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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Miasma

  1. Aww you're right, he does look like a chimpanzee.
  2. Cute as in attractive? Or awww-cute?
  3. Miasma

    Has an interesting sig.
  4. Miasma

    Most of the time, I walk into disband threads just to see what Golffy posted.
  5. Miasma

    Just wondering... is FREE-WILL the only record label that DIR is signed with? I'd figure all of the touring is expensive, does FREE-WILL really have the money for all of this? There's no need for you to apologize honey. You didn't do anything wrong.
  6. S5cVhuz5fe4 How long did you last before you quit?
  7. Miasma

    He/she wrote about DIR EN GREY, in a DIR EN GREY thread. I don't see how it isn't relevant?
  8. Miasma

    HOFUCK. I hope the suicide thing isn't true, that would just be very unfortunate. My dearest condolences to his family and friends. May Taku, one of my favorite j rockers, rest in peace.
  9. Miasma

    PV preview: 5xiL4bJHf0I or here. What does everybody think about the preview? To be honest, I didn't like it. Preview sounds like every other chorus they've played, only jumbled up together. O HAI GAIS, LUUK WEE KAN PLEY GUITAR HARMONIX NAO~! I can't judge the entire song though, but that chorus isn't helping me keep my hopes up. And is it just me, or does Shin sound like a young Jui? inb4: HOW DAREZ A BAKA???? LYEK U COMPAR JUI 2 SHIN!!1!!1! blackgirlwithattitude.gif
  10. Miasma

  11. Miasma

    7/10. I don't know what it is either? But my friend drew it and I think it looks really cool too!
  12. D Kiryuu Rin Versailles D'espairsRay Vidoll DaizyStripper the Candy Spooky Theater EAT YOU ALIVE exist+trace D=OUT You're not dumb, you just made a mistake, and there's no need to apologize. Just try not to do it again!
  13. Miasma

    7/10; I don't like Mana, but he looks cool there.
  14. D Kiryuu Rin Dio distraught overlord Versailles D'espairsRay Vidoll DaizyStripper Chemical pictures the Candy Spooky Theater EAT YOU ALIVE No there isn't, the artist you strike-out isn't counted.
  15. Miasma

    Assumes Gin is a "spelling freak", because he corrected her.
  16. Miasma

    Can't say I do, because I've never listened to her. Ever played a game from the Silent Hill series?
  17. ↑ Actually the game was going fine, you only needed to delete one artist. Since XHikari-HimeX unnecessarily deleted two artists, I'll add two more to make the game even again. D Kiryuu Rin Dio distraught overlord Versailles D'espairsRay UnsraW Vidoll Ayabie DaizyStripper Chemical pictures
  18. I'll reply at your Last.fm, I don't want to stay off-topic on Drama's thread.
  19. Ahem. And what about me bitches? Hesperia ain't that fine and dandy either, so we're pretty even Jon.
  20. Miasma

    I really want to go see this movie, but I don't know who to take? Everybody I've asked to go with me says the movie looks too "nerdy"? +1
  21. Miasma

    "RD in hope" - EAT YOU ALIVE
  22. Miasma

    I thought the cover sounded like "Deity" part two, 'twas pretty cool though.
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