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Everything posted by Kaye

  1. Kaye

    Finished both SAO and SAO2 these past days. Had started both before but never got around to finishing them. These seasons would have been way better if they'd split them in single cour shows than shoving different arcs in a two cour one. Really pulled me out of the story when they did that. Overall not too great but I didn't expect much anyway. On a sidenote: don't watch Shokugeki no Soma right before finishing SAO2 because Soma and Kirito will become one.
  2. Kaye

    They've been a thing for as long as I remember and I've been there since 2006. It's nothing recent. And while I understand why people do it, I still find it ridiculous. Then again, they should have found a solution to that already rather than doing things no one needs to be done.
  3. Kaye

    Akagami will be split cour. Second part airing in winter season. For Kekkai Sensen the problem's that they messed up their editing (probably pacing too) so they had to postpone the episode a week. Because that episode is longer than a regular episode, it didn't fit in the regular block so now they're waiting for a moment where they can actually schedule in the full final episode.
  4. Kaye

    They changed the setting for the movie to Japan, to make it more Japanese and to somewhat justify there only being Japanese actors. I find it very ridiculous tbh.
  5. Kaye

    SNK is PR done right with just enough bait for different types of readers/watchers to stick. While the idea itself is rather typical, (I mean, how many "society threatened by other world creatures" things are there) it could always be done in a refreshing way. I don't mind Eren. I'm actually kind of okay with the main kids being a trio of childhood friends too. The only character I ever really cared for was Levi, and I'm actually kind of sad he wasn't the lead of the anime. Even just the ova with him for a main is a dozen times more interesting than the actual anime will ever be able to be. From the moment they revealed they were planning to make a live action I've basically taken it as a big elaborate joke. Then the actors were revealed + the new characters and the ones that were axed from the story. After learning earlier this week how much they changed about the characters, I'm 100% sure it will be a joke. Yeah sure, it'll be impressive to see if the CG's done well, but the story as a whole lost a lot of its already thin worth. I guess the joke's on me though, because one of my fave actors got cast in it. He would have been the perfect Levi if they'd actually bothered writing Levi in the script (but no, their actual reason for him not being in it is "his name is not Japanese so it would be off in the Japanese setting of the movie" because I'm sure Armin, Eren, Hans, etc are all Japanese...)
  6. Kaye

    Ranpo Kitan is still really entertaining. Anticipating more on Akechi's background. (Might or might not have fallen in love with his VA all over again) That part is already out of the plot at the time of the 3rd episode. She's just in it for the games then. It was really hard to get through that series for some reason
  7. Kaye

    Here's mine if anyone feels like adding me! Kaye@MAL Apparently I signed up just 8 days after you did.
  8. It's the opening to "Ranpo Kitan" the anime. Sounds great so far. Anticipating the full song for sure!
  9. Kaye

    After all these months I'm still in love with Last Theater but I have to admit the album was kind of a letdown as a whole. There's good and nice songs but nothing really stuck. I had hoped for there to be something more. Oh well, at least they've grabbed my interest and I'll surely be checking them out with whichever release that comes up next, though I feel they should have waited a little before releasing a full length album.
  10. Kaye

    They sound like an updated version of Ellegarden. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Curious as to what the full album will be like!
  11. They have said themselves (multiple times) that both ONE "okay" ROCK and ONE O'KROCK are fine with them. They don't care as long as you listen to the music. ---- Can't say I'm surprised though I am a little sad that they're being mixed up with bands like SWS, ATL, etc. But that's only me being a little bitter about their future fans. :/
  12. Kaye

    Ranpo Kitan seems interesting so far. "game" concept already got me. Gangsta seems good so far as well.
  13. Kaye

    If you read manga, read the manga. It's great. You won't enjoy the anime unless you're just watching to see things get animated (and even then :/) + they changed the story and it hardly makes sense. I do have to admit the last episode of the first season was really nicely done.
  14. Kaye

    I've never read the manga but I'm sure it's a 1000 times better than what they did with the anime. Apart from the backgrounds and the music (I really like Sawano), everything was pretty horrible. The fight scenes (or lack thereof) looked like they animated them 10 years ago. The scripting was so terrible and with that they had this annoying thing where they kept repeating themselves as if they were addressing a crowd with the memory of a goldfish. I have no issues with the whole typical story of main kid finding someone he thought to be dead, then going batshit upon meeting them again and having all the moral issues messing with his head. What I do find incredibly annoying is that the whole anime is nothing but bait to ship Mika/Yuu because I'm sure hardly anyone could even tell me what else happened during the past season. In other words, to me the opening to the anime is better than the whole series combined. I went in expecting something and left not even getting half. This could have been so much better. ------- In other news, can't wait for the next season of Durarara. It's only going to get better. Ranpo Kitan seems interesting too. Apart from those I'm probably going to check out way too many series again. I'll never learn.
  15. Kaye

    Assassination Classroom is getting a second season next winter. Story's not finished yet! Seraph was pretty terrible imo. It lacked a lot. Punch Line's start was such a mess but then it turned out to be one of my faves of the current season too. Really fun series. I finished it a few days ago and while it wasn't anywhere near Seraph bad, it was still pretty bad. It could have been done so much better.
  16. Kaye

    I'm sure they're going to use Crisis Core and Advent Children (maybe even Dirge of Cerberus) in one way or another. I'm all for that too. If you want exactly the same just play the port. Whether it'll be turn-based or more like XIII or XV doesn't really matter to me either. I'm sure they'll make it fit and keep the flow of the game right for the remake.
  17. Kaye

    I agree with you there. I own the original. It's even my first ever FF and I probably wasn't even 11 when I played it for the first time. I love it and I always have, but apparently I'm wrong for even slightly anticipating this remake. Do I want this remake or do I find it necessary? Nah, not really, but now they're doing it anyway I don't see why I can't be a little hyped. Having that full game in great graphics and characters with actual voices AND getting it with an updated current gen touch? Why the hell not? What I don't understand though, is that I've seen so many people say they want the exact same game and just want Square to "update the graphics and have the characters talk" but aren't they realizing the gameplay as it was in '97 on PSone won't do for PS4 and our current gaming generation? They're not solely remaking the full game for everyone's childhood sentiments. Nomura even said something about that, telling people who just want the game as it was to download the port when it's coming to PS4. They're not putting in this much money only to please people who grew up with the original. No, they're bringing that original which so many people loved back then to the current times, so that they can have a whole new generation of gamers experience it in current standards.
  18. Kaye

    Love Last Theater but their song for Barakamon was rather boring. Hope this album will surprise me!
  19. Kaye

    Square revealed earlier through some vid on their youtube that they're planning to start full promos for XV on Gamescom (possibly TGS) but they already said it would be skipping E3. KH3 is the last part of "these enemies" or something. It should conclude the fight Sora's been in with heartless and whatnot for the past games. Kingdom Hearts is a series that will continue even after 3's released. Not entirely sure if it'll continue being Sora for a lead though.
  20. Kaye

    I'm crying a little ._. 7 was the first one I've ever played + those graphics. Ah... I'm only wondering what they've done to the fighting system because they can't have left that as it was. (Also gimme that dual audio because I wouldn't mind listening to Sakurai for an entire game) FFXV FFVII remake KH3 Uncharted The new Tomb Raider one I'm ready. I'm totally ready.
  21. Kaye

    The first episodes of Punch Line were a mess but after catching up to where they are now I have to admit this show's actually quite fun.
  22. Kaye

    No one told me sportsserieshell has another level. Eijun's the cutest. Apart from that and Oregairu I'm a little behind on everything but I can't seem to get myself to finish all the episodes in my folder. Meh...
  23. Kaye

    amazarashi - 爆弾の作り方
  24. D'espairsRay for sure. -OZ- as well. Miss those guys.
  25. Kaye

    How I'd love to just have one live with GDS.
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