn stays at max pretty much all the time because for some reason the tone kinda sucks at anything below 8ish.
    The full "touring" rig is pretty similar. Instead of just a Peavey slave, the Sunn goes into a Fender Roc Pro 1000 which powers its own 2x15 cab and then cascades into the Peavey powering two 4x12s. It's exceptionally loud and very VERY clean even at max thanks to the ridiculous headroom in the SL260.
    Pedalboard is fairly simple considering I play in shoegaze bands. If I recall correctly, the signal chain is:
    Electro-Harmonix Micro Metal Muff -> Behringer DD600 -> Nose True Bypass Looper (essentially serving as a footswitch for an Alesis Midiverb II) -> Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi -> Electro-Harmonix Holier Grail -> Digitech JamMan Solo -> amp
    Will probably replace the Metal Muff with its larger variant (for more tone controls) and toss a Rat II somewhere in there as well. Might also add in an SPX90 just after the Midiverb II, but only if I can find one really cheap.
    Finally, the guitar going into this mess is a Fender Vintage Modified Jazzmaster. I have a number of other guitars on a rack in my room, but they don't really get pulled out enough to be worth mentioning. They're all either retired live guitars or more suited for recording.
    As for dream gear, probably a Roland JC-120, Fender Twin Reverb, Sunn Model T (or 200S) and a number of boutique/vintage fuzz pedals that go for insane prices on ebay.
    Hopefully the 2 or 3 gear nerds who read this over the next few years will find it somewhat interesting?
  4. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in "Inspiration" - where does music find it?   
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    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from clow_eriol in "Inspiration" - where does music find it?   
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    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to nekkichi in MIYAVI new album "MIYAVI" release   
    jesus the cupcake batter vodka milkshake is legit better than all of miyavi's discography combined, I have no idea what kind of genius invented this thing first omg god bless him & god bless you for finding it
    first couple riffs and bg music even sound like 2005 myv so it's totally cool 2 post it here
  7. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Gizorz in MIYAVI new album "MIYAVI" release   
    I'm not liking this at all.. Hope it's not a representation of what the rest of the album sounds like because I'd be really disappointed...
  8. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to jduv86 in Bonsai's random song-overview   
    You have a new fan! Just went through this thread! Very awesome music! I like how a lot of your songs have this funky vibe to them. Even the ending of Let Me Eat Your Sandwiches Chug FEST has it! Very awesome music! If you made a CD, I totally would buy it and fan boy over you lol
  9. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Jigsaw9 in Church of Misery new album "Thy Kingdom Scum" release   
    Groovy stoner/doom band Church of Misery will release their new album "Thy Kingdom Scum" on 2013/05/27 in the UK & Europe (Rise Above Records), and on 2013/06/11 in North America (Metal Blade Records).
    1. B.T.K. (Dennis Rader) - inst 2. Lambs To The Slaughter (Ian Brady / Myra Hindrei) 3. Brother Bishop (Gary Heidnik) 4. Cranley Gardens (Andrew Dennis Nilsen) 5. One Blind Mice (Quartermass cover) 6. All Hallow's Eve (John Lynley Fragier) 7. Düsseldorf Monster (Peter Kürten)    
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    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from ShanethVarosa in Dir en grey - THE UNRAVELING   
    lol, that's not what i was talking about silly
    @shaneth nice summary!
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    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Wicked Teletubby in Dir en grey   
    damn it. I still don't understand how to get a direct link to a Tumboner post.
    sorry guys.
    this one should work.
    [deleted link]
    UPDATE: this one was an April Fools joke.
    my bad.
  12. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to whitegrey in THE JAPANESE INDIE THREAD   
    The cold tommy

    official web: http://thecoldtommy.syncl.jp
    Just stumbled upon this one - they will release their first mini album in march, and I think I will check them out as I really dig the the new video posted above! Maybe some people know them already (they seem to have a connection to Zankyo and have EP's out already) but I didn't notice them until now - so I'm just posting it…
  13. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Wicked Teletubby in Dir en grey   
    two more dates for an OVERSEAS TABULA RASA tour:
    2013.06.11 La Cigale, PARIS, FRANCE 2013.06.13 Live Music Hall, COLOGNE, GERMANY
  14. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to bukimi_heishi in The 10 Song Shuffle!   
    I don't know about half of them xD but gotta love some lady gaga and 9goats!
    1. D- Sleeping Beautiful Beast
    2. Psycho le Cemu- VISITOR
    3. Led Zeppelin- Heartbreaker
    4. World's End Girlfriend- Scorpius Circus
    5. Tool- (-) Ions
    6. Lena Park- At a beauty Salon
    7. X Japan- White Poem 1
    8. C- Densha Otoko
    9. Rin'- Smile on- english version-
    10. FoZZtone- Tomorrow Never Knows
  15. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Jigsaw9 in Bonsai's random song-overview   
    Cool stuff. Sweet guitar!
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    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to Jigsaw9 in SONG OF THE DAY! ^__^   
    Most definitely. <3
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    bonsaijodelfisch reacted to CAT5 in SONG OF THE DAY! ^__^   
    Been listening to this song a lot lately 
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    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Zeus in Roots of Your Music   
    pretty cool topic actually, very interesting read!
    so here is me:
    i pretty much started off (and stayed for a veryvery long time) with my dads vinyl-collection which was mostly mid 60's to early 70 blue/rock (Hendrix, Cream, ledZep, RollingStones, Yardbirds) aswell as some Jazz, bigband, soul and ragtime stuff (Ramsey Lewis, Jimmy Smith, Chris Barber, Otis Redding etc..)
    only in very late high-school times, when indie rock was the big thing i adapted that aswell, because it was basically the same (white stripes, mando diao, qotsa...)
    after that (now college, studying classical music) i pretty much went with the flow as indie became more electronic and dance-oriented bands like that went to my book too (justice, boys noize, the presets, digitalism, doesitoffendyouyeah)
    while at the same time trying to find some heavier stuff like monster magnet and danko jones, while still trying to avoid the actual "metal" corner, which had this very cheesy and pretty stupid image (especially in the classical world) but probably being secretly pretty fascinated by that stuff.
    as a kind of metal starting point i guess i have to embarrasingly mention apocalyptica, which where kind of accepted to listen to (cellos'n shit)
    then something pretty important happend (i was about 20/21 i guess), a german eekly newspaper published an article about highschool bands and how they helped sort of "troubled" poor/immigrant youth to get past race-issues and whatnot and giving sense and direction and blabla, inspirational stuff i guess, but there was one small band (on the cover actually) that already looked kinda cool
    and i looked them up online and also pretty much liked the stuff they did aswell (sort of numetal, gothic-hardrock probably)
    which led to the realisation that i pretty much envied them, some northern schoolkids can actually do cool stuff, while i'm stuck studying crappy classical saxophone, that can't be right.
    in the article it said they were listening to d'espairsray, DirEnGrey and Girugämesh...
    the next day i decided to quit saxophone (actually i still finished it, since i was already 7th semester, so that would've been quite a waste), bought a guitar and started writing music i actually like (and registered at tainted-world at the time)
    starting with the more popular stuff deg, despa, giru, mucc and gazette (alongside of finally listening to pantera, slayer etc) i later switched to a bit more underground stuff (thanks to zess, jigsaw and cat i guess, also that comes with studying audio-engineering pretty much) with one major discovery that was boris, which is one reason why i'm probably for the main part in the post-/stoner-/doom-metal/grunge and heavy rock area nowadays.
    that beeing said over the past one or two years i've pretty much opend up towards every musical genre there is, may it be ambient drone, noisecore, glitch, or on the other side of things kpop, singer-songwriter, touhou and similarly vntrve and cheesy stuff and everything inbetween, i try to find good things in every piece of music that i encounter, may it either be something interesting and new (or a fresh combination of things), or something well known, but very well executed. there's nearly always something worth appreciating to find.
    long post is long
  19. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from CAT5 in SONG OF THE DAY! ^__^   
    It's a real shame that Mastodons latest album among many fell victim to ruthless mastering, resulting in earfarting clipping-orgies beyond any (or behold even "good") taste.
    fortunately the live-recordings are great, i enjoyed this very much. the songs on "Hunter" are all really good afaik, can't listen to them tho
  20. Like
    bonsaijodelfisch got a reaction from Elder in SONG OF THE DAY! ^__^   
    It's a real shame that Mastodons latest album among many fell victim to ruthless mastering, resulting in earfarting clipping-orgies beyond any (or behold even "good") taste.
    fortunately the live-recordings are great, i enjoyed this very much. the songs on "Hunter" are all really good afaik, can't listen to them tho
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