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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    VAGERKE - El Camino Real
  2. Spike760

    BERLIN - Revantain
  3. Spike760

    I agree, especially when deathgaze had Hazuki, lol. xD I don't know, I think a lot of Japanese vocalists are better than American one's, lol but that's just my opinion, maybe it's the dialect or something, but I feel that the Japanese melodies are a lot better than American one's as well, but maybe I'm just not listening to the right American music.
  4. Spike760

    julius - Imitation Scars
  5. Spike760

    Yaminade - Gyou
  6. Spike760

    Have you heard "Depth" yet? It's going to be on the mini-album we're making. It's only 30 seconds, really Sadie-ish. And it's only guitar, I have a demo with vocals but we're working out the melody more before we release that. julius - Against all of you
  7. Spike760

    Probably not that intense, but he's definitely not bad. We're going to have more demo's up soon. xD julius - Imitation Scars
  8. Spike760

    I agree. It's awesome too because I showed my vocalist all this new stuff, and we're totally rocking the Neo Visual Kei style now and going for a Yaminade/julius/-OZ-/Sadie/girugamesh style, lol. julius - go ahead
  9. Spike760

    They're pretty cool from what I've heard, the vocalist has a very unique strange way of singing, but I really liked the song "Hysteria". I'm looking for that song too if anyone can help me out. xD
  10. Spike760

    Domain - Mr.dMs.Psych-loid
  11. Spike760

    Yaminade - Gyou
  12. Spike760

    THE RUDIE SATAN PARK This band sounds so awesome, I've been looking for stuff by them for a while now, Prism first showed me them a while back, they sound so awesome. They remind me of meth.. Here's the two demos: UNDER THE SUN (Sample) Coldscenery (Sample)
  13. Spike760

    10 Years - Half Life
  14. Spike760

    Ok cool thank you very much. Yeah, I realized I'm really picky about things, but yeah, they sound pretty awesome. How come that one girl is in like only half of the pictures, lol.
  15. Spike760

    Yeah Finnish Metal is amazing, I still want to get some of their stuff though. D:
  16. Spike760

    Wow they sound really REALLY awesome!! Can anyone share anything?
  17. Spike760

    AFI - The Celluloid Dream
  18. Spike760

    I've only heard CRAZY, and not even that much, but I like Lil Wayne's remix of it "Weezy Gone Crazy" lol, that's like the only rap song I like, lol.
  19. Spike760

    I'd suggest trying out "Wait and Bleed" if you want to listen to them, a lot of people like that song the most who don't like hardcore songs as much, because it has a melodic chorus that's pretty catchy, the verses is still a lot of yelling, but overall it's a pretty good song.
  20. Spike760

    Yeah Miss Murder, is off their newest album "December underground" I think "Sing the Sorrow" is really good, like holy shit the song that just came on "Paper Airplanes (Makeshift Wings)" is so awesome sounding, you should try "Sing the Sorrow" when it's done uploading *looks* which is now. xD
  21. Spike760

    I'm thinking if you like deathgaze, you'll like them. They have a real similar song. Like when I first heard deathgaze, I immediately thought of Slipknot.
  22. Spike760

    Ok cool thanks for that. xD Yeah I'm uploading my rip of AFI, lol. I don't even know what kbps it is, it just opened in WMP when I put it in my PC and I was like "rip" lol.
  23. Spike760

    Ah ok. D': AFI - Dancing Through Sunday
  24. Spike760

    Ok I will. Edit: Ok I'm like half way through the CD, it's not bad, but like I'm not really getting into it either, like I don't really remember any of the songs. :\
  25. Spike760

    What other songs have you heard besides "Girl's Not Grey" that's the song that made me fall in love with them. xD I'm uploading their album "Sing the Sorrow" now which I think is their best by far, it has "Girl's Not Grey" on it too. There's still like another 15 minutes on the upload.
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