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Everything posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. bonsaijodelfisch

    Name says it all, AWESOME STUFF!!! after two days of non-stop keygen-disco my flatmates now officially hate me http://keygenjukebox.com/ click and enjoy
  2. bonsaijodelfisch

    lol, i was going to force in with all mighty nerd-powers on that second example (lupin vs. alice9), pointing out that the motive of a chromatic descending bass line is a very common baroque composing-technique. known as the "passus duriusculus", and still widely used nowadays with a pretty fixed harmonic top-end to it, so similarities might be found pretty much everywhere. that was before i finally noticed (stupid, stupid head...) that the melody itself is also almost the same, aswell as the way they get out of that schematic in the repitition. i think it's safe to assume, that this is no coincidence (no judging here either. maybe it's sort of a "tip of the hat" of one towards the other?) as far as song similarities go, i guess most people already know the "4 chords of awesome", but who doesn't should watch this...
  3. bonsaijodelfisch

    manson feat. johnny depp beautiful people @golden gods 2012 l034MZzFjAg EDIT: oh, and sweet dreams aswell YAxIaThn5NI
  4. bonsaijodelfisch

    some information aout what you find difficult would be useful, i know quite a lot of people that might find borderline-difficult albums like already pretty difficult (myself included, took a while...) a completely different direction might be but as i said, this isn't really fucked up freakshit, it's just pretty close to it, depending on one's viewpoint
  5. bonsaijodelfisch

    sad day any chance of speedstar joe and panther rejoining perhaps (*prays)?
  6. bonsaijodelfisch

    THE HECK??!!! wow this is gonna be great! apart from that crossfaith Zion EP (2012.06.20) ( ), ( )Melvins - The Bulls and the Bees (already out, DOWNLOAD FOR FREEEEEEEEEEE here) anything boris will come up with (suspecting an indie-rock/pop-rock album) The Mars Volta - Noctourniquet (already out, great but not as epic as suspected...) Pelican - Ataraxia/Taraxis (2012.04.10. yep, that's tuesday...) stream it for freeeeeeeeeeeee here Mono - New Album (no idea about release-date and title, but i suspect it to be great...)
  7. bonsaijodelfisch

    happy ummn... anniversary?
  8. bonsaijodelfisch

    well, these photos aren't really for the sake of the photo, more a documentary-type, nonetheless i always like these sort of "backstage" pictures this one is from a recording yesterday, standard iphone-photo by one of the musicians with your standard hipster-vintage-blackwhite filter on top, looks cool tho on the other side of the glass you can see the recording room with the place for the musicians (saxophone-quartett...) with lightning and stuff since there was video involved aswell... this one is from recording a doom-metal track a while ago, crappy pic, but two drumkits together look (and sound!) just sexy as hell...
  9. bonsaijodelfisch

    now THIS is one HELL of an album/video-trailer wnk9JUY3Hls&hd=1 btw, new look aswell
  10. bonsaijodelfisch

    from their facebook DIR EN GREY will release their Documentary DVD & Blu-ray back to back in 2 consecutive months! Documentary DVD & Blu-ray 『TOUR2011 AGE QUOD AGIS Vol.1 [Europe & Japan]』 OUT 2012.6.20! 『TOUR2011 AGE QUOD AGIS Vol.2 [u.S. & Japan]』 OUT 2012.7.18! More information will follow shortly. Look out for it! [staff]
  11. bonsaijodelfisch

    i'm pretty late with this, but here's the first pv of said mini album... jD0maWk-cVQ
  12. bonsaijodelfisch

    this, although it was really hard to stand through all the crap up until their performace, german television/music/entertainment is just such utter garbage it's not even funny anymore...
  13. bonsaijodelfisch

    ^ qft
  14. bonsaijodelfisch

    preview stream of the full mars volta album coming out in a week (here for anyone who's interested...)
  15. bonsaijodelfisch

    -from mtv uk- well look at that, interesting... as for the echo-show with rammstein, not so sure what to think about that, the "echo" is sort of a laughable emberassing crap-award/show (plus rammstein's pyro-guy recently died)... well, maybe manson+rammstein can pull it off
  16. bonsaijodelfisch

    the pictures i posted in the "Gear"-topic in the musicians sub-forum show quite a lot of my room, so i'm just gonna relink them here to the left of my room-door you get this__________taking a picture from that blue couch will look something like this ___ changing the position to the right with still focusing on the guitar-wall gives you the back of my table/workspace which acts as a room-divider which looks like on the right ___ (right picture taken just now with the crappiest cameraphone in the universe...also yes, the amp isn't here right now, it's still in the studio for now) rotating around the guitar-amp leads to the second to last corner with the bed (behind amp+desk. very important, laptop-table in front of bed ^^) ___ and the single remaining corner (obviously again taken just now with my primate-communication-device) contains nothing spectacular. mainly my closet, a little pizza-oven named steven, a broken laptop-lcd hanging above the max-payne-poster and the blue couch to the right, where we started.... me untidy? why yes, how did you know??
  17. bonsaijodelfisch

    if you have a mac logic pro could be your weapn of choice, pretty easy to handle and with a gazillion of already pretty good instruments/effects/loops etc (i personally can't stand it though) have no idea about audition and never really heard about it, i think it's kind of "the daw that comes with the Creative Suite" isn't it? might work fine but isn't really that widespread. cubase has lots of FX and they all work pretty well (and it's great for recording in my opinion), but as with any DAW the fun starts with the additional vst-plugins. there are tons of free VST-plugins to use out there from highly professional compressor/equalizer/ampsim/metering to straight off the chart bollocks freakstuff. also hell yeah fruity loops, didn't know they were still around, pretty oldschool but great programm afaik just for the record for dance-electro-dj-pop etc. ableton live might be worth more than just a look. it's the programm that more or less defined the course of the music in recent years if i remember correctly.
  18. bonsaijodelfisch

    a guitar speaker like this one eminence swamp thang 150watts. gonna shoot another one like that on ebay and gonna build myself a nice 2x12 guitar-cabinet
  19. bonsaijodelfisch

    just discovered them. knew about them quite some time but newer came to really listen to them (i think i found their early stuff to be a little bit too "metal" for me, but might have judged that wrong...) but sorta ran over the live dvd a while ago again (because of that melvins cover track) and holy shit this is brilliant! crack the skye is on heavy rotation rigt now, next will be the hunter and blood mountain. Great Band!! pretty much a more rockish version of russian circles (drummers ftw!) with vocals EDIT: ugh, first drawback, "the hunter" is masterd beyond enjoyability, digital distortion all over the place. damn there goes an otherwise perhaps nice album, but totally broken sound... bleeding ears bwärg (maybe it's just a shitty rip, but it seems pretty legit to me and 'spek' so i'm guessing the loudnesswar just claimed another victim...) EDIT2: hrmph, blood mointain is a little better but in some(/most) parts (bladecatcher for example) still a clipping-fest. goddammit, another otherwise great album for the trashcan, fucking stupid mastering-fucks fucking fuck!!!
  20. bonsaijodelfisch

    Kagrra, Suicide Ali Signal D=OUT Megaromania Alumi Land Para:Noir Kagerou Közi Moi Dix Mois Mono
  21. bonsaijodelfisch

    well it's more or less just layering (also the term overdubbing might not be completely right here..) what i meant is, when you have a second vocal (let's say a sixth or an octave above/below the main-voc) record it once; pan it 100% to the left, record it once again and pan that 100% to the right. that way you have the two melodies with the main one coming from the center, and the second coming from both sides. (you can also use this as doubling the main-voc itself to lay focus on important fragments of the vocals for a choir-like effect) and what i meant with "hiding" those, make sure not to make them to quiet. they obviously have to be below the main-voc but not necessarily too much volume-wise, you can also push them further back by dropping more delay/reverb on them and reducing high-frequencies (2khz and aove or so...) bragrl, i always answer too long... TL;DR overdubbing =~ layering (and throw them all around the stereo-width)
  22. bonsaijodelfisch

    when it comes to vocals i'm really not an expert, but it seems pretty good to me. assuming there was no pitch-correction involved the intonation is pretty spot on and the shifts between normal and falsetto seem balanced aswell. i might add a thing or two in terms of production if you don't mind i don't know exactly what is the purpose of the video, if it's to just demonstrate the vocal skills it's fine, if it's to sound good as a whole i'd try to get closer to the balance between vocals vs. instruments of the original song, because now the song itself is by far to quiet ^^ this will actually also improve the overall impression of the vocals too if they're more "embedded" into the song itself btw. also when doubling vocal parts or adding second melodies etc don't try to "sneak" them in, make it clear that there now is a second (third, fourth) vocal and also don't let them be too much in the center. try overdubbing it and pan it 100% left/right, that might make a much "opener" sound (i feel like i'm typing half of this post with "", it sucks talking about sound...) at last more of a matter of taste, you're sort of generous on the reverb which adds a kind of valhalla-flair to the vocals. that sometimes actually fits the music itself pretty well beeing the cheesy track that it is^^ but perhaps try not to bury the dry signal so much in the reverb-mud, if you try to get the vocals "further away" (aargh "" again...) first try it with delay (stereo delay probably) before engaging the cathedrals-reverbs. delay adds depth to the signal, without putting too much mud on it. btw. blue+gold? that t-bone tube-mic is pornography
  23. bonsaijodelfisch

    there is another one? can't seem to find it
  24. bonsaijodelfisch

    and already a new boris song-snippet, this time i think it's for a jewelery commercial if i interpret the google-translate correctly iId2GoEZabE they seem to pursue an indie pop-rock-ish kind of style now. i've come to pretty much dig this and the last preview lately, stoked for the next (19th or so?) release!
  25. bonsaijodelfisch

    soory for only dropping info occasionally and late, but going through their posts i found that even if tere's only mastering left to do, a release is planned for around end of summer "Hi, guys! Hope you're doing all fine! When is the new album due to be released? Gefällt mir · · 18. Februar um 12:56 · Mono (Japan) No definite date yet, but it will be out in late summer! Thanks. 18. Februar um 13:53 · Gefällt mir · 1" dang thats still pretty far....
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