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Original Saku

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Status Replies posted by Original Saku

  1. Batman Arkham Knight!

  2. Is anybody interested in playing in the Elder Scrolls Online beta this weekend? I have a extra beta key, if somebody wants it PM me.

  3. I need a Japanese music radio show, 4realz.

  4. Today, inspired by MH, I decided to give foobar2000 a try. So far I've installed it twice because I messed it up so badly I couldn't fix it. I'm really starting to hate my life, WHY THIS IS SO FUCKING HARD GDSKGJSFKGJ

  5. pokebank...finally...

  6. i want to catch up to Detective Conan but its getting old unlike one piece. half+ of their episode should have went to Nero the best crime anime ive seen.

  7. i want to catch up to Detective Conan but its getting old unlike one piece. half+ of their episode should have went to Nero the best crime anime ive seen.

  8. visual kei metalcore > outside metalcore because they are both weak but japanese sounds better hehe, maybe they win with the breakdowns though.

  9. Maybe some touhou fans are confused about Undead Corporation's Toho Complete Box, I assured that there're 48 tracks different from the previous version (remix or remaster) and 2 brand new songs. other 35 tracks you could just throw them away if you have the discography of UC before...

  10. I'ts 69F/21C outside right now...aye, this weather needs to fuck the fuck off.

  11. omg new gintama's movie with subs *__*

  12. I'm watching an anime where the OP is by Duran Duran. What did I sign myself up for?

  13. Is this just me or are there actual pop-ups and ads on Monochrome? Why are there ads everywhere and pop-ups everytime I click on something on this site?

  14. ps4 is out...not sure if i want it or not...i mean..will it be worth getting?

  15. How much are external HDs (1TB and up) going for these days? And where could I get the most bang for my buck?

  16. How much are external HDs (1TB and up) going for these days? And where could I get the most bang for my buck?

  17. How much are external HDs (1TB and up) going for these days? And where could I get the most bang for my buck?

  18. How much are external HDs (1TB and up) going for these days? And where could I get the most bang for my buck?

  19. crying right now over the new ptp album.. it's so good but so sad

  20. me: 'wow i love coldplay!!' girl: 'the band?! wow me too we have so much in common!' me: 'no the song by SADIE who you probably havent heard of because they are VISUAL KEI FROM JAPAN. 98% OF KIDS nowadays listen to Justin Bahber, Little Wayne and Jones Brothers!!! REBLOG if youre 1 of the 2% that listens to REAL music!!!'

  21. I've had quite a few dreams in which I'm grocery shopping and I spend an insane amount of time deliberating all the different kinds I'd like to buy. Apparently, I really like cereal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



  24. Is it ok if I say Pokemon X & Y doesn't impress me at all? Using 3D and adding more pokemon doesn't somehow enhance the incredibly dated battle mechanic.

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