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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Oh shit I hope that's true! Going to see them on the 6th in ATL and it would be awesome if they played some of their older VK era songs
  2. Original Saku

    I'm only gonna say this once. Stay on Topic This thread is not a place to fight your personal vendettas and I definitely don't enjoy coming in here and reading this shitfest.
  3. Original Saku

    Okay finished the list, check it out in the first post If anyone adds their code to the thread, I will edit the post and add their username and code to the list
  4. Original Saku

    new episode was very frantic... crazy shit happening all over the place. And yeah it definitely seems like it's leading up to some major backstory for Michonne...
  5. Original Saku

    This is a pretty easy decision for me. it definitely goes to Arukara IMO. Not to say that Cinema staff is bad because they are in no way not good. actually it's exactly the opposite, they are very enjoyable but when I start to really think about which band I consider to be my favorite out of the two I have to say without a doubt it's arukara. It's just that they have more memorable songs in the long run at least to me that is, also I own two of their albums so that definitely is a factor in my decision Not to mention I believe arukara has a whole lot more material than cinema staff does which i realize that more does not always equal better but in this case I can say that it definitely does.
  6. Original Saku

    So since this thread has grown quite a bit and people have already started posting friend codes everywhere, and also i expect this thread to eventually for the most part to be used as an coordination thread for battles and trades and the such. What do people think about converging all posted friend codes in a single post at the beginning of the thread for easy access so when this thread ends up getting past 10+ pages it won't be such a hassle to scour the thread for a specific code? I think this would make it much easier for people on MH to share their codes since all they would have to do is tell whoever they're trying to friend to check out the the opening post instead of having to continuously repost their code. Let me know what you guys think. Of course I would be the one handling all of this. Edit: I will wait about a day before I start converging the codes into the opening post, so if anyone wants to add anything to this (opinions, suggestions, objections, etc.) this is your chance to do so.
  7. Original Saku

    Okay this is a pretty cool idea, I would like you to listen to 大橋トリオ (ohashi trio) "White" album that was released last year, the genre is very nice folk jazz with a lot of piano parts... definitely one of my favorite discoveries of the past year. The album itself is a bunch of songs by 大橋好規(Ohashi Yoshinori) most of them are collabs with other singer song writers. I'll send a pm
  8. Original Saku

    I've only seen the first season, and it was pretty good. might download the second season and watch it on Halloween or something...
  9. Original Saku

    posting just because.
  10. I'm dieing
    1. Ito
    2. rekzer


      why do i keep pressing replay?._.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      i kno rite? i can't stop watching it xD

  11. Original Saku

    Well I figure since KH3 is officially a thing now that square is working on, we should probably have a thread to post and discuss any news that comes forth in the coming year(s) till release. E3 2013 TRAILER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3LD-3tHgoU D23 EXPO JAPAN 2013 TRAILER The new trailer is seriously awesome and looks so good, really excited right now. Also is it just me but in the two trailers above (especially the second) does Sora look more badass than usual? It's almost like he looks way more composed and serious looking than in past games... which that is not a bad thing, I always thought Sora was pretty cool, but sometime his inexperience made the character seem less cool at times.. I don't know if I'm the only one who's felt like that but this new experienced serious looking Sora looks fucking amazing Let's Discuss.
  12. Original Saku

    yeah that's pretty crazy, glad it didn't happen to me but at least we know now. I'm sure Nintendo / Gamefreak will release an update in the eshop, they've done it before with other games so it's probable that they will with this one. Hopefully when they do they'll also fix the frame dropping issue people have been seeing during battles too.
  13. Original Saku

    nice! I'll add you anyways, I'm trying to get a good base of people on my friends list so once I'm done with the main game I'll have plenty of friends to trade/battle with my friend code is a few posts up btw
  14. Original Saku

    ^ thanks for the clarification, I'll look more into it myself i suppose.
  15. finally made the switch to vapeing today, I already feel healthier :D

  16. Original Saku

    Added videos to my post and also detailed the use of videos in recommendations. Also I embedded your video for you Gaz
  17. Original Saku

    So yeah my little brother went out and bought a 3DS and pokemon Y yesterday after drooling over my copy of X... lol Hes totally hooked right now, but so am I so yeah xD If anybody wants Froakie's I'm currently breeding some, and I'm working on getting a female eevee right now so I can start breeding eevee's so if you want one of those too hit me up. my friend code is a page back but I'll quote for the hell of it. I'm looking for a fennekin so if anybody has been breeding them then I would be grateful if you'd trade me one, also I wouldn't mind having a ditto if anybody has extras... speaking of ditto does anyone have a Japanese ditto by chance? I would give an arm and leg for one of those xD One last thing can somebody explain what the hell all this talk of EV and IV is about, I mean I've played all the pokemon games but I was never in to them hardcore or anything... I always just played them for fun and just tried to enjoy them for the most part. thank you
  18. Original Saku

    no that's totally fine and actually is a great idea, if anyone else wants to add the OP to their recommendations then please feel free to do so
  19. Original Saku

    Nice I didn't know about this one, so I'll check it out next time I have a rainy day with nothing to do btw thanks for posting I was kinda getting a little depressed that no one was participating... but it's all good let's get this thread alive everybody xD
  20. Original Saku

    finally made the switch to vapor
  21. Original Saku

    added and added
  22. Original Saku

    Well the season 4 opener was pretty fucking good, really intense and action packed from the very beginning. I gotta feeling this season is gonna get really crazy really quick.
  23. Original Saku

    You know some people actually like the grind... but yeah I'm not complaining I'm just saying that it's way too op, like I said there is an option to turn it off. I actually don't mind it that much, but I'll probably just use it to quickly train new pokemon up to a certain level and then turn it off when there is no need for it anymore. Pokemon has never been a terribly hard game but this one definitely seems to be way easier than previous entries.. I mean I'm not even at the second gym yet and I have 12 hours logged and all six of my mains are in the 23-27 level range which is around 10-13 levels above the pokemon I'm battling against right now... come on that's just stupid no matter how you look at it >.> I'm starting to get the feeling once I finally do get to the second gym I'm just gonna destroy it, I hope I'm wrong. Well on the upside I picked squrtle as my 1st gen pokemon and already evolved him into wartortle, so yeah can't wait to get blastoise
  24. Original Saku

    yeah that shit is hella broken but oh well if you don't like it then i guess you can just turn it off I suppose
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