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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    Yeah can anyone upload any of their albums, I was listening to them in my friend's car and I've heard some of their stuff before like "Chop Suey" and "BYOB" and stuff, but like there were some really tight songs, I want to hear more. xD
  2. Spike760

    Yeah me either, I've really only heard like 5 songs or something, but they remind me a lot of BLOOD STAIN CHILD.
  3. Children of Bodom Similar Japanese Artist: BLOOD STAIN CHILD This band is frickin' awesome, I used to listen to them before I listened to Japanese Rock, I don't think I have any of my songs still though, but they're really good if you want to check them out. I heard all their new stuff sucks a lot though. http://www.myspace.com/childrenofbodom
  4. Spike760

    I want the new Bergerac D: Slipknot - Wait and Bleed
  5. Spike760

    AFI Current Members: * Davey Havok - vocals (1991-present) * Jade Puget - guitar, backing vocals, programming, keyboard (1998-present) * Hunter Burgan - bass, backing vocals, programming, keyboard (1997-present) * Adam Carson - drums, backing vocals (1991-present) Former Members: * Mark Stopholese - guitar, backing vocals (1991-1998) * Geoff Kresge - bass, backing vocals (1992-1997) * Vic Chalker - bass (1991-1992) This is a really good band, probably my favorite American band. I actually bought a lot of their CD's, like 4 of them, which is a lot for me. I really don't like their older stuff, it's like hardcore punk-ish, but ever since "Sing the Sorrow" their 2nd to newest album, they've been really good I would say. AFI's MySpace AFI - Sing the Sorrow My favorite album. <3 Also my rip.
  6. Spike760

    Prey sounds pretty cool, but the other songs didn't really do too much for me, I don't know it's really hard for me to get into American music for some reason. ><;;
  7. Spike760

    Clorican - kawariyuku iro
  8. Spike760

    What Japanese bands would you consider them similar to?
  9. Spike760

    Domain - Mr.dMs.Psych-loid
  10. Spike760

    tosinn - fukai toi
  11. Slipknot Location: Des Moines, Iowa (North America) Similar Japanese Artists: deathgaze You guys probably already know them, but yeah, I figured I'd post. I like them, this is the kind of stuff I listened to before I got into Dir en grey which got me into J-Rock. They're pretty hardcore, their newer stuff is kind of lighter, I'll post a demo or something if you guys want to try them out, for those who haven't. It's kind of repetitive stuff with decent melodies, I'd still suggest J-Rock over it, but they're not bad. Slipknot - Wait and Bleed Slipknot - My Plague
  12. Spike760

    ???? - Himawari
  13. Spike760

    Yeah, I want to find more by them, that's the only release I have. ???? - Hikouki no Shounen Ok these guys are WAAAAY better than I remember, they totally remind me of heidi. which makes sense, lol xD
  14. Spike760

    Yeah they are, I'm listening to the release I have, "Makkura, Makkuro, Makkaka na Asa", actually I want to hear more, does anyone have any? I need to listen to Jaguar again now too, lol.
  15. Spike760

    ??? - Kanashii Uta They're better than I remember, lol.
  16. Spike760

    Ah ok sweet, I always forget about them, I don't remember getting into AWOI, but I remember Jaguar being pretty good.
  17. Spike760

    x????x - ???????
  18. Spike760

    Lovin' - SIREN
  19. Spike760

    Yeah they're really awesome too, I think I like them better than exist trace, but it's like the same sound, plus the female vocalist. xD I have another band, lol. ??? ???? I'm like trying to read the kana, but I fail.
  20. Spike760

    I never really checked them out, hmmm, maybe I should.
  21. Spike760

    I wouldn't say they're typical, but then again I don't listen to much kotekote kei, which is what it sounds like they're going for. Phantasmagoria did seem to have a similar sound as them though, and like they kind have like the orchestral thing that Jeniva has going... err MO I always forget how to spell it.
  22. Spike760

    R-15 - Mis.caloline
  23. Spike760

    THE KIDDIE - Tsubasa graffiti
  24. Spike760

    Ruvie - Nameless Song
  25. Spike760

    lynch. - Rasen I seriously can't believe this isn't on THE BURIED... >>
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