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Everything posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. bonsaijodelfisch

    tiny little information snippet, according to tweets from the producer it's gonna be a 5-track album "26 Feb Henry Hirsch Henry Hirsch ‏ @henryhirsch Mixing for mono,great Japanese band who wrote 5 suites that combined a 21 piece orchestra with 2 heavy distortion guitars.I love orchestras! 19 Feb Henry Hirsch Henry Hirsch ‏ @henryhirsch Past days recording full orchestra 21 pieces here at waterfront.Using only my Neumann tube Mics,RCA and coles ribbons.The room is amazing"
  2. bonsaijodelfisch

    the melvins - live at hellfest 2011 (complete show hd-stream on youtube..)
  3. bonsaijodelfisch

    information about the album is very slim, i have no idea about name, release date, tracklist or price, but apparently they have just finished recording and mixing in waterfront studios new york so it shouldn't take too long... they've posted two preview snippets CvwWBVHzNHs hXdZfWeoUTs and some pictures of the recording all infos taken from their facebook...
  4. bonsaijodelfisch

    agreeing with everything said here. the initial exitement is instantly gone
  5. bonsaijodelfisch

    grrr, crap! may is too far away... doubt that, when the myspace was still up one could listen more or less to the whole thing (labeled as "prototype"-versions) and it was excellent! could have been released right away like that... (i should punch myself for not having at least ripped the myspace-tracks when i had the chance to)
  6. bonsaijodelfisch

    i guess i'm super late with all the fuck off jesus comics, but they're awesome!!
  7. bonsaijodelfisch

    ehaw! germany horray!!! http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/92920/ it's not of the table, but still...
  8. bonsaijodelfisch

    ocrapocrapocrap hope he gets well soon, don't want another d'espairsray-drama all over again with my favorite band all the best wishes for the dwarvish uber-vocalist
  9. bonsaijodelfisch

    pretty much exactly this. i still would count mucc somewhere in my top 5 bands i guess, but i couldn't stomach listening to a whole arcadia or nirvana. agreeing on fancy looks tho... also inb4 "just because they aren't heavy anymore" it's not that. anjelier for example was poppy as shit too, but still a cool song and 100times better/less boring than all the stuff since and including karma
  10. bonsaijodelfisch

    tried a few browsers, found opera pretty neat, but the stealthy-addon (one-click-proxy) is an unbeatable feature for firefox when living in geofucked countries such as germany...
  11. bonsaijodelfisch

    sound shootout of my guitar-distortion/overdrive-pedals
  12. bonsaijodelfisch

    Pelican! 1NZ0EoOuJi4 (Post-Metal, HardRock) Clutch! Z78PjvfCVTQ (Rock) Masters of Reality! DokeVs2Cip8 (Desert-Rock) Blood Red Shoes! tczJYpE5noY (Indie-Rock) the Melvins!!! GRrtYstBDnI (Grunge/HardRock)..(two drumkits for the fuckin win!!!) EDIT: at second look, one might notice not all of them are american, but whatever. Also seconding jigsaws DeadWeather recommendation in the strongest way possible!!
  13. bonsaijodelfisch

    has placed about one third of his posts (729) in this thread.... which is approx. 13% of the posts in this topic
  14. bonsaijodelfisch

    Robin Kampf Alfred (i think that was their name) D'espairs Ray (the what?) kill my bleeding smile (japanese but not vk at all, still...) Crazy★shampoo has already been named, now again and pretty much every wrong translated french/german or whatever bandname (schwarz stein, rentrer en soi and all the others...)
  15. bonsaijodelfisch

    graphics-card with passive cooling, now my pc makes no phucking noise at all! (which is quite important for an audio-studio-pc
  16. bonsaijodelfisch

    omgomg, cat is back??, but.... but why?
  17. bonsaijodelfisch

    Dir en grey DELUHI -OZ- Kagrra, Suicide Ali Malice Mizer A And -Eccentric Agent- Signal GUILD Radwimps
  18. bonsaijodelfisch

    new song "monolith" preview in compilation pv it's the first... 1C6jn0r-7qw sounds good so far, kind of standard-crossfaith material. they could use a little more experimentation/variation in style in the not so distant future for my taste tho
  19. bonsaijodelfisch

    so you move out. just to realise you can't pay for neither a room nor food and you can't cook, so you eat raw contaminated roadkill and a few weeks later die beneath a bridge out of hunger, freezing and diseases. i wish to find the higgs boson ^^
  20. bonsaijodelfisch

    Syndrome Dir en grey Aldious Light Bringer DELUHI -OZ- Kagrra, Suicide Ali Malice Mizer Versailles Maximum the Hormone
  21. bonsaijodelfisch

    you are, famous for being worse than rebecca black. i wish for a grand piano to drop on SuG while one of their lives, ideally capured in HD and released on a bluray and youtube
  22. bonsaijodelfisch

    guys, that's no subwoofer, it's a Cajón/Cachon (for hippies to drum on) so it clearly must be uprightpiano-rearviewmirror-Cajón, ...easy
  23. bonsaijodelfisch

    is actually named like his forumname. Ron L. Luna
  24. bonsaijodelfisch

    speaks 4 languages and likes foxes, cats and raccoons
  25. bonsaijodelfisch

    it's been a while so due to annoying weather and beeing bored to hell despite shitloads of work that i'm supposed to do i made a new track suiting the atmosphere i'm actually a little bit proud of this one. i like it, which doesn't happen often ^^
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