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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    http://www.romaji.org Sorry for the delayed reply.
  2. Spike760

    Can you get that, and give it to me? Haha. I only have two songs... >>; Very stereotypical, but very good. I love the stereotypical neo VK thing going on.
  3. Spike760

    It - a lost child
  4. Spike760

    Suicide Ali - Representa
  5. Spike760

    On JaME it says they have an album "Core" for January 9th, 2008 release. One of the versions comes with a DVD, so I'm assuming there's going to be a PV or something, but there's no track listing yet.
  6. Spike760

    I only have 5 songs by them on two singles. That song not being one of them. D: How much stuff do you have? And yeah, taka you should try them again, I like them, I mean they're not my favorite, but they're pretty cool, I was like listening to them a lot last week but like Die La'Vice kind of replaced them, lol.
  7. Spike760

    ADOLF Does anyone listen to ADOLF here? I think they're older, I've seen posts about them at like Tonberry or something before, but I never bothered to grab it, but then I saw some on a LJ or something, and I got like 2 songs, and they're like really good, well kind of stereotypical if I remember right, but I liked them. Does anyone know where I can get more too?
  8. Spike760

    Waruiyatsu! Has anyone ever listened to them before? I just recently found out about them, I don't even remember where I found them. But they are pretty cool, I really like them, I'll upload to rare downloads if anyone is interested.
  9. Spike760

    Suicide Ali - Representa
  10. Spike760

    Dollis - autism
  11. Spike760

    Yeah they just released elf on Halloween, it's in the download section if you're interested, it's really good.
  12. Spike760

    Die La'Vice - Shu on
  13. Spike760

    Suicide Ali - THIS NEW ORDER
  14. Spike760

    One release no one can find!! D: Damn this sucks!! D:
  15. Spike760

    Happy Birthday whitesnow, Kaori, and Tokage!! Lot's of birthdays today!! xD
  16. Spike760

    ??????? - ???ByeBye
  17. Spike760

    Oh shit, for some reason when I saw that I was thinking it's old, because I always think that they're disbanded. But I just always get them mixed up with ChelseA for some reason, lol. Edit: The single got taken down!! D: Can someone upload it here... D:
  18. Spike760

    BERLIN - absolude
  19. Spike760

  20. Spike760

    Hmm interesting, yeah I've never heard of any of those bands. Do you have any stuff by them by any chance? Also is BLACK JACK even around anymore or not, because my stuff is not dated, so I have no idea when they're from.
  21. Spike760

    Questions about Artists Ok I just had a new idea, like if you have a question about an artist or something, you just ask it here or something, unless they have a topic or something, I don't know, lol. But yeah this is kind of random, I'm just really curious if anyone knows who the vocalist of BLACK JACK was, because I really love his vocals in "Kousagi", his voice sounds really familiar, like he reminds me of the vocalist in Wizard or something, maybe it's only that song, because that's like the only song I listen to by them. But I'm really curious, because if he went to another band I want to listen to them too!! BLACK JACK
  22. Spike760

    Ruincrear - Bury
  23. Spike760

    ????? - Girls in the Sky that Color is Scarlet
  24. Spike760

    re:Make - re:bel scream parasite six
  25. Spike760

    lolita23q - G Senjou Rhetoric
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