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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    ^ are you sure zess? because the only one I've found that has been properly/quality subbed is the first episode and it was done by evetaku, which they are probably in the process of working on the rest right now...
  2. Original Saku

    ^ me too, I can't wait to watch them.
  3. Original Saku

    ^ they're not worth it... poorly translated from Japanese > Spanish > English by some random fan for people who can't wait for a quality translation. Better to wait until all of them get fansubbed by a quality group of fansubbers...
  4. Original Saku

    Yeah this shit is fucking stupid, Hilarious but fucking stupid. It's so obvious that half the reactions aren't even close to being genuine drunk or not... but it does make for a pretty funny video. Otherwise this game is actually pretty fucking intense and is pretty good. but it's not even close to being as horrific as this video makes it out to be and sadly after the first few hours there's not much that can surprise you anymore in the gameplay as it all starts to become rather predictable and played out.
  5. Original Saku

    Been playing a shit ton of GTAV since it came out last week, and I was thinking of doing a quick run through "Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness" for the story recap since the direct sequel "Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness" is finally coming out here in a few weeks.
  6. Original Saku

    Oh I've seen like the first 3-4 episodes and I don't see this something special... but to each his own I suppose. Yeah I would be happy to recommend you some of my recent favorites but obviously I have my tastes and you have yours, so I don't really know how well they will match. I will say this though, those three series you mentioned are all recent favorites of mine so maybe our tastes are more similar than I think... I've actually been thinking of making a separate thread from the "currently watching" thread for just this, ex. recommendations / discussions / critique etc. because as of right now we have kinda just been using the one thread for everything above. I just don't know if people would actually use it or just keep posting in the usual thread instead since that thread is rather active most of the time.. I think I'm still gonna think on it it for a little while before I do anything. edit1: As for recommendations I'll PM you some solid series I think you might be interested in, so i don't derail the topic anymore than I already have edit2: PM sent.
  7. Original Saku

    All I'm saying is that people are hella overhypeing it like it's the best thing ever, and really it's just mediocre at best... but that's my opinion. Also I don't think it's taboo for Americans to try to emulate Japanese Style animation, although tbh I never seen a series that has pulled it off or one that I've liked at all for that matter. Seriously? I really don't think you've been watching the right series then... because even the shittiest series from the past few seasons are mildly better than this show and the best ones leave this shit in the dust. Sorry that's just how I feel about it. If it has better story, plot, characters, animation, and art then it's the better anime, while this show IMO is weak in all of those categories. I really feel the reason why this is so overhyped is just because a lot of people want to like it so much and keep telling themselves that it's good until eventually that's how they see it as. and don't get me wrong I can see how one would want to like this show but no amount of denial is gonna make me overlook it's flaws that's for sure. Also Zess makes a good point that I didn't really consider, the fact that it's one guy that does this show, and not to mention it's only a few minutes each episode so he probably doesn't have alot of funding or time to do everything he might want to. in that case I can say that yes it's rather impressive in that regard. Still that doesn't justify the sheer amount of hype this is receiving and that is exactly my point.
  8. Original Saku

    ^ Yes the handling has been refined tremendously, to me the responsiveness of the cars feel like a night and day difference between this game and the last. But I wouldn't really say that the driving has changed.. More like it's just been improved and tightened up as a whole.
  9. Original Saku

    I can honestly say that this game is 100% better than "IV". Rockstar pretty much refined and improved all aspects of the gameplay, from the car handling to the shooting. As of right now I don't have a single complaint about the game, it's just simply amazing. I would say arguably the best aspect of the game is how well crafted the world is and just the story telling as a whole is great, they definitely have some talented writers over at Rockstar. I would say this is definitely one of the best games of this console generation right alongside "The Last of Us" and "Bioshock Infinite" to name a few. I admit i was a little skeptical about this as I didn't really care for "IV", but that skepticism has totally vanished since actually playing the game and experiencing the world. Before this game came out if you would have asked me what game I thought was gonna be game of the year I probably would have said "TLOU" for sure, but now that doesn't quite seem to be the case... I think it's gonna be a close one.
  10. Original Saku

    I still don't get the hype for this... it doesn't even look all that good and from what I've seen the animation is godawful. To me it just comes off as Americans trying to imitate Japanese style animation and failing at it horribly. If I'm wrong about any of this then please somebody explain to me why?
  11. Original Saku

    Welcome to the forum <3 You have very good musical taste, I hope you enjoy your time here
  12. Original Saku

    Well i can understand that. i guess i just wasn't that disappointed since i kinda went in to the show with no expectations whatsoever to begin with, so yeah... I actually thought the thing about her wanting to fuck the dog was pretty funny tbh... xD I guess if anything it was good for the random humor and laughs it gave me. Definitely not the best show ever but hey it certainly killed time
  13. Original Saku

    Ah you didn't like Dog x Scissors? At least it was funny, I myself couldn't stop laughing half the time while I was watching it. Also how can you even compare this to SAO? Totally different genres with almost nothing in common content wise bro...
  14. Original Saku

    I'm actually about to leave in an hour or so to go pick it up from my gamestop, but yeah it looks amazing
  15. Original Saku

    anything Seagate or Western Digital is pretty good, you should be able to find a 1TB Seagate online somewhere for under $100 easily, actually I just bought one from newegg not too long ago for around 80 bucks
  16. Original Saku

    All that stuff does sound amazing. Makes me want to play it so bad, but I think I'm gonna wait a little while before I get it nonetheless... sure all that stuff sounds amazing on paper but what it comes down to is how well they implement it. This game is young and because of that there are certain things that are uncertain at this point in time, so with that in mind I've decided to take a wait and see approach. If they are able to keep supporting their game and show us that they're serious about it and the quality of the content is on par with the rest of the game then I'll will most likely buy this in the near future sub fee and all. I am impressed with what I've seen of the game so far, and I have nothing bad to say about the game whatsoever, though sadly that is not enough for me to deal with a subscription fee. Until they can prove that they can "hang" and support their game with quality content they will not earn my subscription fee. I might just be being way too cautious about it, but I think I'll ride this one out for a little while, maybe when Christmas comes around I might consider picking it up or let a friend get it for me
  17. Original Saku

    Well it's not definite that It'll go f2p, but I would say there's a really good chance that it will. I guess it really all depends on how well the developers support the game in the coming months/years.. if they don't commit to it and support their mmo with a constant flood of content then obviously people aren't gonna stick around after they've completed everything or get bored which will mean that they'll cancel their sub and the game will lose not only money but players too. Now if this starts to happen then the best option for SE is to go f2p. By doing this they will optimally encourage old players who canceled their sub to come back since they don't have to pay anything and already own the game anyways, while also they should pull in a ton of new players who were either waiting because of the sub fee or other reasons unbeknownst to me. This way I believe is the most optimal way for them to gain new players and earn more money. But of course this is all hypothetical, as of right now it's to early to predict how it will go, but with saying that I'm pretty confident in the belief that it will go F2P eventually, this is my opinion based on my experience with mmo's in today's business model. The industry isn't what it was ten years ago, things change, people change, and most importantly business practices change. You can either accept it or reject it, I've come to terms with the f2p model, but that does not mean I think every f2p game is good because that's not true, there are some horrendous games out their that are f2p that just are not good.. not because the game sucks but more because of the poorly implemented f2p aspects of the game. I'm an avid believer that if done right f2p can be a magical thing that can work and has worked with several mmo's. @Kai: I resent this elitist mentality that P2P filters out all the bad players and "13 year olds". I don't see why that matters at all and to be frank it doesn't add anything to your argument what so ever besides the fact that now I know that you don't like thirteen year olds apparently... and anyways you make it sound like these "asshole" players actually bother you on an online video game just because their not as a serious player as you? If that's the case then why not just ignore the not serious players who are just there for the hell of it and just play with other serious players who share the same mindset? If I misinterpreted your statement please let me know because as of right now I'm not getting your point as to why f2p is the most horrible idea ever? Or at least that's the way you're coming off as to me...
  18. Original Saku

    Even though I hold great dislike for the sub fee for this game, I admit it is rather hard resisting the urge to play it after I enjoyed the beta so much... Are they still having server issues? I heard it was almost impossible to get into a server a few days after launch. Which technically isn't a bad thing for the game, just shows that it's getting a lot of attention right now. PS3 eh? just a quick question, is the userbase for the two different versions (PC and PS3) combined? or are they their own separate thing? wasn't really sure on this... I'm pretty sure they're separate because I don't believe current gen consoles are capable of making it work, but I could be wrong...
  19. Original Saku

    Well it was fifty dollars on steam for the complete package version, which would have been the one I would have bought because I like to have everything... and I can agree that some mmo's have gone to shit because of F2P, like Star Wars: the old republic, but that is partly because it was shit to begin with lol. But there's ton's of mmo's that have pulled it off, look at Guild Wars II, they've been F2P since launch and that game is amazing and they still support the community. They release new content every two weeks and they're actually approaching they're one year anniversary here in a few weeks.. and the most important thing is that the user base is still humongous and very active due to the copious amount of content arenanet is always pumping out. and I'm gonna be real with you, I don't think I've ever even seen a micro transaction menu in that game.. probably because I don't go looking for that shit in the first place. my point is just this; why would you want to pay upwards of fifty dollars for the game and let's say you plan on playing the game for six months (at around 15 dollars a month) which comes out to almost $150, and that can turn into even more if you decide to play more which you should if the developer is doing they're fucking job and constantly bettering their game with patch's and new content. So why pay that much when there is obvious better games that you can play (such as Guild wars II) for a fraction of the cost? There is no good reason. And no I'm not attacking Square or the development team, because most likely this wasn't even their decision.. I put money on it that this whole subscription based shit probably came all the way from corporate square enix so basically corrupt marketing people that are only interested in how much money they can get from their consumers. Oh and here's a little food for thought, World of Warcraft (you know the biggest subscription based mmo (which is also one of the last sub based mmo's) of all time) is actually getting ready to go Free to play very soon, probably by the beginning of next year. Edit: Oh and you do make a good point about the server cost issue, but like I said before if they're supporting their game well after launch like they should for an mmo then it should be no problem pulling in more and more new players which should drive sales well after launch. that should be more than sufficient to pay server costs. and micro transactions add too that too, which I have a very firm stand on micro transactions and that is that they should never be intrusive and break the immersion and feeling of the game.. so basically don't throw micro trans menu in my face throughout the game. It should be noted at the beginning of the game that you can do micro transactions and where to access this feature and then never bring it up again after. that's how I feel about it. also if anyone hasn't guessed I'm extremely pro F2P, when it's done right that is...
  20. Original Saku

    Yeah I played the beta, and I was really impressed with what they were able to do with it.. but I refuse to pay a subscription for an already 50 dollar game. I mean come on... in this day and age where every triple A mmo has gone free to play and your trying to milk money out of people with a subscription? I don't think so. I'll just wait 6 months till it goes free to play because we all know it will, that's just what the mmo business model has become. Sure they'll keep the fee for now but after 3-6 months when everybody has run through all the content and have lost interest in it, they will surely drop it and go free to play so they can salvage they're user base, it happens all the time. The same thing will happen to the elder scrolls mmo, which btw I was hella excited for, but now they pull this bullshit and say it's gonna have a subscription... all that sounds like to me is them milking the die hard ES fans that they know are gonna buy it regardless. /rant
  21. Original Saku

    Went to go pick up "Killer is Dead" today from my gamestop, so far it's pretty good and just what you would expect from a Suda51 game the only gripes I have so far is that there is horrible screen tearing but that's to be expected from a console game like this and anyways you barely notice after a while especially when your in the heat of the moment. btw i'm playing the ps3 version and from what I heard the screen tearing is even worse on the 360 version just in case anybody was curious xD
  22. Original Saku

    Sigh disbanding? that doesn't sound right.. are you sure on this? I always figured them to be one of those bands that would never break up, maybe take breaks but never actually disband...
  23. Original Saku

    Great news indeed!!
  24. Original Saku

    The Iceman pretty good, but I much prefer the documentary to this.. overall though pretty good and has good actors too. It could have been way worse. 8/10
  25. Original Saku

    Wow that song is actually really good! wasn't expecting to like it as much as I do.. for the first time in years I'm actually excited for a girugamesh album, I guess they're back on my radar for now
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