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    Kaye got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    I'm not here to delve into my own private life but yeah, I've had enough situations in which I'm the levelheaded one. Why can't you just get it some people are just like that? Well, guess I'm just unnatural then too?
    As Saku already mentioned, his friend died near the end. There's still time for him to mourn over that loss. But would you rather have had him screaming it out and breaking down in the middle of the place? No, then you'd say the main character is weak, and you wouldn't understand why he's the main either. He is obviously just levelheaded (or in a state of shock), knowing that freaking out won't change the outcome of what has already happened (I might not have had a friend killed in front of my eyes, but I've been through the whole thing of seeing someone almost die, and freaking out on such moments is a big no-no. Everyone freaking out isn't going to help the person in trouble). Rather put that energy and sense of seeing his friend die into a way to save all those others than give up on the spot.
    You also mentioned that a traumatic past should have been revealed in the first episode? Whatfor? If you get to know a person in real life, do you know all of their secrets right away? No, you grow along with them. You get to know them. And you learn. The reason why Inaho is how he is will surely show up sooner or later. Why rush that?
    Ah, we all have opinions, and I understand that you wouldn't like him. Your reasons are just a little superficial and maybe even ridiculous to me. From a "robot" to "retarded" just because he's not a crybaby or isn't showing any emotions? Come on...
    "Sure some people like that exist in the real world but, real world =/= fictional storytelling"
    As far as I know fictional storytelling is still writing characters in whatever way the people writing want them to be. If they want an apathetic kid with a lack of emotional reactions (as there are people in the world) then that's their choice. Or do we all need to be the same?
  2. Like
    Kaye reacted to Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Sorry I agree with Kaye on this one, I think you're looking too into it honestly (nitpick much?) . I think the first two episodes were decent and I saw nothing Wrong with Inaho's character so far... I can understand the reaction to the missle as being apart of his character archetype and it wasn't really that stupid to me. And the thing about his friend happened at the end of the episode there hasn't been time to react to the death yet for one and for two he was obviously in disbelief when it happened and bounced back rather quickly but you have to think of the situation at hand, pretty much there will be time for mourning later but right now they got shit to do. I can totally find these reactions to be believable for his character.
    I would also like to point out that backstory will most likely be coming later I would think. Not all things will be clear at the beginning of a series and I disagree with your notion of his backstory being revealed in the first two episodes. I think that would have made his character seem a little less interesting, right now he's more interesting because we simply don't know what his story is.
    That just my opinion of course :/ right now I'm enjoying this show so far and seems to be promising. Also digging the soundtrack
  3. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from sai in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Just to tell you, that kid wasn't telling the audience that "missiles are coming" he was informing his friends who were busy talking. He's usually seen to be looking around, taking in his surroundings, rather than partaking in the conversations of the people around him. So obviously he'd notice things faster than others. There's people like him in real life. Kids who don't act emotionally to stuff. Kids who just look around and "people watch." I'd even daresay I'm one of those. Cars might crash only a short distance away from me but I would remain totally calm. I've been in stuff where everyone's freaking out, and I'm the only one with a clear mind. It's actually interesting to me. I'd like to know why he's like that and how him growing up got him to become like that. Don't immediately write it off as a bad character. Unless they don't work it out (which I doubt will happen this time around) there's no reason why an apathetic kid like him couldn't make an interesting lead. (Being as "unnaturally emotional" as you say he is, makes for no "OMFG JUST GO ALREADY AND DO IT" moments because he has no reason no to. He'd just do the things regular mecha are usually full of.)
    Either way, this is also just my point of view on it. And we can't say for sure what direction they'll both go in anyway. If there's no character development for either at all, I'll be sure to admit my wrong, but for now both Inaho and Slain have my attention.
    Started Akame ga Kill for no good reason but I was amused by the first episode. Was kind of underwhelmed by Re:Hamatora. Hope they change it around a bit and it'll be better for the next episodes.
  4. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Just to tell you, that kid wasn't telling the audience that "missiles are coming" he was informing his friends who were busy talking. He's usually seen to be looking around, taking in his surroundings, rather than partaking in the conversations of the people around him. So obviously he'd notice things faster than others. There's people like him in real life. Kids who don't act emotionally to stuff. Kids who just look around and "people watch." I'd even daresay I'm one of those. Cars might crash only a short distance away from me but I would remain totally calm. I've been in stuff where everyone's freaking out, and I'm the only one with a clear mind. It's actually interesting to me. I'd like to know why he's like that and how him growing up got him to become like that. Don't immediately write it off as a bad character. Unless they don't work it out (which I doubt will happen this time around) there's no reason why an apathetic kid like him couldn't make an interesting lead. (Being as "unnaturally emotional" as you say he is, makes for no "OMFG JUST GO ALREADY AND DO IT" moments because he has no reason no to. He'd just do the things regular mecha are usually full of.)
    Either way, this is also just my point of view on it. And we can't say for sure what direction they'll both go in anyway. If there's no character development for either at all, I'll be sure to admit my wrong, but for now both Inaho and Slain have my attention.
    Started Akame ga Kill for no good reason but I was amused by the first episode. Was kind of underwhelmed by Re:Hamatora. Hope they change it around a bit and it'll be better for the next episodes.
  5. Like
    Kaye reacted to bonsaijodelfisch in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    moody as in dark, hopeless, misantrophic etc.:
    Monster, Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze
    moody as in melancholic:
    Kino no Tabi, Hotarubi no Mori e, Samurai X Trust and Betrayal (this one would fit into the "dark" cathegory aswell tho)
  6. Like
    Kaye reacted to Gaz in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    also Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom, Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin, Berserk, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Elfen Lied, Hellsing OVAs, Claymore. though i'm pretty sure you have already seen most of these lol
  7. Like
    Kaye reacted to Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Man with each episode of Captain Earth I end up liking it more and more really digging the direction it's going right now. Also another 2 cour show from last season that just gets better and better with every episode is Haikyuu! love it to death, Also Hinata and Kageyama are so cute together
    I also started Rail Wars! which was okayish i guess and Barakamon which is really good so far!
    I still have tons of stuff to watch from the new season... still haven't started Tokyo Ghoul or Zankyou no Terror... This week I will do this.
  8. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Greyen in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Yeah, I heard about that as well, and I have a bit of a background of Persona. But for people who know nothing about Persona at all, this pace his totally confusing and too quick. I don't get how this will be only half as long as the other P4 series though.
  9. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Zeus in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Free continues to be Free.
    Bakumatsu Rock is still ridiculous.
    Waiting for the next Tokyo Ghoul and the first Zankyou no Terror episode to be honest.
  10. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from sai in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Oh... my bad... Must have seen some wrong info somewhere then because I initially thought it was Sawano too. Went to check after the first episode and I saw Kajiura everywhere. (Or maybe I was just tired) Either way, OST is pretty awesome so far!
  11. Like
    Kaye reacted to Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    It's correct. Yuki does the opening theme and Sawano is doing the sound track.
  12. Like
    Kaye reacted to sai in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Apparently Wikipedia says Hiroyuki Sawano did the OST and not Kajiura Yuki? It says Yuki did the opening credits for the anime and the general OST was done by Sawano, but Wikipedia can be edited by everyone so I can't say for sure.
  13. Like
    Kaye reacted to sai in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Started Aldnoah.Zero because the teaser looked promising. Seems pretty promising, definitely going to continue this one. Also it seems this show is going to have a killer OST, amazing soundtrack what I've heard so far. Not sure who does the OST but my hunch says it's Sawano.
  14. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Tetora in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    There should be Zankyou no Terror this Friday. Looking forward to that one. Ping Pong was pretty "arthouse" but you need to care at least a bit for the sport I guess. I found in strangely good.
  15. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Rize in What Asian dramas are you currently watching?   
    I looooove God's Quiz. Main guy is my favorite Korean actor. I'm really sad he doesn't really get any big roles though. He's so good.
  16. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from bonsaijodelfisch in What Asian dramas are you currently watching?   
    Japan's Yowakutemo Katemasu. Baseball drama.
    Great cast of young actors.
  17. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Zeus in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Too many series...
    But I guess I'm mainly here for Tokyo Ghoul, Zankyou no Terror, and the new Hamatora season.
    Glad you liked it. I hardly know anyone who's watched it... Most people are taken aback by the 3D animation :/
  18. Like
    Kaye reacted to Zeus in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Just marathoned Sidonia no Kishi and I'm on board for S2 hype train.
  19. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Finished both Break Blade and Sidonia no Kishi today. Break Blade was a very entertaining series and I really liked quite a few of its characters. Sidonia, on the other hand, is easily the best series I've watched this season. I was surprised with the announcement of a second season, but I'm sure happy about it. Hope it's at least as great as this one was.
  20. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Gokukoku no Brynhildr just ruined itself, and the ending of Hitsugi no Chaika was the opposite. The latter was a really amusing watch and I loved how the characters were somewhat "human". They got frustrated, annoyed, pissed off... kicked things because of it, and never went on long monologues while fighting, they just fought. It was somehow refreshing? I don't know, I really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the new season.

    Still not sure what M3 is trying to be or going to end up being, but they're doing the dark/emotions type of mecha decently enough.
  21. Like
    Kaye reacted to stylelover in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Kasamatsu preference , but you dont know why? count me in. whenever someone asks me about kuroba favourites kasamatsu comes to my mind, but i cant reason it.
  22. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Kise is awesome. I mainly love the Midorima/Takao, Kise/Kasamatsu, and Hyuuga/Izuki pairs... After rewatching a few episodes I've come to notice my slight preference for Kasamatsu-senpai though I don't really have a clue why. I guess from the main cast I really do like Kuroko, Hyuuga and Izuki. Aomine, Takao, and Kise too.
    Also, only little over three months and then the new Yowamushi Pedal season will be there
  23. Like
    Kaye reacted to sai in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Currently marathoning Kuroko no Basket. Finished the first season today, can't wait for summer holidays to watch the rest!
  24. Like
    Kaye got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    I'm really happy with how Black Bullet turned out and Gokukoku surprised me in a good way. Ping Pong is an odd series but I'm enjoying it.
    Haikyuu though. It dragged me in and isn't letting me go again. I need more of Kageyama/Tsukishima being a mess.
  25. Like
    Kaye reacted to Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    all the stuff I'm watching this season:
    Akuma no Riddle
    Baby Steps
    Black Bullet
    Blade & Soul
    Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou
    Captain Earth
    Fuuun Ishin Dai Shogun
    Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka?
    Gokukoku no Brynhildr
    Hitsugi no Chaika
    Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san
    Isshuukan Friends
    Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara
    Kenzen Robo Daimidaler
    M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane
    Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
    Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation
    Mekakucity Actors
    No Game No Life
    Ping Pong The Animation
    Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin
    Seikoku no Dragonar
    Selector Infected WIXOSS
    Sidonia no Kishi
    Soredemo sekai wa Utsukushii
    Soul Eater NOT!
    YELLOW = My Favorites
    Out of all my Favorites my top three series this season would be; No Game No Life, Isshuukan Friends, Soredemo sekai wa Utsukushii But really all the ones bolded in Yellow are really Good series that I'm really loving right now
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