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Everything posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. bonsaijodelfisch

    HAH, watched *coughcough* from outer space aswell, thats 20mins of my life i'll never get back, i liked the fake languages tho
  2. bonsaijodelfisch

    that, and also comparing DEG to Gazette Albums? you wouldn't compare a computerscreen to a roast beef, would you? apples vs. "that other fruit" ... hmmn, i'm not making any sense here?... whatever.
  3. bonsaijodelfisch

    they've uploaded a pv for this single 1E_AOsXaqJA
  4. bonsaijodelfisch

    wont give a review here, pretty much everything has been said before, i love the shit out of this album, but i have to agree on the drumsound issue (and drumming issue perhaps). recording or mastering in analoge doesn't have much to do with that, thats just a tag to throw around, saying "we're so uber-oldschool and have much more natural sound than all you digital tetris playing techno-producers", when in fact both analoge and digital producing can lead to equally good results. it still only depends on the guy sitting in front of the equipment. what happened here is either that the drums were mixed and quantised beyond any recognition and human feel (happens actually far too often in metal) or maybe even badly replaced/triggered afterwards with drumsamples (nothing against that IF done right), with the result of them sounding like a fuckin robot. there's one song which begins with drums solo (akatsuki i think?) where it's especially riddiculous, just listen to that snare, brrr, each stroke is exactly the same... no, those are definitely not good sounding drums, even for metaldrums (which seem to by definition have to sound like crap, very few exeptions^^) TL;DR: love the album, drums sound like a broken sewing machine. Rating still sorta 9/10-ish
  5. bonsaijodelfisch

    O M G
  6. bonsaijodelfisch

    Holy shit want want want not so sure about the "new version" part, listening to the original now it sounded quite similar. but the sorta breakdownish part at the end of Gaika, chinmoku ga nemuru koro with kyo shouting "jumpjumpjump..." seemend new to me, but was a real killer live, in total this live's energy was awesome. kyo seemed to be pleased aswell direngrey-facebook: "Out of all the shows I have played to date, today's show was the best one ever. Thank you to everyone in Germany. -Kyo" edit: karasu is already up on youtube 2x2mnrdgqxo
  7. bonsaijodelfisch

    although the nazi-theme might be a little delicate i think it still is only about aesthetics (maybe with a littel edgy/offend touch, but still). probably the same way as i highly doubt that the members of versailles are fierce supporters of the early 17th [edit] century french politics...
  8. bonsaijodelfisch

    i guess going major didn't rob them of their insanity *switchingtosuperexitementmode*
  9. bonsaijodelfisch

    performance was so-so. first half was awful, mainly because of mixing problems and maybe therefor bad monitoringsound, but lets be honest, kyo was always pretty "open-minded" about hitting the right pitch in his clean vocals, so no surpise here, but that bass sound was horrible, what the hell was the soundengineer thinking? those slap parts sounded like an elefants diarrhea... (volume and sound of the guitars was kinda not that great also a lot). second half (i'd say after different sense) was better, quite good actually, but yeah, some MC's of kyo (or whoever) would have helped a lot... i hope for their concerts when they have their own mixer and a sufficient soundcheck it'll be better...
  10. bonsaijodelfisch

    i think that's pretty much been the case here (also die+kaoru are still playing their 6-strings...). would also make sense considering they where on the same single...
  11. bonsaijodelfisch

    nice pictures, also i found this on kerrang website, actually don't really know what to think about that. serious or marketing strategy by management? full text in spoiler-box
  12. bonsaijodelfisch

    damn, lotus is the same length as single version... but some of the previews are really promising (really liked beelzebub, yuuyoku, shitataru.., and akasuki) high hopes for full album...
  13. bonsaijodelfisch

    mHNnVNTrBUU&feature=fvst damit, now that you say it, FUCK YEAH, GLAM/COCK/Hair-Metal FTW (trollface.jpg)
  14. bonsaijodelfisch

    successfull troll was successfull... yeah, not heavy? sure... + boris blackout is amazing, but i'd say heavy friends has an even heavier feel (hell, its in the name, aaand in the album name...)
  15. Yesterdays Blogentry: 「宇宙少年」2011.8.10(WED)全国発売決定!! 1.宇宙少年 2.Friday, kiss me Friday ¥500 (tax in) rep-042 TOWER RECORD限定、枚数限定のシングルとなります。 売り切れの可能性も出て来ますので、ぜひお近くのTOWER RECORDにて ご予約をお願いします! English/tl;dr : My interpretation of the Google Translate tells me, that they're going to release a new single on 2011.8.10 on Tower Records called 「宇宙少年」 ("Young Astronauts", but tell me if this is a horrible mistranslation ), with two Tracks: 1. 宇宙少年 (Young Astronauts) 2. Friday, kiss me Friday good news ^^
  16. bonsaijodelfisch

    i fear pretty much the same after DS-single. although hagehage was pretty straightforward and catchy, lotus wasn't that complex and edgy either (it just seems unfinished and actually might deserve another 30-60seconds, if well placed...). just different sense so far is more on the hard to get side, which isn't bad, but i think kaoru said these three singles where kind of the "pop"-songs on the album? i hope this won't be an album full of tsumitokisei-mud, how can a song sound so similar to the great warasu and still fail so bad...? but i still have high hopes for it, at least i guess it will be something pretty unique and deg have so far always produced something i like listening to might have been the case in early to mid 2000's but nowadays "analog" is just a nice word to flash onto productions, while mixes/masters made on a midpriced laptop can sound equally good (warm, rich, fat, lively, vintage, whatever). but it's a differnt style/routine of working nontheless, so if it sounds good it doesn't matter why or how, does it?
  17. bonsaijodelfisch

    ^^more or less this, although the warasu formula worked on.. well warasu. this one is utterly boring and monotone. A-Side is pretty cool, but i guess for my taste they start to turn to much in the deathmetal (yeahyeah, inb4 "LULZ, DEG is teletubbies-thememusic, for metal listen to -somethingwithbloodandsatan-") direction, hagehage was still ok, this one might be too much...
  18. bonsaijodelfisch

    really like it, very nice vocals (i like the screaming better than the growling). only the pretty boring guitar solo should have better been left out (or better thought through...)
  19. bonsaijodelfisch

    this is shaping up to be a magnificent release (single and therefore album perhaps aswell). since i was absoluteley was blown away by warasu i obviously dig the impression that TtK is giving... can't wait for the live in august, gonna be epic. (and for the live thing, at least in this short sample i can't help noticing that kyo doesn't suck as much as usually live when it comes to actually hitting clean notes, perhaps he improved here aswell )
  20. bonsaijodelfisch

    lol, here aswell, first jrock-band i listened to. sad news is sad. like most i wasn't really into their last two albums, but the last live-dvd was awesome and i really hoped for something new by them. grmbl, day is ruined now...
  21. bonsaijodelfisch

    sweet fuckin jesus, finally news from them. well label change usually results in a new record, right?! .... right???
  22. bonsaijodelfisch

    am i the only one to suspect a band-trolljob? i always thought japanese "conventional"-rock/metal and visual kei behave kind of like jets vs. sharks ... edit: grammarmöhp
  23. bonsaijodelfisch

    Some guy in my neighbourhood has one and I was so gonna loot his when all hell broke loose. Well at least now I can look forward to October and looting it in October Sorry, no looting this time. In October god will not only take away the faithful (which he somehow seemed to forgot to do on Saturday), but pull the plug on the entire universe. No Maserati for you. Unless there are some in hell. October 21st is a Friday btw. Maybe Rebecca Black got it right after all? We are all "gonna get down" on Friday.
  24. bonsaijodelfisch

    huh? guess i missed that. why would people bitch about it?
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