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Everything posted by Kaye

  1. Can't help but be a bit disappointed by this list. But I guess a few of those I'd want on there wouldn't ever do it anyway. Amused to see Ayumi though.
  2. Kaye

    No idea why but I'm amused Matt's slighty taller than Tai. Also glad there's no more cowboy hat Mimi, and that TK's new look doesn't include a hat either.
  3. Kaye

    I don't understand the hate on Migi/Shinichi either? And especially from just watching an episode? Also, Patema Reverted is pretty much perfect.
  4. Kaye

    Also I think I might drop Log Horizon. Second season is way unimpressive so far. Skipped a bit through the manga and literally no one is safe. There's more to come! --- I have become strangely attached to a main kid from a romance anime which isn't even that great. Oh well, I guess I'll blame being "female" or something for that. Still liking Donten ni Warau. Still liking Hitsugi no Chaika. Still liking Parasyte. Still liking Amagi Brilliant Park even if it's just because I could watch KyoAni animate pretty much everything, and would listen to nothing but Uchiyama Kouki (voicing Seiya) talking for an hour or more without any issues. Terra Formars and Fate/Stay Night got slightly more interesting to watch. The new Gundam: G is a total mess but the lead is at least a bit fun to watch? Kokkuri-san is still ridiculous. Akame ga Kill literally just kills off everyone. Garo makes me laugh more than I'm sure it intends to. Psycho-Pass needs to get rid of that new girl because if she even so much as appears into the screen I get insanely annoyed. Special mention for Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso because everything about that anime is just really well done.
  5. Kaye

    Agree on this. Both BTS and EH put out solid albums this year. I'm a happy fan. Also, I know these guys aren't very big and all, but I saw them on a fanevent today and they are the nicest and most adorable group I have seen in my entire life. Saw them last year as well and one of them just straight out asked me "How old are you?" in English. This year he seems to have remembered me and asked my friend how long I'd been here for before, trying to make sure I wouldn't notice. Not sure what he's up to.
  6. Kaye

    So basically you're saying it's amazing "as an anime based on the VN", which I perfectly understand. (I'm already way too hyped for DRRR, or Soukyuu's 2nd season for instance, while most people probably will have never even watched the first season because it's 10 years old. So I get what getting hyped is and I don't see that as an issue) I didn't mean I don't like it. I didn't mean it's bad. What I mean is that it's overhyped for what it is so far. If it's hyped up because of fans loving the fact that there's an adaptation, then I can understand. But if it's solely based on "omg this anime is so perfect already with just an episode in (or two, well)" then I don't get it because I'm not seeing anything I haven't seen before. But I'll surely anticipate future episodes then
  7. Kaye

    He won't become a savior. Not in the least. Manga ended recently and got hate for its sudden ending (aka... the writer had the balls to end it like that) but it's an end fitting of the story. There's no hero in there. Just a kid that got messed up and is trying to find his way. --- In other news, started Fate Stay Night UBW and sorry but can someone explain me the hype and why everyone finds it so perfect? I mean, it was a good episode and sure, I'll be watching, but I don't get the hype.
  8. Kaye

    Try aLIEz, the second song on that single. A lot more powerful than AZ itself. Starts at about 0:33 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrLng3LBqhU
  9. It's a vid from Ryo's channel again.
  10. The only two Gazette albums I can still care for, but DIM wins the top spot in the end. Why? Despite NIL having been my real introduction to the band, DIM is an album I loved from start to finish, and has some kind of mysterious flow through the tracks. I doubt they'll ever be able to upstage that.
  11. Kaye

    Finally finished Psycho-Pass after such a long time of watching the first episode. Completely in time for the second season to start airing. Ah... so good... Also, things in the new season: Parasyte is going to be good if it continues like the first episode. Not sure why I feel like it will be, but I do. Probably just a gut feeling. Amagi Brilliant Park was on my list simply because I feel the need to check out nice KyoAni art, and additionally one of my favorite voice actors being the lead. Seems fun for now. Curious as to where it will be headed. Donten ni Warau and Hitsugi no Chaika were what I expected them to be. No comments yet. Got myself to finally watch the two Gundam: G no Reconguista episodes and somehow it managed to drag me in anyway. Guess I have another Gundam series to watch.
  12. Kaye

    1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not? I don't think anyone is entitled to getting free music. We're lucky there are people around that share the stuff they've bought and that's how we can end up learning more about a certain genre or scene, but if no one's sharing anything, none of us has the right to go and claim that we "need to get it". I admit that I download a lot of stuff, obviously as I am here and have been for years, but just as the people sharing their albums, I don't mind to actually go and buy things when and if I can. 2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band? That's their business isn't it? No one should be forced to share something. If they only want to share with close friends, or not at all, it's their choice. 3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it? Music is there to be heard by lots of people. That's why most bands tour, isn't it? To get their music out. People who buy the albums aren't the only ones who can listen to the bands and songs. It's just that they have put in the money to buy the releases, and can decide for themselves whether or not to share things. For instance, lots of American bands in the underground scene don't even pay that much attention to physicals anymore. They know there's piracy, they've probably grown up with it, and they know that they just need to get their name out there. What else to do to get your name out than to tour around the place. In these times it's getting them loads more than the releases they're selling. I love buying CDs, even when I hardly ever listen to the physical ones and just rip everything straight away, but I love sharing music with people just as much. Sharing music will not necessarily help the bands get more revenue as mentioned before, but there'll always be a few that will bother and will buy it in the end. Every single bit helps though, doesn't it? 4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities? From what I've seen in the past 10 years the thought of being "entitled" to releases is still very strong in VK, but has lost a lot to Kpop. Single or album is out for 2 seconds and there's hundreds of kids asking "do you have a link?" I guess for Kpop the oversaturated industry had a hand in it though, because there's so many groups coming out that it's too much for anyone to be able to afford every single thing. While in VK it's still more of a "VK is tiny." "VK is unknown." "We're doing the band a favor by spreading their stuff, even though it's illegal." 5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD? Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip? Only one comment on that and it's "If you share something, don't be half-assed about it." 6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction? I've been approached by various people about various things. I remember years ago I got an album before its release date and shared it here. I got quite a few people who'd noticed on lastfm that I'd been listening to its tracks and comments went from "you're cheating" to "you have to share it now" while there was no reason for me to even do so. I only posted it on MH back then because I wanted to share with the people who'd given me loads of things before.
  13. I'm absolutely in love with that mini album of the same name. Aimer's pretty good. The guy who did the opening for Zankyou is featured on one of the tracks on it as well. I'm still totally in love with Aldnoah.Zero's aLIEz http://youtu.be/QrLng3LBqhU?t=29s
  14. Kaye

    As far as my opinion goes: it's over the top, and not in a good way. ----- So, DRRR is getting not one but three new seasons. Forgive me, but I'm screaming a little here. Can't help but wonder if it's going to be three 25/26 episode ones, or three 12/13 ones. Either way, that's at least 36 new DRRR episodes
  15. Kaye

    I'm almost on it. If I can get myself to watch the first two episodes that is. Skipped through the unsubbed Donten ni Warau and so far it looks exactly like I had imagined it to be. I really liked the manga so I hope the anime will be just as good.
  16. Kaye

    I might be. But no, seriously... I've been waiting for Donten Ni Warau because I read the manga, and I'm sure Parasyte will at least be interesting. I'm also up for a little bit of drama with Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso but who knows where that's going to lead to. Apart from that there's only Chaika I was really planning to watch as the first season was pretty decent. All the rest is just "whatever" to me. I'll give the new Gundam series a try though. Watching Terra Formars too and not sure where that's going to go. Lots of people were complaining the summer season was so bad, and the fall season is making up for it but I don't get it at all. What are they watching that I'm not seeing on the list? All I get is dozens of series of one guy with tens of girls and the usual drama. --- Also just finished the Buddy Complex special and there's not really room for another season sadly. They wrapped that up nicely, even though it was all too rushed. Dio made me sad in the end though ._.
  17. Kaye

    Yeah, I kind of liked my weakly dose of mecha depression, and what you said sums it up quite nicely. I don't regret starting it and sticking through. I have yet to watch the second episode, but I bet they "wrap up" everything they can around Bizon at least. I think for some reason Sunrise decided that a second season wouldn't be fitting? Maybe it didn't do too well... idk. I kind of hope there's still going to be a second season though. It might not have been the best series, but it was really amusing and a fun watch. I started Bakumatsu with a friend and we ended up leaving it until we had 7 episodes left to watch. Even doing that in one go is unbearable.
  18. Kaye

    Finishing M3 today. Kind of sad about that even though the main reason a friend and I kept watching was just the lead kid. Probably also finishing Bakumatsu Rock which I doubt I'd have ever started if I had known it was going to be like this. Then there's the Buddy Complex specials. I'm still mad it's just two specials and not a second season. Aoba/Dio were fun to watch. Wonder if there's anything going to keep me interested in the new season. It seems so bland :/
  19. One of the best Japanese movies I've ever watched tbh. And yeah, they appear for a few seconds on a TV I believe. Nothing big.
  20. Kaye

    Same as Saku tbh. Loved a lot of the characters and the story itself isn't bad, but at times I really went "what?" at just about everything. I think the only reason it was fun to watch to the end was because I'd gotten slightly attached to Nice and Art? Second season is about the same. It's a fun watch but a mess at times. It's certainly not bad, but nothing outstanding either.
  21. Kaye

    People getting all "THIS MC SHOULDN'T BE AN MC" because they don't understand or want to understand the character annoy the hell out of me.
  22. Kaye

    Finished Tokyo ESP, Glasslip, and Persona in the past few days and they all just made me go "what." Zankyou had a nice ending, though it felt they could have used an extra episode for pacing. Ao Haru Ride was something I'd usually not watch but it was a nice one. M3 and Barakamon are next, and then there's Psycho-Pass I need to catch up with before the second season airs. Fall season seems so boring. All these one guy/29875235 girls things. I love checking out certain voice actors but it's going to kill me if I'd watch all of them be the only guys in a cast. Definitely waiting for Psycho-Pass 2, Donten ni Warau, Chaika 2, and that Buddy Complex Special though.
  23. Kaye

    Been waiting for that 180 since I knew the anime was coming. Apparently there's been news of a season two through an official website somewhere, and it would be as fast as January. (Which even makes me believe more that this was supposed to be a two cour from the start) If only they'd put attention to the season as much as they've done to this last episode. This was the feeling I got from reading the manga. I wouldn't have minded for this season to have been two cour and having it end at the exact same point. Still love Zankyou no Terror loads but it should have been a two cour too. They could have done a lot more bombings and have worked themselves up rather than suddenly have the whole thing fall apart because of one character on the opposite side. There's so many things they'd have been able to work with if only they'd given themselves the time to. Love the two lead characters though, and I'm not even sure I know exactly why. Still loving Aldnoah too, but if they don't get bat and orange together again in this season's last episode, I'm going to start throwing things. I guess that's the only thing that's been frustrating me all these episodes. Kids, please have any kind of interaction. Might as well be enemies. I don't even care. Just do something.
  24. Kaye

    There's some beauty in the ending though... And there's apparently a "surprise" coming, so who knows what he's come up with.
  25. Kaye

    From what I know he said he wouldn't scream just to scream anymore, and would only do it when it adds to songs. He surely still did it when I saw them live last year. MFS has had some cringeworthy spots here and there, I agree. Try checking their newer stuff though. It's gotten loads better. That said, they have a vocalist who's 20 with members around 26. Hiro's a special one, and I'm not surprised.
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