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Posts posted by Kaye

  1. Eh, I'll throw in one more just for the hell of it. Heh.


    This one tends to be overlooked mainly due to the show not being received well enough that it deserves but another beautiful orchestral work is all the Fafner OSTs. Unfortunately, I couldn't find some of the best ones on youtube so you'll just have to do some digging. My favorite tracks are "Prologue" & "Marine Snow" from Fafner: Right of Left OST and "FAFNER in the azure" & "Kunou" from OST1


    I'm one of those people who ended up on Soukyuu and really liked it. About the "not being received well enough" part though, it's getting a new season this winter. Sequel to the movie I believe. Can't wait tbh.

  2. Are you seriously comparing the trash that was Sword Art Online to Guilty Crown? HA that's laughable, GC is better in every regard, they shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence let alone being compared to each other. There's more things than just the animation and OST that make Guilty Crown worth watching IMO.

    I'd say comparing SNK to GC or at least putting them against each other saying one was definitely better than the other is more confusing.


    But anyway, GC was ok for what it was. I do admit that it hardly has any substance and the lead was annoying at the end but it's surely an anime which is great to look at.




    What are your favorite anime series based solely upon character development? Or rather, what are some some great series with strong character development?


    Usually, I see stories where characters remain the same throughout, or stories where characters remain the same, but end up showing a different side of themselves during the climax (although that different side is usually traits that they had to begin with). Those kind of plots are perfectly fine, but sometimes I like stories where characters genuinely (and realistically) change...for better or for worse :P



    Off the top of my head, I can think of 2 anime that I've enjoyed that display strong character development!


    First one is Berserk (the original anime series, not the 3-part OVA remake)! Even though it's a dark fantasy, it's also one of the most human stories i've come across in anime. The development of the main character (guts) alone is great, but along with the 2 other major characters (casca and griffith)...just watching how their relationship develops, seeing the psychology behind all of their actions, and then witnessing how their bonds are further altered by outside forces beyond their control...it's just fascinating to me! :D


    Even though the manga (long as it is) is obviously the better choice, the anime does an AMAZING job at capturing the short arc that it did...it also manages to magnify and elaborate on some elements of the story that the mange kinda glossed over.


    The 2nd anime I can think of is Welcome to the NHK! I've never read the manga or the novels to this, but I found the anime to be very touching underneath it's comedic veneer. The main character, Tatsuhiro, is hilarious to watch as he stumbles through life, but witnessing his gradual growth and seeing how human he is is just wonderful. Perhaps I found the anime to be so endearing because it touched me on a few personal levels, but I think a lot of people might relate to it in some way.



    Anyways, what are some great anime series with strong character development!? I'd love to add them to my queue :'3


    p.s.(unrelated - but is fairy tail worth watching? it looks fun at least XD)


    From the top of my head I can only think about DRRR. Loved that one mainly because of the characters. Zetsuen no Tempest and Spiral were another two but that's definitely not the same. I guess also for the latter I'm really thinking about the manga more than the anime. But for both characters were really done well. I guess Gundam 00 had me locked onto the main 4 as well, but I guess that's a whole different thing altogether.


    Oh, there's Hyouka and Kamisama no Memochou but those are more slice-of-life so I guess it's more expected there.

  3. Just watched all of Pupa which wasn't long AT ALL. I hope there would be a sequel which isn't just 4 minutes an episode.

    The reason it was so short was because they had problems in the developing point of the anime. It was supposed to have normal length episodes but something went wrong. I doubt we'll be getting anything more than this tbh. (and maybe that's for the better)

  4. I lost track of what I'm watching and for what reasons as I randomly pulled in the likes of Air Gear, and Phi Brain... I think this is a sign I'm watching too many things at the same time.


    So far this season I've been the most interested in Haikyuu!!, Captain Earth, and Black Bullet. So far all of them are pretty much what I expected them to be. I also ended up checking Gokukoku no Brynhildr, Ping Pong, Mekaku City Actors, Nanana, Selector Infected WIXOSS and Sidonia no Kishi. All the other ones I've checked out were kind of annoying at the first episode. Maybe I'll watch them later. Also planning on checking Hitsugi no Chaika, and Mahouka, but I think Mahou Sensou in the previous season ruined me as I've totally had enough with magic schools for a while.


    So I guess I'm mainly stuck with three series this season, and will be checking out the other ones whenever I feel like it. Still waiting for M3's first episode though.


    (I also need to stop following VAs around because this is not going to end well)


    Edit: The Gokukoku no Brynhildr opening instrumental is so great.


  5. I find that thought to be hilarious...getting away from people by going to a city of 10+ million people XD


    I probably should have added "people I've been seeing too often" or "family" or "people who act like they're friends but are not" etc etc. Basically needed to be away from people messing with my every day life I guess. Or at least those who were the reason for me feeling like I did.

  6. Watched the first 2 eps of Durarura...the first episode left me with a lukewarm impression, as I had no idea where the anime was going. I still have no idea what this show is about (i never read any of the synopsis - really just trying it because sai and saku like it), but 2nd episode is really intriguing. It definitely has my interest so far.


    One of the things about DRRR is that it takes you from one place to another while everything is still relevant to the whole story somehow. The synopsis doesn't say much anyway, other than that there's gangs in Ikebukero.

  7. Finally started Durarara!! I'm already in fucking tears over Shizuo's insane physical strength (and him basically throwing lamp posts and vending machines at whoever pisses him off, though he somehow dislikes violence). Anyway, watched 2 episodes so far and it's quite enjoyable, going to finish it asap so I'm ready for the second season!



    ^ nice. I love Shizu-chan <3 hes my favorite character along with Kida-kun :)


    Shizuo is great! Hope you will like it as a whole.


    One of my favorite characters was without a doubt Izaya. But the main three kids are interesting too. Mamoru is great as Kida.

  8. Somehow totally rolled into that sports-anime niche and finished Ookiku Furikabutte's first season earlier this week. It's cute. A little older, and not very matches-driven, but cute. Manga's been going on since 2004 apparently. Started the second season earlier today but it seems it's just a continuation with a few extra matches in the summer cup.


    I would be lying if I said Gokukoku no Brynhildr's opening isn't one of the reasons I actually paid attention to this. It seems interesting for now. Hopefully it keeps up.


    Next one to check is Black Bullet. Already checked a part of the episode and it seems to be what I thought it would be. Yuki Kaji as Rentarou surprised me for a moment but he's good at characters like him anyway.

  9. didnt know about I'll, sounds really interesting. might read that later.


    Well hard to say. its a shonen jump manga at least. the manga is currently at around chapter 100 and kuroko was still more or less "realistic" back then too. But yes so far theres not really any superpowers, but it could happen later on.



    Baby Steps  was ok so far. Already know the manga, so kinda knew what to expect. I guess i like it , because its a good change after Prince of Tennis.


    If you're going to read I'll in hopes of lots of matches, you'll be disappointed though. It's more about the two leads, their lives and why they play, as well as how the lives of the team members make the team. But yeah, I really liked it. Still need to read a few chapters, but I know the ending already and it's a fun read. (I wish it would get a full cour anime but we're a few years late for that :/ the ova is just a small part near the beginning)


    And that's true. That's also why I added "for now." This is anime/manga, this is Japan, this is a place where anything can happen. For me it's more towards I'll right now, but at the same time I can feel the Kuroko-ness too. It's probably somewhere in-between. Which is a good thing.

  10. Just finished Haikyuu and it actually reminded me more of a volleyball version of I'll (There's only an OVA for the manga but I loved the manga a lot) in the sense that it's two kids who claim themselves to be rivals yet end up on the same team anyway. They're both good players, but as a duo they are unbeatable. Which is pretty much the premise for Haikyuu isn't it? Now unless they start with all the weird attacks like in Kuroko, I'd say Haikyuu is a little bit more "real". For now.


    Either way, I really liked that one.


    Tried Baby Steps but it's really not my thing. Mahouka is on the list to watch but I can't bring myself to it today.

  11. ^ You're getting Star Driver vibes because it's actually done by the same exact team that did Star Driver so yeah.


    I know, that's why I mentioned Eureka Seven too, as it's still the same studio. So I hope that rather than being another Star Driver, they'd go into a different direction with a better script this time around.

  12.  So I watched the first 2 episodes of Noragami and I'm digging it so far! I had a few genuine laughs so far, so that's a good sign - everything looks promising. Once again I have to thank sai for having such impeccable taste in Entertainment! :love:


    The anime has an anime only end but they did it well imo. There was a hint that we might be getting a second season though so I hope they do it. There's this whole part in the manga that would just be awesome when animated.



    Edit: Just started Captain Earth from the new season. Five minutes in and I was already lost. I have no clue why I'm so lost with mecha series but this one's first episode was so nice. Same studio as Eureka Seven and although I get Star Driver vibes too, I hope it goes more into the Eureka Seven way. Art and designs were so nice.

  13. I actually liked the "needless" deaths in certain Gundam series - I think it lent to the gravity of certain situations. With such large-scale wars being waged and so many weapons of mass destruction about, I think even the seemingly needless deaths were appropriate - even if they did't necessarily advance the plot. Fucked up shit happens in war. Granted, Tomino killed off a lot of characters out of mere depression lol (and not necessarily for the reasons I mentioned - but hey, war is depressing!) :P

    I steered pretty clear of AGE, 00 was entertaining for it was, but it could have been eons better (it was kinda like wing 2.0, but i'm still not sure which is cheesier LOL). SEED should have never happened LOL. My favorite Gundam since the late 80's/early 90's is Unicorn (mostly because i'm a U.C. nut lol).


    First I'll admit that I still have to go back and watch older Gundam series but I'm agreeing here. "needless" deaths in war settings aren't entirely needless to me. It's just a fact that people die as they're fighting. Or not even fighting but just happened to be around.

    My favorites must be 00 and Unicorn I guess. I should rewatch Wing one of these days because I was a kid when I did. Maybe I'll like it better now. I can't make myself care for AGE though, and SEED/SEED Destiny were a waste of time and I even watched them twice. I still don't know why.

  14. Finished Buddy Complex and there's only 3 things I can say: 1. oh, 2. I love Aoba/Dio, 3. Give me that 2nd season. That's all.


    Also managed to get myself over half of the SNK episodes and I'm still not sure what the hype is about. At least it's starting to get somewhat interesting though I had to drag myself through a boring first half of the series before getting there. Well, I guess I'm one of the single people in my close neighborhood who really isn't all "OMG BEST SERIES AND ANIMATION EVER" because there's nothing I haven't seen before.


    Now that all of my winter season anime have ended, I guess it's time to finish off some others in these next few days before the new ones start. Hakkenden for instance.

  15. ^ nice. Alis is a good character, I liked him too :D yeah Kuroko is one of those shows that I know isn't good from a technical standpoint but I just can't help to watch because I get so into the action xD so i guess I can admit that it's a bad show, but I still like it a lot anyways... idk it's weird :|


    The action is what got me stuck. Some of the sequences of the more fired up matches are so good though. The Aomine/Kagami in the zone part for instance. Ah...

  16. Finished Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi. Pretty good. I really liked the Alis character for some reason. Glad he was in there till the end and didn't disappear out of the series like some others.


    Kuroko came to an end too. Already read the manga so I knew what was going to happen but it was amusing anyway. Was it just me or did they slack off on some of the scenes though. The drawing/art was off. Either way, Now we're all just back to waiting for the next season.

  17. I agree with pretty much everything you said except for Buddy Complex I will admit that it's not as bad as I initially thought after watching the first episode. It definitely became more enjoyable for me later on and the mecha battles are very entertaining as Sunrise mecha shows are known for! but there's no way it's better than Valvrave. Buddy Complex just reeks generic which is my biggest problem with it, now Valvrave also had certain generic tropes here and there but overall it felt fresh and different from the normal sunrise mecha show. While Buddy Complex is all so predictable with what's about to happen, When watching Valvrave it was so out there that most of the time I had no idea what was gonna happen next or what direction there were going towards. 


    Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi is a pretty good sleeper show from last year, lot's of people overlooked it, and I dare say it's quite under appreciated. Glad to hear you're giving it a chance :)


    I'm not sure what my issue with Valvrave is though, and I have to admit I still need to watch the second season. I think my "love" (if you can call it that way) for Buddy Complex is nothing but a liking for Aoba/Dio and their bond. It's fun to see them go at it. So saying that Buddy Complex is loads better than Valvrave isn't exactly the right thing for me to say. The stories do the same for me, but it's the lead characters I prefer. I liked L-elf though. Interesting one too.


    Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi is definitely a good show. Interesting concept somehow too. I kind of really like the Alis kid but I think that's also partly because he's voiced by one of my favorite voice actors.

  18. Finishing one anime after the other one this week and getting myself ready for the upcoming season to start.


    Noragami ended fine for an anime only story-part though I do hope we'll be getting a new season. Parts of the manga are too awesome not to be animated.

    Hamatora ended with a surprise but it seems it's getting a second season after all. Can't wait. I've been really enjoying the series and I'm not entirely sure why, but I'll take another 12 episodes.

    Magical Warfare and Pupa are finally over. While the latter was just 3min episodes every week, the previous remained a clusterfuck till the end. I'm really not sure where they wanted to go with that one.

    Kurobasu is ending tomorrow, and I'm sure a 3rd season is also in the works. There's no way there won't be.
    Nobunagun and Buddy Complex turned out to be a lot more entertaining than I thought they would. While the first one will surely end with the last episode in a few days, it seems Buddy Complex might be getting the second season treatment like Valvrave got. They're from the same studios and have had a similar flow in the story after all. Liking Buddy Complex a lot more than Valvrave though. Maybe the Siscon/Snivels has something to do with that. They amuse me.


    In other words, it seems as if every series I somewhat liked this season is getting another season. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Also currently watching Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi and went all "I like this guy's voice too much" at one of the characters. I can't help it. Some VAs have voices that just stick.

  19. That's the same mangaka as Tegami Bachi =D Really pretty artwork, I agree!


    Yep! I'm getting tempted to give Tegami Bachi a try because of it, but at the same time I'm not sure because it's a totally different genre. I got one of his artbooks too and it's so nice ._.

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