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Original Saku

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  1. Like
    Original Saku reacted to sai in Leecher Hunt   
    ready the cannons
  2. Like
    Original Saku reacted to 237Q in Leecher Hunt   
    @Magatsu goddamn have they tried. HAVE THEY TRIED? I remember getting used to like 20 different methods of downloading from this community, and not even I have been around for that long (I joined in like 2008 or something?). 
    But you do have a point at one thing-what we're doing is considered an illegal activity, so the uploaders who hate reposts (with or without credit) should definitely consider that when they think of whether they are or not okay with reposts. I generally couldn't care less, but then again, I only uploaded like 5 of my own purchases, and can also see where people who are bothered by this come from.
    For the PM for password thing, god bless the one who has banned it. Not only for the drama reason, but it is actually the most frustrating thing for both the uploader and the "downloader". Why would anyone WANT to be obliged to be online for hours and days just to reply probably around 100+ PMs. And why would anyone want to wait for a PM from someone who might never reply them anyway? 
    Also, I think that "reply for link" would not only be morally wrong (thanking because you have to), but it would create a huge mess in the downloads forum, bringing up the years old threads. Personally I use the downloads forum to keep track of what's newly released and download something maybe 1 out of 20 times I've actually went to the said forum. And I open the download threads that are ages old when they are brought up only because my first presumption is that the link is dead and I could make someone's day by reuploading it. Seeing a "thank you" message posted "today" in a 2011 thread repeatedly would only make me stop opening those threads and BOOM less chance for somebody to reupload a dead link.
    I am the most against the idea of deleting inactive members. Mostly because of my own account, as I tend to just come and go every six months or so, but for absolutely different reasons (like real life, for example). And I love these people here more than you can imagine (and mine and Maiku's castle with some of the respectful ladies and gentlemen here as our maids and the monsters from the basements. and champ and how I'm always way too scared to talk to her.)
    I like the idea of having only the people who wrote in "introduce yourselves" forum being able to see the downloads forum. I don't see that many downsides to it, but I'm not sure if that would be possible to make and how hard it would be (though I'm not by any means questioning Zess's techy whizy almightiness).
    BUT, that MegaCrypter thing or something similar to that seem like a really good solution to me, especially if it could be embeded into the forum generally. Simply because, as many have mentioned up there, blogspotters ARE lazy and once they figure out they can't do it as easily as they used to, they would probably rather than starting to reupload everything, just realize that it's just not worth it and give up on their blogs. At least that's what I would do (but then again, I could never keep a private blog for longer than 6 months lol damn I can't even stay in one town for that long). So instead of MAKING the reposters give up, make them think they've given up by their own will, and everyone's happy! And that's the power of manipulation, my darlings!
  3. Like
    Original Saku reacted in Transcodes VS BAD rips aka WMP rips.   
    And the answer is simply: YES, everything with LQ = Transcode, including the WMP rips etc.
    But I'm so fucking done with MH.
    goodbye. I will never speak a word nor contribute something to this forum.
  4. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Champ213 in Transcodes VS BAD rips aka WMP rips.   
    Okay, enough of this already. This discussion is going nowhere.
    1. The fact that legit rips can be mistaken for transcodes has been covered in the Transcode FAQ. ("Many people use a programme called Spek to analyze the spectograph of the file. This can give you some valuable insights, but it's by no means 100% conclusive. I could show you several Spek images of files I ripped from original CDs according to our guidelines, that could be easily mistaken for transcodes, if you only look at the spectographs.") That's just a technical limitation we have to live with.
    2. There are 2 kinds of people: those who don't care if something is a transcode and those that do. The latter one will also not want to download a bad rip. By labeling something as "Transcode" this group of people know what to avoid. If it helps anything we can use the label "Low Quality" for both transcodes AND bad rips. But seriously, you are fighting about semantics here.
    3. If you want to avoid making bad rips, we have guidelines here to help you. If you upload stuff that isn't your own rip, check the quality first. If things look fishy, just say so in the description or attach a Spek image, and you won't get any trouble. We don't want to overly restrict uploading, but we want that people know what to expect when downloading something.
    4. When you find a upload that looks like a transcode OR a bad rip and it doesn't say so in the description, feel free to report it.
    @ Magatsu: quit the whining. You are just being butthurt because a mod labeled your upload as transcode when it actually was a bad rip. It doesn't matter. If someone doesn't want to download a transcode, they certainly don't want to download a bad rip either. Those who don't mind transcodes won't mind bad rips either. Do you own the CD? Rip it again according to our guidelines. You don't? Check files you get from other sources and upload them with appropriate description. It's not rocket science.
    Seriously, a few months ago people were whining that we didn't do enough against low quality files, now that we try to do more, it's still not okay. *facepalm*
  5. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from Gaz in Leecher Hunt   
    What exactly are you trying to imply here? Because it sounds to me like you're trying to say we haven't actually tried to do anything about these problems (problems that i think are non-existent tbh, but alas that's just my opinion) and that we are just saying we have (technically I get the vibe that you're calling us liars). If that truly is what you are implying then I have to ask on what do you base your implications? How long have you been apart of this community? Because I can tell you right now I've been here for 7 long years and I hate to break it to you but I don't remember you gracing this forum with your presence since about 2-3 years and that might be stretching it. Who the hell are you to say we haven't done anything to solve these issues when you yourself haven't been here long enough to even know what we've tried?
    I'm not usually the kind of person to take offense to something said on the internet but when it comes to somebody discrediting the hard work that I and the other staff have put into this community and implying that we haven't actually done anything but instead are just saying we have, like it's a fact. I'll go ahead and tell you right now, that pisses me off to no end and really get my blood boiling.
    If this is not the case and you weren't implying any of this then I apologize but that is seriously how it sounds in your post. and to that I would recommend wording your posts more carefully from now on to avoid anymore "misunderstandings". that is if that is really the case.
    EDIT: After reading your last post I'm now pretty certain you really were implying those things. Your entire attitude is atrocious and quite frankly you're acting like a "brat" who thinks their opinion is the "right" opinion and who is assuming that the majority of people here are in fact in agreement with your views on the issue. That's bullshit and you know it. If you really don't think the issue can be fixed then why are you sitting here being difficult and wasting your time in the first place. It just doesn't add up.
  6. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from nullmoon in Leecher Hunt   
    What exactly are you trying to imply here? Because it sounds to me like you're trying to say we haven't actually tried to do anything about these problems (problems that i think are non-existent tbh, but alas that's just my opinion) and that we are just saying we have (technically I get the vibe that you're calling us liars). If that truly is what you are implying then I have to ask on what do you base your implications? How long have you been apart of this community? Because I can tell you right now I've been here for 7 long years and I hate to break it to you but I don't remember you gracing this forum with your presence since about 2-3 years and that might be stretching it. Who the hell are you to say we haven't done anything to solve these issues when you yourself haven't been here long enough to even know what we've tried?
    I'm not usually the kind of person to take offense to something said on the internet but when it comes to somebody discrediting the hard work that I and the other staff have put into this community and implying that we haven't actually done anything but instead are just saying we have, like it's a fact. I'll go ahead and tell you right now, that pisses me off to no end and really get my blood boiling.
    If this is not the case and you weren't implying any of this then I apologize but that is seriously how it sounds in your post. and to that I would recommend wording your posts more carefully from now on to avoid anymore "misunderstandings". that is if that is really the case.
    EDIT: After reading your last post I'm now pretty certain you really were implying those things. Your entire attitude is atrocious and quite frankly you're acting like a "brat" who thinks their opinion is the "right" opinion and who is assuming that the majority of people here are in fact in agreement with your views on the issue. That's bullshit and you know it. If you really don't think the issue can be fixed then why are you sitting here being difficult and wasting your time in the first place. It just doesn't add up.
  7. Like
    Original Saku reacted to sai in Leecher Hunt   
    You're missing the point here. The reason why this would come in handy is because it would force blogspot owners to reupload the files, which:
    Keeps files online longer. If the link dies on one source, there will always be plenty of other sources where you'll be able to get it. It makes it more difficult to find the original source as well, which is safer for the uploader considering the enormous piracy hunt the US government is planning to go on. Plus it makes the file easier to access. Takes away traffic from the original uploader. I remember sugibo suddenly had incredibly high traffic when they uploaded DIVISION and not even a week later the file was deleted by mediafire, not one blog reuploaded it, file gone from the net forever. Forces the blog owners to do some more work on their blog. People who ask not to have their link reposted but reuploaded instead will be helped a great deal by this. Also let's face it; blog owners are really lazy in general. They don't even take the effort to spend 5 minutes to reupload something if the original uploader requested them to do so.
    Finding a solution for everyone is going to be really difficult, because we've tried A LOT of methods to stop reposting and none of them worked. I'm not saying it is impossible and that we shouldn't try, but there are a lot of different uploaders with a lot of different preferences. Having Draconian measures is only going to be counterproductive because as Champ already stated, why bother going over all these hurdles here if they can get it with a single click of their mouse on a blogspot? It will take potential users away. I was a leecher once and I became active only after about 2 months, just like CAT5 was an original leecher as well. We can't take away the possibility that these people might become active after all. Besides, every uploader is different. People who want their stuff reuploaded and are pissed off by blogspots not doing so will find the encrypter a really nice solution, people who don't want their stuff reposted at all will not stop until there is a police-like brigade on this website that will kick out anyone who is even slightly linked to a blogspot.
    And Magatsu, you can keep playing this "you're wrong, I'm right"-game but it isn't going to solve the problem. Whether these rules are acceptable are not depends on the type of uploader you are. If more people backed your ideas then we could give it some serious thought, but constantly being difficult because we're not doing it the way you want is not going to help this problem at all.
    edit: I think changing the rule to what Champ just proposed is nicely put and keeps it flexible for both uploaders and staff members. I've always been a fan of flexible rules when it comes to the DL section because it gives both the uploaders more space and the staff can act out easier.
  8. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Zeus in Leecher Hunt   
    It seems like you all want similar yet slightly different things. Not to burst your bubble, but none of these things are things which we either haven't tried before or can tell you won't work.
    You can try all you want, but you can't force gratitude. If people have to click the "Thanks" button in order to get access to a release, then the motion is meaningless because are they thanking you because they like the upload or because they have no choice? Posting for a link falls into the same trap and just produces content from those who post because they have to, not because they have anything to say. For all of that trouble, just let them be. Not to mention that adding in either of the two in no way stops people from reposting. It just makes it slightly more inconvenient.
    And speaking of inconvenience, blogspots thrive because of convenience. If we start putting hurdles between people and releases, people will go where it's easier to get (literally) the same thing. We may have leechers, but at least they're here and may one day become active. There's no chance of that happening if they're all visiting other sites because we make it more difficult to get releases here. On top of all that, it won't deter those who run those sites from going through the hoops and then giving out the link for free anyway. We can't get them to give credit or at least reupload the link - do you think there's anything we can really do to stop people from reposting things?
    And in case you think we can, the answer is still no. That's the same problem we faced with the VIP section and for every one person we did catch five or six slipped by. And we were only working with a group of less than 200 people before we axed the section. To put the impossibility into perspective, there are over 7000 members on Monochrome Heaven. Not happening.
    The password idea is the only idea that I think has any type of traction, but that's tedious. It will stop uploaders from blindly copying and pasting links, but it does nothing to curb the overall issue of reposting in the first place, because copying another line whose password mentions us doesn't matter if people still got it from somewhere else. Most people don't care if they got it from "the source" or "elsewhere" - they just care if they have it.

    And where did those files come from? Oh, right, here. Fight fire with fire and both websites get taken down with a DMCA notice. I'd rather just let them be until they get bored of copying us.

    Another extremely inconvenient solution that blogspots can circumvent by reuploading the materials and then continuing to offer them after we don't.

    I'm against deleting profiles because life happens. MH isn't the center of everyone's universe and sometimes people leave. It is a reasonable expectation that their profile is still here when they come back. If it's not, then what would push them to sign up again? I've been on forums with nazi moderators. I am no longer on those kinds of forums.
    Also, I have better things to do than to weed through 7000 profiles monthly and remove people I deem unworthy.
    tl;dr - Taking any actions which makes it harder to get to the releases will only drive people to places where it is easier to get them. Forcing people to thank you for posts isn't really gratitude. You can't force people to be active if they choose not to be.
  9. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Champ213 in Leecher Hunt   
    I have been a staff member for, I don't know, 5 years or more, and I can tell you, we have tried a LOT to resolve this issue.
    On occassion we have done literally hours of detective work to find out who was reposting stuff from here. If we were succesful we banned that user - and it took them 3 minutes to make a new account.
    I know that this is a frustrating issue for uploaders, but there really is only so much we can do. Also, the expectations differe a lot from uploader to uploader.
    - Some don't want their uploads to be reposted - at all. The only way to ensure that is to only share with people you personally know and trust. This is obviously a subjective thing, and if you are consequential the number of people you share with shouldn't be more than about, say, two dozen. Personally I couldn't think of more than 10 people I would share stuff with online if I want to make really sure that it never leaks. A public forum just isn't a good place for that. I don't advertise my download in a place where 100s of people can see it, if I only want to share it with 10 people to begin with. That's why we stopped the "MH Exclusive" thing. If everybody only shared their uploads with their select clique of friends, the DL section would soon become useless. Don't forget that it may, and most likely will, also hit you at some point: you may see a release posted that you really really want, but the uploader doesn't know you enough to share it with you - how would you feel?
    - Some people just want to be sure they receive credit for their uploads. Well, some reposters have the courtesy to do so. But uploads spread in branches, so after the second or third repost the credit is usually lost. Also, you can also find download links directly via search engines. One solution here: include your name in the filename, or put a text titled "Ripped by [email protected]" into the zip file or even the ID3 tags of the mp3. Sure, that can be removed, but many people don't bother.
    - Some people just want to receive thanks and/or comments for their uploads. There are technical solutions like "post for link" or "thanks for link". We had the "thanks for link"-option at some point, but it caused heavy lag on the server and had to be removed. That was a different forum software though. I am not sure if we can implement it here, but I can look into it. "Post for link" is usually a huge spam machine that I would like to avoid if possible. But I will look into it too, and if there's a huge demand for it, we might consider it. However neither of these prevent stuff from being reposted. It may make it slightly more easier to find people who repost, but only if they are dumb enough to use the same usernames. After being banned the first time, they usually don't.
    - Some people just want reposters to re-upload the stuff. I fall into that category. I know stuff is going to get spread, but at least the reposters could do the community a favor by creating mirror links. Finding jrock releases older than 2 years has almost become impossible, because people just repost the same link over and over again. I like fitear's idea of using a password that the reposters are unlikely to re-use. I also noticed if I take down my link after a day and replace it with a different one, the reposters are usually too lazy to come back and steal that one too and will simply re-upload it themselves.
    - Some people want to get notified if something gets reposted. I'm sorry, but I really don't know how we could enforce that. And even if the first reposter would do it, once it gets reposted from there, there is even less we can do.
    Again, if anyone has any ideas that we havn't tried so far, bring them on!
    And maybe we can hope that all the Blogspots etc. will eventually realize that they shoot themselves in the foot if they don't respect the rules the uploaders have laid out. Because if more and more people stop uploading out of frustration they have less to repost. And everyone else will also suffer because they get less music, even if they haven't done anything wrong.
  10. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from suji in Leecher Hunt   
    This is an age old problem and has always been the case here. There's really nothing to do, if we implement a post requirement the lurkers and leechers would just spam to acquire the "golden ticket" and then go back into the shadows... thus i would rather not do that. At the end of the day you upload with the knowledge that shit like this is gonna happen no matter what. Either upload or not it's your decision, shit getting re-posted at crappy blog sites without permission or credit is gonna happen no matter what even if we did try to put something into action. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself a question; Do I upload for the gratitude and self-serving feeling I receive from the act of uploading music or do I upload to spread the love and joys of music regardless of how much "thanks" or "credit" i get in return.
    For me it's the latter. I don't give a rat's ass about "thanks" or "credit" if people want to re-post my shit, then you know what? I say let them.. What do I care? In fact that makes me happy that in the end more people will be able to listen to the music I think is wonderful. If your opinion aligns with the former then you should probably just go ahead and hang it up because you will never get the "thanks" or "credit" that you want, and your stuff will inevitably always be re-posted without even a smidgen of credit.
    I however do agree with you on the whole re-posting links ordeal, that shit needs to die. If somebody has the gall to re-post your stuff without credit they should at least re-upload to a different file server instead of hot linking the same link.. not just because that's totally dis-respectful to the original uploader who's account is likely to be shutdown but also the fact that they are not helping the internet out at all by doing so. I mean what happens when that 's the only link for that album on the entire web? and then said link gets taken down... It's gone forever until somebody else comes around and rips/uploads the album again, that shit is not productive and overall hurts us more than it helps us.
  11. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Zeus in Leecher Hunt   
    Going on a "leecher hunt", restricting access to any part of the forum, or anything of the sort just doesn't work. We've already tried. We've done things such as the VIP section and MH Exclusive, but the result is always drama and too much work for too little gain. If there was anything that we could "do", it would have been done a long time ago. Our only real option is to make Monochrome Heaven such an awesome place to be that you wouldn't need to (or even want to) go anywhere else, and then maybe that would motivate a leecher or two to come out of the shadows.
    Until then, don't hold your breath for anything. If the thought of lots of people downloading your music and then sharing it across the Internet unsettles you, well, welcome to MH. We're quite effective at the whole "sharing love for visual kei" thing. We might even be a bit too good at it.
  12. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from Champ213 in Leecher Hunt   
    This is an age old problem and has always been the case here. There's really nothing to do, if we implement a post requirement the lurkers and leechers would just spam to acquire the "golden ticket" and then go back into the shadows... thus i would rather not do that. At the end of the day you upload with the knowledge that shit like this is gonna happen no matter what. Either upload or not it's your decision, shit getting re-posted at crappy blog sites without permission or credit is gonna happen no matter what even if we did try to put something into action. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself a question; Do I upload for the gratitude and self-serving feeling I receive from the act of uploading music or do I upload to spread the love and joys of music regardless of how much "thanks" or "credit" i get in return.
    For me it's the latter. I don't give a rat's ass about "thanks" or "credit" if people want to re-post my shit, then you know what? I say let them.. What do I care? In fact that makes me happy that in the end more people will be able to listen to the music I think is wonderful. If your opinion aligns with the former then you should probably just go ahead and hang it up because you will never get the "thanks" or "credit" that you want, and your stuff will inevitably always be re-posted without even a smidgen of credit.
    I however do agree with you on the whole re-posting links ordeal, that shit needs to die. If somebody has the gall to re-post your stuff without credit they should at least re-upload to a different file server instead of hot linking the same link.. not just because that's totally dis-respectful to the original uploader who's account is likely to be shutdown but also the fact that they are not helping the internet out at all by doing so. I mean what happens when that 's the only link for that album on the entire web? and then said link gets taken down... It's gone forever until somebody else comes around and rips/uploads the album again, that shit is not productive and overall hurts us more than it helps us.
  13. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from nick in Leecher Hunt   
    This is an age old problem and has always been the case here. There's really nothing to do, if we implement a post requirement the lurkers and leechers would just spam to acquire the "golden ticket" and then go back into the shadows... thus i would rather not do that. At the end of the day you upload with the knowledge that shit like this is gonna happen no matter what. Either upload or not it's your decision, shit getting re-posted at crappy blog sites without permission or credit is gonna happen no matter what even if we did try to put something into action. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself a question; Do I upload for the gratitude and self-serving feeling I receive from the act of uploading music or do I upload to spread the love and joys of music regardless of how much "thanks" or "credit" i get in return.
    For me it's the latter. I don't give a rat's ass about "thanks" or "credit" if people want to re-post my shit, then you know what? I say let them.. What do I care? In fact that makes me happy that in the end more people will be able to listen to the music I think is wonderful. If your opinion aligns with the former then you should probably just go ahead and hang it up because you will never get the "thanks" or "credit" that you want, and your stuff will inevitably always be re-posted without even a smidgen of credit.
    I however do agree with you on the whole re-posting links ordeal, that shit needs to die. If somebody has the gall to re-post your stuff without credit they should at least re-upload to a different file server instead of hot linking the same link.. not just because that's totally dis-respectful to the original uploader who's account is likely to be shutdown but also the fact that they are not helping the internet out at all by doing so. I mean what happens when that 's the only link for that album on the entire web? and then said link gets taken down... It's gone forever until somebody else comes around and rips/uploads the album again, that shit is not productive and overall hurts us more than it helps us.
  14. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from -timecapsule- in Leecher Hunt   
    This is an age old problem and has always been the case here. There's really nothing to do, if we implement a post requirement the lurkers and leechers would just spam to acquire the "golden ticket" and then go back into the shadows... thus i would rather not do that. At the end of the day you upload with the knowledge that shit like this is gonna happen no matter what. Either upload or not it's your decision, shit getting re-posted at crappy blog sites without permission or credit is gonna happen no matter what even if we did try to put something into action. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself a question; Do I upload for the gratitude and self-serving feeling I receive from the act of uploading music or do I upload to spread the love and joys of music regardless of how much "thanks" or "credit" i get in return.
    For me it's the latter. I don't give a rat's ass about "thanks" or "credit" if people want to re-post my shit, then you know what? I say let them.. What do I care? In fact that makes me happy that in the end more people will be able to listen to the music I think is wonderful. If your opinion aligns with the former then you should probably just go ahead and hang it up because you will never get the "thanks" or "credit" that you want, and your stuff will inevitably always be re-posted without even a smidgen of credit.
    I however do agree with you on the whole re-posting links ordeal, that shit needs to die. If somebody has the gall to re-post your stuff without credit they should at least re-upload to a different file server instead of hot linking the same link.. not just because that's totally dis-respectful to the original uploader who's account is likely to be shutdown but also the fact that they are not helping the internet out at all by doing so. I mean what happens when that 's the only link for that album on the entire web? and then said link gets taken down... It's gone forever until somebody else comes around and rips/uploads the album again, that shit is not productive and overall hurts us more than it helps us.
  15. Like
    Original Saku reacted to sai in Alice Nine - Supernova   
    In all honesty, probably not. You might enjoy SHADOWPLAY and perhaps one or two catchier poppy songs, but I don't think there's anything for you on Supernova.
  16. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from paradoxal in Leecher Hunt   
    This is an age old problem and has always been the case here. There's really nothing to do, if we implement a post requirement the lurkers and leechers would just spam to acquire the "golden ticket" and then go back into the shadows... thus i would rather not do that. At the end of the day you upload with the knowledge that shit like this is gonna happen no matter what. Either upload or not it's your decision, shit getting re-posted at crappy blog sites without permission or credit is gonna happen no matter what even if we did try to put something into action. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself a question; Do I upload for the gratitude and self-serving feeling I receive from the act of uploading music or do I upload to spread the love and joys of music regardless of how much "thanks" or "credit" i get in return.
    For me it's the latter. I don't give a rat's ass about "thanks" or "credit" if people want to re-post my shit, then you know what? I say let them.. What do I care? In fact that makes me happy that in the end more people will be able to listen to the music I think is wonderful. If your opinion aligns with the former then you should probably just go ahead and hang it up because you will never get the "thanks" or "credit" that you want, and your stuff will inevitably always be re-posted without even a smidgen of credit.
    I however do agree with you on the whole re-posting links ordeal, that shit needs to die. If somebody has the gall to re-post your stuff without credit they should at least re-upload to a different file server instead of hot linking the same link.. not just because that's totally dis-respectful to the original uploader who's account is likely to be shutdown but also the fact that they are not helping the internet out at all by doing so. I mean what happens when that 's the only link for that album on the entire web? and then said link gets taken down... It's gone forever until somebody else comes around and rips/uploads the album again, that shit is not productive and overall hurts us more than it helps us.
  17. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from CAT5 in Official Happy Birthday Topic   
    Happy birthday CAT <3
  18. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from Tetora in What video games are you currently playing?   
    OMG it's your lucky day then, because there's actually a fan translation in progress right now for type-0, it's been going on for the past two years and they are finally nearing completion and eeven recently announced a release date for their patch, August 8th seems to be the date. this thread HERE has all the information you would ever need I've actually been following this translation for quite some time and can vouch that the end result is gonna be some quality stuff that will even rival an official localization.
    and if that's not enough to get you excited just watch this amazing trailer Sky and the team just put out out a week ago

    that shit is amazing.
  19. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from Tetora in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Currently on handheld I'm still playing Bravely default on 3DS and the localized Danganronpa on Vita. On PS4 i still need to beat Thief before Ground Zeroes comes out next week an I just caved into buying Dark Souls 2 last night on PSN since there was no way I was gonna be able to make it a month till the PC release. So right now on my to buy list over the next month I have Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, Infamous Second Son, and The Witch and The Hundred Knight. So many good games coming out right now fuck!
    If you have a console I recommend Dark Souls 2, if not then the PC version is coming out April 25th Check it out! currently I believe it's probably the best game to come out in a long time.
  20. Like
    Original Saku reacted to nick in Show Your Desktop   
    Yup, I use them simultaneously.
    The topbar consists of Rainmeter and RocketDock while the dock showing running applications below is Nexus Winstep.
    Each of them is super lightweight (6-10 MB RAM each).
    bbLean is cool but the program itself is kinda outdated (the latest version was released in 2009), but it still works great on Windows 7 and 8 so far I have used. You may like it once you get used to it, though. xD
  21. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Trombe in TAM TAM goes major & changes name   
    their new mini album "For Bored Dancers" will be released at 2014/04/23 (1,620yen)
    [track list]
  22. Like
    Original Saku reacted to CAT5 in tricot Dr.komaki♂ will depart   
    One male amongst 3 females, must have been tough for him LOL!
    Well, I can't say that I'm a big tricot fan, but its an interesting development I think...especially at a time when the band seems to be doing pretty well.
    Perhaps he's leaving because they've continually mixed his drumming like utter shit on record? haha
  23. Like
    Original Saku reacted to fitear1590 in TAM TAM goes major & changes name   
    Looks like their first major release will be "クライマクス&REMIXES", a Tower Records exclusive single.  It comes out on March 5th and is going for  ¥315.

    1. クライマクス
    2. クライマクス 池永正二(あらかじめ決められた恋人たちへ)REMIX
    3. クライマクス Junet Kobayashi REMIX

  24. Like
    Original Saku reacted to CAT5 in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    ^ LOL flame. And thx for the clarification, saku!
    And I just caught up on to kill la kill (ep. 19)
    I took a break at ep. 15 because I was kinda loosing interest and was getting a bit confused at the story's direction, but episode 16-19 just brought everything full circle. I even found myself getting emotional with some of the events and THIS IS RARE for me. Like, srsly... I almost never get emotionally intertwined with series and kill la kill has managed to tug on my heart strings, so...JOB WELL DONE. Not to mention I think the anime is just all-around creative and entertaining. I know it's not finished yet, but this is one of the best anime I've seen in a long time!
  25. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from CAT5 in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    There is but it's not really a genre classification but more a demographic classification. Seinen is essentially the older brother of Shounen. Shounen is essentially targeted at male audiences in grade school  to high school. while Seinen is targeted more towards the more mature 18-40 age groups. it's just theses demographic classifications have begun to be associated with certain types of genres.
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