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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    Bloody Mary - Obstructive Wastes
  2. Spike760

    Even though Bloody Mary kind of sucks (But I still love them) that's really awesome!! xD Edit: I'm listening to more Bloody Mary right now stuff I didn't listen to, and it actually does sound almost the same, lol.
  3. Spike760

    WHAT!?!! D: CELLT, noooooooo!!
  4. Spike760

    Amulet* - Happy Rain
  5. Spike760

    Ok I added a MegaUpload mirror.
  6. alyssa. Members: [*:9656lfha]Vocalist: Juno [*:9656lfha]Guitarist: Jake (Me)Ok this is pretty much Ex-A Beautiful Nightmare, but we had to change our name because we found out there's another A Beautiful Nightmare in the area. But pretty much everyone bailed on us, so it's pretty much just Juno and myself. But we're going to be working with support members soon. Blemish in Genocide (Chorus Preview) This is a new preview of the newest/final version of Blemish in Genocide, the single will hopefully be done and recorded within a couple months. The demo is a really shitty quality version of the chorus, the single when I put it up will be much better quality. But yeah, you can get a sample of what we're going to sound like. This is about the 10th time we've re-wrote Blemish in Genocide. The single will also come with a S.E. track, and two b-side tracks: [no]hate & March into Hell. alyssa.'s MySpace ^ Under Construction.
  7. Spike760

    Yeah I can't wait either. Hopefully someone will post it once it's released, I have a feeling we won't see it for a while. :\
  8. Spike760

    julius - Imitation Scars
  9. Spike760

    MUCC - Gokusai
  10. Spike760

    Oh sweet, I thought Under the Sun was the first single, someone will probably end up posting it then. xD But yeah I'm still going to look for stuff in Japan, I guess Velvet Nightmare is top priority now. And yeah, I'll definitely post it here. Rare downloads though.
  11. Spike760

    12012 - Over...
  12. Spike760

    ScReW - Death's Door My girlfriend is listening to it. It's so awesome having a J-Rockin' girlfriend now. lol xD
  13. Spike760

    Sweet thanks for these, my roommates are going to hate you for this, because now I'm going to sing these songs non-stop, lol. xD
  14. Spike760

    Do you know if they have more than that one single? I really want to hear more from them, I liked them when I listened to them. Although I think I personally like Ry:dia more, I really love that vocalist, Berallwarp Rheim is really good too, I love his melodies. <3
  15. Spike760

    I'm going to Japan this Summer, and I'm going to make a huge list of all the bands no one could find and I'm going to search for them while I'm there, this is #1 on that list. xD
  16. Spike760

    I liked MIRROR, but I LOVE Coll:Set. MIRROR has too happy or something, I don't know, but don't get me wrong because there's some really awesome songs on it, like TRICKSTAR, and SQUALL, and yeah... xD
  17. Spike760

    I liked the newer single more than the CYCLONE single, but I still wish they'd go back to being more hardcore, like even if it was like PLAY DOLLs and not obtain +1 era.
  18. Spike760

    awoi - Yuuyake Karasu
  19. Spike760

    ??? - ??
  20. Spike760

    Haha yeah Vol 3 Subliminal Verses, kind of sucked, I liked "Duality" and maybe a couple other tracks, but like their self-titled album is the best. It's so intense. xD
  21. Spike760

    Yaminade - Gyou
  22. Spike760

    Yaminade - Gyou <33
  23. Spike760

    julius - Imitation Scars
  24. Spike760

    julius - Against all of you For the win. <3
  25. Spike760

    ???????? - INJURIOUS
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