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Original Saku

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    Original Saku reacted to bonsaijodelfisch in Game of Thrones   
    this is relevant

  2. Like
    Original Saku reacted to bonsaijodelfisch in sukekiyo - IMMORTALIS   
    ok, right upfront, am i the only one, that deson't really get all the exitement about this album? it pretty much falls into the cathegory "appreciate the effort, but no thanks"
    i'll start with what is (very!) good about this release.
    you can tell that there went a lot of effort into all of these tracks.
    there are tons of different and interesting ideas incorporated into pretty much all of these songs
    by every single member and the production team aswell at some points.
    it is also great that everyone seems to have stepped out of their comfort-zone a bit
    doing things a little different than in their previous bands to create something new.
    also there isn't any performance that only goes by the standard procedure of a bass/git/vox/drum formula.
    everyone tries to add something unique to it, so it doesn't become a "kyo+friends"-sideproject.
    with all this effort, with all this willingness to take a risk, with all the creativity-input from every side,
    i really really really wanted to like this record.
    i tried hard to, but now after four listens or so i think i don't, and here is why.
    unfortunately the songs in their completed stage don't work. that is as themselves, and as the 16-track combination that is this album.
    you can tell that this is a very new project, that hasen't really accustomed to each other yet.
    you can tell that there is always eclectic stuff going on in the guitars, some eclectic stuff with the bass and some offbeat drumming going on,
    all buried under eclectic multilayered falsetto-choruses from kyo, but none of this really fits the other.
    it feels more like an endless stream of random ideas in each part, that every member had lieing around somewhere on their harddrive
    added afteranother and layered over another.
    there is very few occasions, where one of the parts actually serves the other or compliments it.
    furthermore there then is very little developement or dramaticality in the tracks, they start at some point, morph their initial idea/groove a few times around and then at some point they end, like a shapeless form of music, that just happens to be as long as it is.
    no progression, no (or very little and poorly executed) transitions and very little to be exited for then.
    this results unfortunately in an album where very little sticks to the mind and which is, despite all its originality, pretty boring.
    there are only 3 or four tracks that manage to make a slight dent in my memory,
    but even those are only kinda meh-ish, all the rest is a shapeless blob of random noodling.
    and now for the obligatory (current!) DEG refernce,
    deg members have most of the time a very similar, boxy and eclectic, un-catchy type of playing,
    even their "melodic" tracks aren't really that melodic at all.
    but they have managed to put all their weirdness together.
    to know when to take a step back and just do chugchug, when to abruptly end phrases to get into a completely different gear for a bridge/chorus/whatevs.
    despite everyone sucking pretty bad at their instruments of choice, through knowing and considering each others abilities and giving each other space they managed to incorporate their ungroovy ideas to create breathing and obscure lively behemoths of songs that keep you on the edge of the seat.
    this is the very quality, that sukekiyo still lacks greatly,
    a good songwriter/arranger to put all that creative brilliance into good use in a dramatical and organic song.
    not doing a track by track, but in general this album would probably get sth like a 6/10 (4 of that for effort), who knows, mabe it'll grow on me, but i doubt it.
  3. Like
    Original Saku reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    I feel like an idiot because it took me a year to finally realize why there are hardly any tumblr users around my age - basically because the site is full of confused kids/young adults trying to make sense of reality through highly delusional rants, memes, and text posts. These kids have no idea who they really are yet, but they constantly cling to all of these ridiculous titles and acronyms. I suppose it gives them a sense of identity...a sense of belonging...even if that sense is questionable. If they only define themselves by titles/acronyms, they won't have a clue who they really are when those things no longer matter (outside of tumblr and the internet). Ah well. In retrospect, I suppose I wasn't much different at that age either.
    At any rate, I guess I no longer have to ask myself why everone I meet there is usually 15-23 years of age lol.
    Just thinking aloud here...
  4. Like
    Original Saku reacted to CAT5 in The Official Game/Anime/Movie OST thread!   
    ^ I heard a NieR tribute album which was amazing (I checked it out because I featured Japanese artists i like such as world`s end girlfriend, Schroeder-Headz, and sexy synthesizer) - but I never bothered to check out the original. Gonna have to do that soon!
  5. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in The Official Game/Anime/Movie OST thread!   
    yeah and It's so painfully obvious too...
    well since the last time I posted here I did anime, this time I'll post some tracks from one of my favorite Video game soundtracks Nier





    These are just a hand full of random tracks I just youtubed, but literally there is not one bad song on the sound track which is comprised of almost 40 songs in total... It has quickly became one of my favorite Video game Sound Tracks of all time and the game is still in my best RPG's of the last console Generation list, and may very well be my favorite RPG on the PS3. 
    This is pretty much another OST that I should probably upload here at some point, I'll get on that sooner or later XD
  6. Like
    Original Saku reacted to CAT5 in The Official Game/Anime/Movie OST thread!   
    Listening to some of the tracks from the Shingeki no Kyojin OST again....man, this anime DID NOT deserve Sawano lol
  7. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Kaye in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Also, anyone who likes mecha and strange stories/settings and isn't annoyed with not-your-standard animation, go watch Sidonia no Kishi. It's had me on the edge of my seat for the past two episodes. Really good.
  8. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Champ213 in Leecher Hunt   
    ^ Seems like someone didn't leave this forum after all....
    But seriously, this topic has strayed away far from its original purpose. Apparently it has now become a question about uploading in general. If people want  to discuss that, they are free to make a seperate topic about it in the discussion forum. But I see no point in continuing this argument here, people just keep repeating what has been said over and over again. If someone has any new suggestions how we can tackle the problem of reposting, they are free to PM us, and we will consider it. But for now I'm closing this topic as it has by far outlived its usefulness.
  9. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from clow_eriol in Leecher Hunt   
    Also you have to keep in mind that just because somebody downloaded it doesn't mean they didn't buy it as well... there are several reasons for this, they wanted to listen to it early before their copy arrived or wanted to sample first before buying, or they wanted to grab a rip from someone else instead of having to go through the troubles of ripping it themselves, ect.
    just because it had tons of downloads does not mean that all of those people didn't purchase, although I'm sure a lot of them probably didn't but I'm also sure some of them did as well.
  10. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from nick in Leecher Hunt   
    Also you have to keep in mind that just because somebody downloaded it doesn't mean they didn't buy it as well... there are several reasons for this, they wanted to listen to it early before their copy arrived or wanted to sample first before buying, or they wanted to grab a rip from someone else instead of having to go through the troubles of ripping it themselves, ect.
    just because it had tons of downloads does not mean that all of those people didn't purchase, although I'm sure a lot of them probably didn't but I'm also sure some of them did as well.
  11. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from sai in Leecher Hunt   
    Also you have to keep in mind that just because somebody downloaded it doesn't mean they didn't buy it as well... there are several reasons for this, they wanted to listen to it early before their copy arrived or wanted to sample first before buying, or they wanted to grab a rip from someone else instead of having to go through the troubles of ripping it themselves, ect.
    just because it had tons of downloads does not mean that all of those people didn't purchase, although I'm sure a lot of them probably didn't but I'm also sure some of them did as well.
  12. Like
    Original Saku reacted to freesia in Last Thing You Bought   
    coldrain's new DVD "EVOLVE"!!! <3 <3 <3

  13. Like
    Original Saku reacted to DeithX252 in Doujin Music Thread   
    Well this is my first discussion topic, I haven't seen this kind of topic so I made it
    I know some of the member here love the doujin music!
    First this is the definition of what is doujin and doujin music for noob according to wikipedia (because I am too lazy lol)
    Usually this kind of music is published at bigger event like Comiket or M3 (Music Mix-Media Market), although it is also published at smaller event like Vocamas (Vocaloid Master), Reitaisai, or Touhou Kouroumu, etc. The group of people who made the doujin music is called Circle, although the circle is referred as a band or solo singer too, sometimes. The genre? Doujin music scene has a wide range of genre, from pop/rock, EDM, power metal, melodic death metal, indie rock, ambient, metalcore, post hardcore, trance, gothic, denpa, jazz, hip hop, bossa nova, classical, I think there is a possibility in any genre. In doujin music term, there is original and arrangement song (the most famous one is Touhou arrangement! ). Both are great, although I prefer to listen the original one because its originality makes more awesome!
    Post your favorite doujin circle/music here, and share your opinion how good the doujin music is! I will share my fave music soon. This thread can be used for upcoming release or other information related to doujin 
  14. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Kaye in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Lost myself into Phi Brain. There is no way back. How heartless.
  15. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Flame-X in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Any PC gamers here who want to buy triple A titles for cheap when steam isn't having a sale, check out this site.
  16. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Jigsaw9 in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Finished watching Kill la Kill a few days ago, it was really fun! Also watched Coppelion these past days, I expected a bit more (story-wise) but it was okay enough.
    Gonna start the 2nd season of Gin no saji tomorrow~
  17. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from nullmoon in sukekiyo 1st album "IMMORTALIS"   
    wtf... dresscode? what the hell is this? school? that shit's kinda lame tbh.
  18. Like
    Original Saku reacted to nullmoon in sukekiyo - IMMORTALIS   
    I truly think Aftermath is one of the best songs I've ever heard and it really got me psyched for this album. However after listening to it a few times, I really don't think it lives up to the hype at all. Apart from the aforementioned track and a few others like Zephyr and Latour, I feel pretty let down. It's too long, the tracks don't flow and there aren't enough songs that stand out.
    While I find their slightly menacing tone really enjoyable to listen to, I don't think they surpass 9goats or Deg in the slightest. Personally I would give this a 6/10.
  19. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Bear in SIGH   
    Brilliant band, brilliant song. There's nothing mroe to say really. Once again they renew themself without losing the classic Sigh-feeling. They won't disband before another album, that's for sure. They'll complete their "SIGH" once again. If it'll be and album or an EP doesn't mater. However, things will most likely take much more time from now on as Mikannibal is pregnant again, and hopefully everything will go well this time. But the disbanding rumor came from when Mirai said he didn't know how long he could be into Sigh and making this kind of music. That's all there was to it really.
    Graveward is alreadythe album of the year. 10/10.
    Saw them live a few weeks again and that was amazing. Way better than the first time I saw them.
    And for those of you who care about vinyl, The Crypt will re-release Scorn Defeat, Infidel Art and Ghastly Funeral Theatre + Tragedies as standard versions without all the extras in the comming time. They already did release some superb versions of these, but demands have been high so they're gonna re-release them.
    Their original releases looked like this, so it'll be something to get a hold of if you're into vinyl:
    Sorn Defeat (3LP box)

    Infidel Art (3LP box)

    Ghastly Funeral Theater

    I expect the standard versions to be good as well. I already own the versions shown over (as well as the other versions released by The Crypt), but I've already made sure I'll get the re-released versions too and I can't wait! And hopefully they'll release Hail Horror Hail and Imaginary Sonicscape as standard versions too.
    The other Sigh vinyls on The Crypt:

    As you can see, these guys aren't fucking around. All limited to 500 versions. 200/300 black and colour/splatter. Worth every single penny I've paid for them. Beautiful!
  20. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    I think it's good, but not as good as everyone else is making it out to be... the hype train is just too strong i guess. Is it better than DSS? Yes I think so. Is it better than Uroboros? No not in a million years. that might just be because I've had five years to listen to Uroboros and it's left a huge impression but who knows. Honestly I also find it pretty laughable all these people comparing them to deg in the first place... two totally different sounds should not be compared. and the people saying this is better than 9goats material... I just laugh at them, because they are too blinded by the hype. why would you even compare it to 9goats to begin with? because the bassist is there... okay whatever.
    What's the deal with people saying that DEG has to compete with Sukekiyo with their upcoming album? that's just stupid. Tbh i fully expect to like diru's new album a whole lot more than this... with the way they're talking about going back to their roots and doing more simplistic songs and with Rinkaku, unraveling, and STU all being pretty really solid songs (imo) I don't see how the upcoming album can't be good.
    Basically I liked IMMORTALIS but I don't understand this backlash of negativity towards DEG all of a sudden... it's beyond me.
  21. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Zeus in SIGH new album "Graveward" announced   
    They will start recording Graveward in mid-2014 and plan to release it in November.
  22. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Pretsy in sukekiyo - IMMORTALIS   
    Not going with track-by-track reviews but with a brief comment instead:
    (I apologize for DEG comparisons beforehand)
    The biggest plus of this release is (what I actually count as "great" in my book, unlike most of people around here) sorta consistent variety - with influences from "Nord-folk"-ish (Elisabeth Addict?), oriental (Uyuu no Sora, Madara Ningen), mariachi (Madara Ningen) and even some 70s-80s worship (the prime example for this would be "scars like velvet"), you'd think that it ends up as one hell of a jumble-mumble.
    Gladly enough we have such names with surprising, technical talents like Mika (didn't care much for him in RES but here...wow), Yuchi (basically the backbone of Sukekiyo's rhythmical section) and Takumi + Uta (yes, no matter how unintentionally provocative this might sound - their ways of playing even surpass the way Die and Kaoru work along //DEG comparison 1) who shine in many songs - despite Kyo's obvious need in trying to be "omniscient" with his out-of-place noises like for eg:
    1) random howl in "nine melted fiction" (ok?)
    2) coughing and choking in Hemitabolism's "instrumental" part 
    3) NYANYANYA in "Madara Ningen" (it's 50/50 - it *makes* the song, and at the same time annihilates its seriousness)
    Despite the album having some obvious "bastard children" - like "Vandal" being the good instance of "mishmashing hard-ish 9GBO-ish songs together" in a way (grows in me quite fast tho), or "Kugui" and "Zephyr" being kinda obviously taken from Takumi's hat of unused RES ideas (they are kinda solid though!), it's still good to hear a "sum" of soundscapes from each member's background - in fact, might just go along and list some odd but neat surprises:
    1) Kugui and Mama - it's been awhile - no, it's been like AGES since I've had a chance to hear Kyo do something..."poppish"? Won't surprise me if Yuchi and Takumi had their hand in this.
    2) "Madara Ningen" in general - no, neither projects of theirs had a song like this. I suppose someone of them adores bands in the vein of Unexpect? (thanks Piisu)
    3) "The Daemon's Cutlery"'s in-your-face value + random, "nostalgic" lyrics ("Give me your master...Mad Pain"-part sounding a lot like DEG's Aoi Tsuki for eg. // DEG comparison 2)
    4) Vandal's "pause" - wow...
    5) The way guitarwork and Kyopera go along in "scars like velvet" is just beautiful
    But there are also a few things to complain about:
    1) Destrudo's position - why the 2nd though? Almost flow-ruining experience.
    2) Hemimetabolism  - I kinda liked the unexpected result BUT with coughing, choking, goddamn long intro part and quite awkward placement of *actual* singing it will lose its replaying value pretty fast
    3) In All Weathers - "LOTUS"-syndrome here, guys - a.k.a "unnecessary hurrying in trying to encompass all the good in the beginning and leave it unfinished-ish" // DEG comparison 3
    Other than that, it easily saves its place as one of the best J-albums of this year BOTH vk AND non-vk-wise - and possibly as a classic too. You can't go wrong when you see dozens of positively "oversurprised "comments in 2ch-side + Oricon charts.
    8,5-9/10 (too lazy to count the final rating)
  23. Like
    Original Saku reacted to CAT5 in Dir en grey   
    Geez, took me 3 different sittings to finish the Sukekiyo album. My first impression was that it definitely doesn't live up to the hype, but with me being such a casual fan of DeG and their related projects, I can't say that I've been thoroughly blown away by anything Kyo has done in the past. DeG have many songs that I enjoy, but no entire albums. So basically, I feel pretty much the same about "IMMORTALIS" as I would a regular DeG album - a few standout tracks, with the rest failing to really invoke anything in me (tho not being bad overall).
    Needless to say, I hope to give "IMMORTALIS" a few more listens (and actually listen to the album in one sitting) before I mentally put it up on the shelf.
  24. Like
    Original Saku reacted to Flame-X in The Official Game/Anime/Movie OST thread!   
    ^ You sold me.
  25. Like
    Original Saku got a reaction from Flame-X in The Official Game/Anime/Movie OST thread!   
    So I can't not post some of the best anime scores I've heard in a very long time here xD
    Ladies and gentlemen I present the awesome sounds of hunter x hunter (2011)
    just breathtaking, and all those are just from the third ost which has scores from the most recent arc... there are some really amazing scores that are played during the phantom troupe arc, like this one

    not only is this show currently my favorite battle anime, but it has some of the most memorable and amazing scores I've heard in a long time.
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