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Posts posted by Kaye

  1. Question: is it me, or are people in general dumb these days?


    Today I have been confronted with people blatantly ignoring rules they know are there, people refusing to see both sides of a problem and sticking to a small negative point they heard months before (and which they are now able to prove if they just ignore the other side of the problem), and people just not even bothering and being damn disrespectful.


    I've had enough for today.

  2. i think maybe the difference is that you can't feel sexual attraction.as you said?

    have you ever saw anyone or even famous that you would just want to sleep with?

    i mean having a crush is probably hormones maybe,i don't know. finding someone sexually attractive can lead to having a crush.

    so you can't stop thinking about him and suddenly you care about everything he likes and want to learn about it etc

    if i start finding him interesting intellectual or feel emotional connection or care honestly abour same things . that's love. that's where you're starting to love him.

    not being in love or having a crush.


    @Nyasagi yes maybe it's phychological to me too at some part ,sometimes i think .but i don't know why exactly


    I can feel sexual attraction, but it's not my first thing to get noticed. I have my set of artists I'd love to get to know better but I find none of them sexually attractive. I don't know them. Because I don't know them, I wouldn't want to sleep with them. Somehow that's just how my mind/brains work. I'd rather figure out how their mind works than dive into bed with them.


    Having a crush is definitely hormones, but for me the falling in love moves further when I start getting to know someone better. The crush is more like what happens after I've picked up an interest in a guy. Let's say, after I've met him once or twice.


    Not everyone gets the same things in the same order.

  3. Can I hug you? I mean, this sounds way too much like myself.


    Everyone around me seems to find it easy to find people they're interested in very fast. Like, they walk into a bar and within 3 minutes they'll have scanned the whole area and located at least 2 potential partners. Somehow my attraction to others isn't based on looks - sure, I can say "this guy's hot" when I see someone attractive, but it doesn't make me immediately interested in him. I need to get to know the guy, judge his intellect, look for common interests, make sure our personalities won't clash. 


    Besides, I'm not the most outgoing person out there. I'm very sociable and people generally like me, but I don't enjoy going out very often as I like spending time by myself. I don't actively look for a relationship and maybe for this reason have been told a few times that I'm too "hard to get" and "scare guys away".


    Let me hug you right back.


    It seems you and I are very similar on this point. I have also been told that I shouldn't be as "hard to get" and I know for a fact that I scare guys away because I'm too independent and I don't need a guy to be able to live my live well. Like, I don't need them to be able to keep up, and I guess that's still something guys often want from a girl. To have someone they can protect and who really needs them.


    I never actively go and search for people (basically all you said is "me" in some way). I wouldn't be able to. The last guy I got interested in I met at random. We were both totally shocked at how well we matched and how we'd even met in such a way. It's basically an episode out of a drama series, but well, with a similar drama ending. But it was honestly the first time in about 7 years (which is when I met my ex for the first time) that I'd actually really felt like that. That guy's mind was way more interesting than anything else and to be fair, that's all that's going to keep me interested in someone anyway. Layers and layers of personality to go through, with more things to be discovered every day. I find it very weird to be able to fall head over heels for a guy I've only met 5 minutes ago. What is it that you fall in love with then anyway? Can't be much else but his looks, or some kind of aura?

  4. I'm usually not much of a person who speaks freely about things such as relationships and love but I just need to get it out of my mind for a second.


    I am 25, and in my whole life I've only been in love once, and on the verge of going there once. It seems weird to a lot of people because "how can you not fall in love?" but I'm just really not interested in most people walking around on this planet. I need to "know" a person before I can even get interested any further. It's only when I get interested that I end up getting a crush on someone, and when the crush gets so big I can't deal with it anymore, I fall in love. But I hardly get interested. (at the same time I hardly ever feel any kind of sexual attraction to anyone else, or at least haven't felt much of it yet. I know it's part of the "it's very hard to get me interested" thing, but at the same time I just sometimes don't know how or why.)


    It's only happened 3 or 4 times in my whole life, and out of those, I've only thought of two being able to be my significant other. One of which who became one, the other of which I just ended up in a very unlucky situation with beyond my control.


    In other words, though it's not really by choice, I don't really know what it feels like to be "wanted" by someone. At least I don't remember anymore. I'd like to get that feeling back to be honest.



    I don't know how looks can participate in sexual desire or so though since I'm asexual and don't experience any sexual attraction, so you'll have to educate me on that.


    It's nothing but personal preference like mentioned before. There are just some things that get people to look at others more than usually. For instance, I have no preferences of body shapes or looks or whatever. As long as a person fits his/her own style and stays true to him/herself, I'm fine with anything. It's the mind that does it for me anyway. But deep eyes I could get lost in? Collarbones that are just that one special type of shape you prefer? Even the shape of hands or shoulders, a neck, or ears...lips... It's all in our preferences to like one thing over the other. And some of those things just get us over the edge, and give that extra push to feel attracted to someone.

  5. I wonder if this is going to be a live best of album instead of studio one.

    I thought they were not going to release Future any more because it was composed since 2011. XD

    Good to hear it, though.


    It seems a lot like a "these are our best tracks for playing live" album to me. So whether or not it's live versions, I kind of "understand" this tracklist?


    Either way, I know I want it.

  6. While I've had quite a few periods when my music direction shifted (can't really call it a change of taste), I've never been ashamed of the bands I used to listen to. I might not listen to them these days much or even not at all, but that doesn't mean I am embarassed by the fact that I used to like them.


    I used to have a best friend who liked VK just like me. We ended up drifting apart and after some time I stopped listening to almost all VK for around half a year. During these months, I listened to some Kpop as one of my current closest friends introduced me to some groups. However, in the end I found out that it wasn't really my thing and started listening to most of my beloved VK bands again. Later on I learned that my ex-best friend told my other friend that she was surprised how easily I stopped listening to VK and traded it for "shitty" Kpop. At this point she wasn't listening to any Japanese music anymore. It's quite funny, really, as I've never entirely stopped listening to Japanese music, never really got into Kpop, and now this ex-bff of mine is a huge Kpop fan who finds all VK "shitty". 


    I don't get this.


    This has happened a lot to me. I've never understood people just doing a 180 degree turn out of the blue. Those who once loved VK so much they'd nearly drown it in, and would now be disgusted just looking at them while all their prince-y kpop kids walk in front of them. But when I end up listening to something they don't expect, it's suddenly "oh, you changed?" No, I still love the other one just as much.


    Rather than a 180 degree, I agree more with Champ and multiple people here to be honest. You grow up loving something, and from there on out you just broaden that taste. The things I've loved when I was a kid, I might not listen to them as much anymore, but I still like those albums. Same goes for VK. I haven't been following a VK band for years but the records I used to love from bands like Gazette, -OZ-, old Girugamesh and Dir en grey, among many others, I still love them. I've recently gone back to a more alternative/hardcore sound, but I might as well get another VK phase sometime. I really don't get why we should keep ourselves to one thing, and completely ban the other. My music library is a mix of so many different genres and I wouldn't want it any different.


    So I wonder....


    Is it an age thing? Something that just may occur naturally when growing up, and may happen any time between 15 and, dunno, 22, but rarely after that? Basically, you just give up on music that was part of your childhood/teenage age in exchange for something that is perceived as more "adult"? Most people where I witnessed this change were probably between 20-22 at that time.


    Is is something specifically about vk? Maybe something about the way that many binge-listen to vk for several years up to the point that they literally get sick of it? (And often listen to it very indiscriminately too.) Or maybe because vk is considered "immature" and has to be left behind when changing to a more "adult" taste? Or does this happen with other genres as well?


    I have noticed this as well and I think part of it is a "society" thing. It goes for Kpop, VK, Jpop, even Western "emo" bands/rock. Most of society considers things that aren't regularly seen on tv or around them as weird. It rubs off on other people, whether you want it or not. Subconsciously, people will start thinking that "it's just a thing of their youth" and will leave it for what it is once they "grow up." I've seen people completely go away from any genre they ever listened to, and be totally embarrassed with all of their favorite bands from when they were teens.


    As an example. I have been listening to Japanese music ever since I was 13/14. Through the years, Chinese, Thai, Korean, etc came with it. Mixed with Western bands I grew up with. Even to this day (I am 25 going on 26) I still have my family ask me "Why Japan? Why Korea? Do you really like it that much?" knowing it's been what, 11 years? And it always comes with the "Shouldn't you act your age?" one because I am not a girl who uses layers of make-up, and wears high heels all the time, because apparently having your own style isn't allowed in today's society.



    Something else I've been wanting to say.

    I don't think that "they aren't my favorite band anymore" and "180 degree turn" is the same thing. There are some bands that just change through the years, so I understand that bands just go into a direction you personally don't like even though they were once one of your favorites. I don't get though, how some of those people can actually say "they're crap now, I don't get why I ever listened to them" as if they are embarrassed to have ever listened to them. An album you once thought to be good, should still be the same? Why would it suddenly be bad years later, because a band changed its direction? Like all these Girugamesh fans for instance (same goes for the west with Linkin Park and all... yeah I know). "OMG THEY ARE SO TRYING TO BE WESTERN/MAINSTREAM NOW" why are you stuck with your head in the past and won't let a band evolve? Fine if you don't like the music anymore, but that doesn't mean suddenly everything they've ever done and is not 13's Reborn is crap.

  7. Ended up adding another series to my "currently watching" list. Found Magical Warfare randomly and for now it's mostly the VAs keeping me there. Seems like it could be interesting though.


    I also finished Free! in one setting and while it was a typical friendship anime, and not too bad, I don't really understand why it was such a hype the past summer. Was it solely because of all the fanservice being for girls this time? I just remember laughing quite a bit and wanting to hit all the characters, the designers and writers, on multiple occasions.

  8. I'll still stick with it till the end, well because that's just how I am with anime... even the ones I think are really bad I almost never drop. But if you ask me if you're looking for gundam then just watch build fighters, it's ten times better than this right now and of course since it's gundam it also done by sunrise.



    Yeah, I'm not expecting anything yet for either of the series I've started, but from this season, these seemed to be the most interesting ones. I'll hold out on saying more about Buddy Complex till I've watched a few episodes but what you said is pretty much what I was thinking as well. It just all went so fast.


    My favorite Gundam was 00, and everything they've done after that just hasn't been my thing. Build Fighters either. I still have to watch more of Unicorn so maybe I should do that, but I really couldn't bring myself to watch AGE, and the concept art for the new one doesn't look too interesting either :/


    I started Valvrave's first season a while back but I kind of lost interest for some reason. I'll finish it soon though, I'm not one to drop series either, and I've hardly ever done so.

  9. I've only done this to myself, but I'm watching 5 new anime this season + the rest of Kenshin I still needed to finish. (Also already found 4 or 5 anime that will air later this year, 3 of which start in April. I'm going to die in 2014)


    Hamatora (Style of editing vs drawing reminds me a bit of Durarara, but it doesn't seem as great (yet))
    Nobunaga the Fool (Jeanne D'arc, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nobunaga, etc, all in one... fighting with mecha... in one word "what?")

    Nobunagun (Also very "what?" but seems interesting for some reason.)

    Buddy Complex (trying to fill in that need for a new Gundam series that is not AGE and it's a Sunrise one anyway)



    Hamatora (pretty interesting, reminds me of a cross between Durararara! and Darker than black)


    That description of Hamatora seems to fit my idea of it perfectly. I quite liked it to be honest.

  10. Prince of Tennis.


    I watched it with a friend who came over from Japan for New Years. First movie of the year. I don't know how many shots of Soju we had to get ourselves through.

    Also, the fact that this was my third or fourth time watching it for no good reason still gets me confused.

  11. ^ I love Murakami in general, and I hope you enjoy your read :D Although I must say 1Q84 was rather underwhelming and disappointing.


    I've loved all I've read of him till this point. I have more of his books back in Belgium (including 1Q84), waiting for me to be read but I won't be getting there anytime soon. It makes me sad they're just lying there. Loved Norwegian Wood, The Elephant Vanishes, and Dance Dance Dance though.


  12. I love Yozakura Quartet a lot so I'm really sad about not getting the last episodes. It's also strange how this series, which seems to be getting OVAs and episodes at random, isn't that popular. The manga is great, and the characters are fun. I really don't get the issue here.


    Also somehow ended up finally watching Rurouni Kenshin again and I'm now halfway through the 90+ episodes. Blame Sato Takeru and his performance as Kenshin in the live action movie because somehow watching the movie again made me want to watch the whole anime all of a sudden.


    I'm also a lot sadder about Kyoukai no Kanata ending than I thought I'd be. It was actually getting somewhere and I feel like an extra few episodes might have gotten us some extra explanations about some of the characters. Either way, I loved Akihito's voice actor and I'm sad I'm not really interested in most of his other work. At least he's done music.


    So I guess I'm currently just focusing on Kenshin and Zetsuen no Tempest.


    ^ I can absolutely guarantee you will not be disappointed with Zetsuen no Tempest if you stick it out. Its a pretty amazing show, definitely a sleeper hit from the last few years.


    So I've heard. My only issue is that I've gotten quite far into the manga, so the anime has its points where I just want to skip because I know what's going on anyway. The manga is written by the same person who did Spiral and I love that one so I'm sure this won't be any different.

  13. Loved HAMC during the days she was part of them. Still kind of sad they had to give up because she left tbh. They were a fun band with quite a bit of popularity.


    I'm not sure what to think of this but it reminds me of old Nami Tamaki.

  14. I've been in this thread a lot it seems but anyway. (Got into that second semester. Fear was well grounded but I guess I got lucky)


    Found something I felt really good with. First time in about six or seven years. Gets messed up because of things beyond control. Can't say I'm surprised, but that doesn't mean it hurts less.

  15. The Good (a mix of Western, pop, rock, whatever)


    Another Story - Signs

    blessthefall - Hollow Bodies

    Bring Me the Horizon - Sempiternal

    Dir en grey - The Unraveling

    Girugamesh - MONSTER

    Miura Daichi - The Entertainer

    ONE OK ROCK - 人生x僕=

    Palisades - Outcasts

    The Boss - Chapter 2

    VIXX - Hyde

    VIXX - Voodoo




    The Bad


    30 Seconds to Mars - Love Lust Faith + Dreams (I love their first three albums but this is just a cheap rehash of them tbh)




    Might add some more later but these are those I could come up with from the top of my mind. Sempiternal surprised me so much. Definitely record of the year for me. Blessthefall's Hollow Bodies was also a lot better than I thought it would be.

  16. Fafner is pretty straightforward if you only paid attention. If you still don't understand much of the plot then you can read the reviews here. www.mahq.net/animation/fafner/fafner.htm


    As for Gundam, ever tried Gundam 00 or Gundam Unicorn?


    Yeah, I know about Fafner, but the movie kind of messed it up. I mean, it's your typical "people showing up again" "popping out of nowhere" "never making sense" thing. Are they alive or not? Are they there or not? No clue, you just take it. Or maybe the movie just messed it up because I watched it in the middle of the night. (plus, I think my main issue is just "how many lives does Kazuki have?) I really like the series though, for some reason.


    I love Gundam 00 and am about to finish what I have from Unicorn, but I would be fine with a new series right now.

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