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Everything posted by evilcoconut

  1. evilcoconut

    Dre???? – Holy Love -beginning-
  2. evilcoconut

    oh man, i can't waaaaaait
  3. evilcoconut

    Luzmelt – Primal Fear
  4. evilcoconut

    back line beast is just the drum/bass solo thing. did they play RAIN?
  5. evilcoconut

    I will never understand how anyone can actually like them. shitty band is shiiiiittyyy The vocalist sounded like a goat
  6. evilcoconut

    got up to 2 inches after snowing most of the day, lol. it started up again though and it's damn cold
  7. evilcoconut

    who's got it? love it? hate it? it just snowed here, about half an inch, lol. but more is expected
  8. evilcoconut

    Stone Sour – Hesitate
  9. evilcoconut

    THIS. A few others I wish would have hung around longer: anachro clock gemmik happy sad JIVE Marusa NUDE duralumin
  10. evilcoconut

    人格ラヂオ – 深??森??中????????
  11. evilcoconut

    one word: fantastic
  12. evilcoconut

    Dresden Files: Side Jobs by Jim Butcher
  13. evilcoconut

    Hilcrhyme – トラヴェルマシン
  14. evilcoconut

    Boom Boom Satellites – INTERGALACTIC
  15. evilcoconut

    one of the first VK bands I got into, can't believe they're disbanding.
  16. evilcoconut

    LG Chocolate Touch. Still resisting that iphone et. al. craze. The thing has phenomenal battery life though. When it runs down I can't remember the last time I charged it. And that's with listening to music, texting, browsing, etc.
  17. evilcoconut

    I thought it was way better than Versus, but I do agree that the vocalist's voice is jarring more often than not. Music was great though
  18. evilcoconut

    Oddly enough, I don't really organize my CDs or DVDs at all, but I'm really OCD about stuff on my computer, lol. Everything is in a category folder.
  19. evilcoconut

    Hmmm, with me it's mostly been disliking a band the first time I heard them, and then say, a few years later, I happen to try them again and find they're putting out better music, lol. I guess I didn't like ABS at first, but once I got over Takanori's annoying voice, I realized the music was quite good. Oh, and I completely forgot GLAY. I used to really dislike them, but have since turned into a big fan.
  20. evilcoconut

    I found the vocals to be especially horrible. Nothing much against the music I guess, but her singing was terrible. And, tbh, that's why I like their newer stuff. She finally figured out how to sing.
  21. evilcoconut

    I didn't think I'd actually see that first sentence here, or anywhere, since most everyone likes to winge on about how they were way better before. I thought they were extremely sub-par before this recent spate of releases.
  22. evilcoconut

    Lol, instead of just highlighting what you want to use to make a point, why don't you read the rest of the sentence? I said, they don't matter to me in a POSITIVE WAY, that is, I don't use ~pretty~ visuals or ~cool~visuals to like a band, or even to check one out. They're more likely to repulse me, if that's the mood I'm in at any given time. Also, the thread name is relevant. The visuals in VK aren't important to me at all. If they were, I wouldn't listen to it, because they'd all look too retarded to me. Which is the point I figured I made, but I forgot to take into account that you kids can't read these days, so whatever.
  23. evilcoconut

    I really don't care about them at all, except possibly in the sense that I've occasionally been guilty of avoiding bands that look especially retarded. I listen to VK because there's a largely prevalent sound that I enjoy. I know people like to winge on about how VK isn't a genre and all bands are special and unique, but I find that hilariously retarded. Most of them DO sound similar in the same way most nu-metal bands sound similar. So no, visuals don't matter to me in any kind of positive way. I'd rather they just wore jeans and t-shirts so I don't have to cringe everytime I come upon a picture of a band I like.
  24. evilcoconut

    JIVE – ??葉??曲
  25. evilcoconut

    Stranglers of Bombay Hammer Horror, lol
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